


In an effort to support educational programs at the Heritage College, 校园专项资金是可用的. These events include but are not limited to: attendance at national conferences and community outreach programs.

所有 interested students and student organizations are encouraged to apply as early as possible for funding during the academic 一年. Requests are granted on a first-come-first-serve basis; there are limited funds available to support national conference attendance.

The college has agreed to automatically approve absence requests for this 获批准会议名单. Campus Deans will have the final determination on adding additional conferences to the approved list. 批准缺席并不保证资金. 



A.     Applications for funding must be submitted a minimum of 30 days in advance of the conference/event. Please contact your campus Assistant Director of 学生事务 to discuss your options if you have missed the deadline. 

B.     Approval for funding does not excuse a student from any required activity. If the proposed activity requires a student to miss required class(es), a professional absence request must also be submitted via eMedley a minimum of 2 weeks 之前 to the activity.

C.      资金 disbursements cannot be made until after the event/conference has taken place and itemized receipts have been submitted to the 学生事务 or Campus Dean office along with proof that your absence from any required courses was approved. Please consider how you will pay for the conference upfront and/or how you will fund the remaining balance. 请记住,资金是不能保证的.

D.      可以报销的项目包括住宿费, transportation (including flights and ground transportation - IRS mileage rate/rideshare), 会议注册. There is no reimbursement for food or purchases made with points/rewards. 

E.      Requests for funding will not be approved for events that have not been registered. 要注册您的活动,请点击以下链接: 活动登记. 如果你申请参加会议, 没有必要将您的出席登记为活动.

F.      申请将以先到先得的方式考虑, 先得滚动式, 并且资金可能在任何时候被暂停. 

G.     所有的资金决定都是最终的. 资金不保证.    

* 请考虑: 所有 reimbursements must be requested 30 days 之前 to the end of the fiscal 一年 (6/30) or your award will apply to the following fiscal 一年.


Please have the following ready before beginning your application if applicable:

A.      Students applying for travel related to their organization and organizations applying for funding to support community outreach programs must submit a copy of their newbb电子平台 banking statement that is up to date with the most recent balance. 登入OBI (http://obiprd.oit.OHIO.edu/), 转到仪表板, 可用的学生基金, enter your account number in both of the Organization Between fields, 点击newbb电子, click the link for your account number under the Cost Center column, 点击成本中心损益表, 点击打印, 及可列印PDF格式. A document will be created that you can download and save.

B.      Students required to travel for their organization will need to upload a copy of their bylaws, 宪章, or other documentation that indicates their role is required to travel.

C.      One student who is submitting an application for group travel should obtain the following about each person included in their application from their specific campus: name, 一年, 在组织中的职位, 他们是否需要旅行, 需要出差的证明(如适用)

D.      Students presenting research will need to upload the acceptance letter from their conference.




  • 展示研究或要求的Org/Club旅行:                                                  650美元(Max)
  • 选修旅行(非必修课/非研究报告):                                        $ 450(最大)
  • 参加会议的学生在90分钟内到达:                             注册只
  • 提出研究:                                                                                                450美元(Max)
  • 需要旅行 (担任国家职务)                                                                  300美元(Max)


  • One (1) professional funding request will be considered per student per academic 一年 with consideration to special exceptions and circumstances for class leaders/officers.
  • 应提交请求 之前 出差以确保资金到位并获得批准.
  • OMSI-II组申请应提交 所有 预期/已知的参与者.
    • Anticipated funding for Required Attendance $650 and General Attendance $450
    • 集团newbb电子程序 (不超过8人) 由行政部门审查
    • Groups larger than 8 should work with campus Assistant Director of 学生事务 staff to discuss the circumstance before submitting a request
    • 集团newbb电子程序 will additionally be reviewed by Heritage 学生事务 staff at all sites to establish consistency with the range of funding support offered.
  • OMS i ii students seeking a Second Award (2 Requests) within an academic 一年 can be considered on a case-by-case basis pending available funds. 
  • 由学校自行决定, funding levels may be reduced depending on budget availability within the fiscal 一年.
  • 潜在的融资机会和其他来源:
    • 研究和资助办公室 (如果提出研究)- 学生最多可以有两个 研究海报 printed through the 研究和资助办公室 per fiscal 一年 (July 1 to June 30) at no cost to them.
    • ORUP (if presenting research on rural and urban underserved health)
    • 包容性办公室 (为AMEC的SNMA执行委员会提供资金)
  • Non-travel funding requests for club and organization programming to be reviewed as applicable by the Dean’s Office on a case-by-case basis pending available funds.
资金申请表格可于 雅典, 克利夫兰, 都柏林.
Information regarding attendance and absence policies are located on the 医学教育政策和程序 网页.


遗产学院研究和资助办公室 also has information on funding resources, including those that are outside of the Heritage College. 看到 研究及资助办公室学生资源网页 了解更多信息.

ORUP医学教育研究RFP - The Office of 农村和服务不足项目 is committed to promoting medical education research and scholarship in rural and/or urban underserved settings and with students learning in and about those communities. 通过ORUP医学教育研究基金, ORUP为教师提供资金奖励, staff and medical students for medical education research projects. 看到 ORUP医学教育研究网页 了解更多信息.