
'Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back,' 汉娜Louck tells first-year students

newbb电子平台 student 汉娜Louck has some advice for first-year students: "Don't let imposter syndrome hold you back."

现在是大三学生, Louck has amassed a resume full of learning experiences 和 work opportunities, 和 a cadre full of friends 和 colleagues.

"The hardest hill I had to climb was fighting off imposter syndrome in a new academic space. Challenging myself to enter competitive spaces like Mock Trial 和 the Margaret Boyd Scholars program has created the confidence I need to face other challenges that come my way. Imposter syndrome is something a lot of people face entering new places, but it is important to recognize you deserve to be there just as much as everyone else,洛克说.

Louck's latest role is working as a pre-law associate in the Center for 法律、正义 和 文化 (CLJC), where she is responsible for communicating with students 和 alumni for events, creating posters for events, operating the CLJC social media accounts, 和 working on the weekly newsletter.

"I highly recommend students apply for any positions they are interested in. I have had many different types of experiential-learning opportunities throughout the last four years of my life at OHIO, 和 they have all been an amazing supplement to my academic endeavors. Putting skills from the classroom into real-world practice has been a key part of figuring out what I want to do after undergrad,洛克说。, who is double majoring in 历史法学预科社会学法学预科, minoring in political science, 和 pursuing a 法律、正义 & 文化证书.

“Hannah has been a valuable addition to our team. CLJC pre-law associates tend to be dynamic 和 passionate students who care a great deal about the work. Hannah has been no exception.  She is able to successfully juggle multiple work deadlines while prioritizing her studies 和 maintaining her involvement in leadership of student organizations,” 拉里·海曼先生., director of legal engagement 和 the pre-law program at the Center for 法律、正义 & 文化.


Q: What is one of the most surprising things you’ve discovered during your job?

A: I was surprised to see the behind-the-scenes operation at the CLJC. 这是一个小团队, but they work very hard to bring a plethora of law-related events 和 opportunities to students here on campus. The staff at the CLJC are very passionate about providing students with all the resources they need to be successful.

Q: How has this position helped shape your career planning?

A: As someone who is still considering whether to attend law school or graduate school, I know the experiences I will have working in the CLJC will help make that decision easier next year.

Q: Who have been your favorite professors 和 how have they made an impact on your life? 

A: Two of my favorite professors have been Dr. 米歇尔ClouseDr. 凯文•马特森. Dr. Clouse has continued to be a helpful 和 kind figure in my life since my freshman year. She has been an amazing advisor as well 和 got me through the toughest semester of my life. I am grateful to have taken a class with Dr. Mattson because he actively challenges our ideas during class discussions 和 makes us think deeper about our beliefs 和 reasoning. Each of these professors have given me lessons I will take with me beyond just the classroom.

Q: What are your favorite OHIO memories?

A: My favorite OHIO memories are all the late nights in Alden 图书馆 with my friends. I loved the comradery we had in high-stress situations. Every study session is more fun with friends who make you laugh.

Q: What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO student not to miss?

A: I think that OHIO students shouldn’t miss the opportunities for growth that are all around them. Whether it’s attending an event or joining an organization, I have never regretted taking a chance 和 trying something new.
