
Establishing Accounts

Unrestricted 和 Auxiliary Accounts

Departments requesting a new unrestricted or auxiliary account please fill out a Chart of Accounts (COA) Segment Value Request Form.

Internal Award Accounts (Honors Tutorial, PURF, 海, 启动, Kopchick奖, 贝克奖, 1804年奖, OURC, 研究动机, 等)

There are designated individuals in each Planning Unit trained to set up 内部奖励.

Planning units are responsible for setting up their 教师, or Departmental Projects 和 Tasks.

Award Managers are responsible for setting up Awards.

Specifically for new Internal Award-研究动机 (RI) accounts

For indirect distributions to new RI PTA's:

如果有 is an already existing Project for the 教师 member or Department, GAFR will determine the correct Planning Unit RI Award # to use & will create a $0 预算 & Funding on the RI award to create the valid P-T-A combination.. The planning unit does not need to do anything.

如果有 不是 an already existing Project for the 教师 member or Department, the planning unit will need to create a new Project. The RI Task is a default on the project template 和 will be automatically created when the new Project is set up. GAFR will determine the correct Planning Unit RI Award # to use & will create a $0 预算 & Funding on the RI award to create the valid P-T-A combination.

For new RI PTA's that will be funded with a transfer before any Indirect distributions:

电子邮件 金融@俄亥俄州.edu with the Project # for the 教师 member or Department 和 the Planning Unit associated with that Project, 和 GAFR will create a $0 预算 & Funding on the RI award to create the valid P-T-A combination.


Departments seeking grant or other sponsored funds must first complete a grant proposal, including a budget breakdown for the proposed funds. Departments will work with the Office of Research 和 Sponsored Programs (ORSP) to prepare 和 submit this information to the sponsor 和 within the LEO Electronic Portal. 和 Grants 和 Contracts 会计. After award documentation is reviewed 和 approved by ORSP, the appropriate information will be entered into Oracle 和 award documents will be generated by LEO. Grant opportunities as well as guidelines on proposal development合同管理 are available on the ORSP site. For further information concerning the pre-award process, please contact the ORSP Service Center at orsp@俄亥俄州.edu. Questions regarding established accounts should be directed to Grants 和 Contracts 会计 at 金融.grants@俄亥俄州.edu.

Foundation Accounts

All new Foundation account requests should go through the Assistant Vice President for University Advancement. If you are interested in establishing a new gift account, contact your planning unit's director of development or the assistant director of development, 中心发展. If you are unsure who your director of development is, see University Advancement's 工作人员 Listing.