


This information is adopted from the current SGA Constitution.

问题? 联系 学生事务 at your respective campus.

•雅典: 萨拉·劳伦斯 
•克利夫兰: 雷切尔摩尔 
•都柏林: Dr. 凯拉的责任 

Student 组织公平

All organizations must participate in the Fall Heritage College 组织公平.

1.    Each organization participating in the 组织公平 must provide information to be displayed at an informational table.
2.    Each organization is responsible for adhering to the 组织公平 policy.

组织公平 Policy

No student organization may register members prior to the Heritage College 组织公平.

In an effort to allow more dissemination of information, all organizations may participate in the following limiting guidelines:

  1. Prior to the 组织公平, each student organization may publicize its organization.
  2. Acceptable methods of publicity are limited to the following: signs/posters, 一封群发邮件, 嵌合, and verbal communication.
  3. The purpose of all materials used must be informational or educational. These details may include information such as the organizational purpose, 注册费用, date and time of the 组织公平, events throughout the year and current officers.
  4. Materials may not contain any information allowing students to pre-register or sign-up for anything prior to the 组织公平 (such as raffles, 赠品, 等.) However, materials may publicize what will occur at the 组织公平 (i.e. 抽奖、抽奖等.)
  5. Exceptions must be approved ahead of time by the SGA Vice President and SGA Advisor at your respective campus.