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Master's of Education (M.Ed.) in Counselor Education



The mission of the Counselor Education program at Ohio University is to provide quality instruction and supervised experience to prepare our students to learn, lead, 并在一个多样化和不断变化的世界中服务. 该计划通过研究为当地和全球社区做出贡献, technical assistance, partnerships, training, 及其他相关公益活动.

Students and faculty in the Counselor Education program are guided by the American Counseling Association (ACA, 2014)道德准则,并致力于咨询的道德实践. In the classroom, fieldwork, 还有课外活动, 我们承认并重视学生的不同背景和观点, faculty, site supervisors, and clients. 我们认为强调多样性, inclusion, 宣传加强了所有人的学习经验. Please review the 辅导员教育项目对多样性和包容性的承诺 了解更多newbb电子平台的价值观. 

The program offers three areas of specialization accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). 硕士学位可以在5-6个学期的全日制学习中完成, 取决于专业领域. Students can also complete multiple specialization areas to expand their skills and marketability upon graduation.




    CMHC专业为毕业生做好预防准备, diagnosis, 以及通过解决情感问题来治疗精神健康障碍, cognitive, 以及综合咨询方法的行为过程. 



    The CMH/CLRC dual specialization prepares graduates as mental health counselors and rehabilitation counselors that facilitate the personal, vocational, 以及残疾人的经济独立.



    Experience hands-on training and build connections in our On-Campus School Counseling Specialization. Learn to lead and advocate for pre-K-12 students in an engaging, in-person environment.



    通过我们的在线学校咨询专业,随时随地提升您的职业生涯. Gain the skills to lead and advocate for K-12 students in a flexible, virtual setting.



    The Clinical Mental Health and School Counseling dual program allows students to obtain specialization in both clinical mental health counseling and school counseling. 


Approximately 25-30 master's students are admitted to the Counselor Education program annually. 申请审查于2024年1月15日开始,为2024年秋季入学期限. Prospective students can apply by selecting the appropriate counseling specialty area code. 

Application Materials

  • Transcripts 显示学士学位,平均绩点(GPA)为2.9 or higher on a 4.0 scale.
    • 平均绩点低于2分者.9 may still apply but must submit Verbal and Quantitative scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
    • 平均绩点低于2分者.9 may still apply but should address past academic performance and aptitude for graduate study in the Personal Statement. The review committee will consider additional information as described by the applicant and references on an individual basis. 
  • 三封推荐信 由现任/前任教授撰写, supervisors, or others in the field who can address the applicant’s suitability for a graduate program in counseling.
  • Personal Statement 约3-5张双倍行距的页码,内容如下:
    • What are your career goals? 你生活中的哪些经历和/或人影响了你的职业目标?
    • What experiences have you had that you believe would help you be successful in a graduate program in counselor education? 
    • Describe your personal characteristics that will be assets and challenges to your study in counselor education. What qualities do you possess that you believe enable you to become an effective counselor? 
    • Describe your culturally relevant interpersonal experiences with individuals or groups who differ from you (e.g.,种族,性别,性取向,年龄,精神信仰,能力).
    • 辅导员的准备工作包括大量的自我探索和发现. 在这个过程中,你将如何管理你的个人和职业界限? 你与其他咨询师教育项目的候选人有何不同?
    • Describe anything else you wish the program faculty to consider with your application.

Admissions Process

  • 申请将在1月15日之后立即由2-3名教员审查. 
  • 被学院筛选的申请人将被邀请参加小组面试. 
  • Following the interview, the faculty will submit admissions recommendations to the Graduate College. 
  • 正式录取通知由研究生院通过电子邮件发送. Applicants must respond promptly and inform the Graduate College whether or not they accept the offer of admission. 
  • Students who accept an offer of admission and then change their minds about attending must inform the Program Coordinator and Graduate College immediately. 
  • Accepted students will receive communication from the program coordinator about their assigned faculty advisor, orientation, and course registration. 

The Counselor Education program continues to accept applications beyond the January 15th priority deadline. Interested applicants for the master’s program are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. Prospective students interested in applying after the January 15th date must contact the Program Coordinator directly. 申请只会在所有职位未被填满的情况下被考虑. Students are admitted for the Fall semester each year and may begin taking elective coursework in the preceding Summer session.

Apply Now



The Master's degree in Counselor Education requires core coursework in foundations of counseling, theory and techniques, appraisal, human development, research methodology, and group counseling. Students receive additional training in their area(s) of specialization and complete supervised professional practice experiences in practicum and internship. Upon completing the Master's degree, all students, regardless of specialization, will be able to:

  • 展示专业咨询知识和学习理论, personality interpretation, and developmental issues.
  • Develop and apply essential counseling skills in individual and group counseling settings.
  • Describe the influence of the social and cultural context on client and counselor worldview, experiences, and behaviors.
  • 在咨询实践中运用多元文化和社会公正的咨询能力.
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of professional counselors and demonstrate knowledge of legal and ethical obligations to the profession and the public.
  • Identify what it means to be a counseling professional and develop skills to advocate for the profession.
  • 发展个人的咨询哲学.
  • 认识到他们的实践环境的具体条件和需求, and develop advocacy skills to address institutional and social barriers that impede access, equity, and success for clients.



Tamarine Foreman
Patton Hall 432L