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凯尔鲍尔泽 joins American Enterprise Institute as Jeane Kirkpatrick Fellow

newbb电子平台校友 凯尔鲍尔泽 has started his new position as a Jeane Kirkpatrick Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

鲍尔泽说,他获得了 Ph.D. 在历史上 in 2022, held a postdoctoral fellowship at the Clements Center for National Security at the University of Texas in 2022-23 和 recently published a chapter on “US military diplomacy 和 the imperial state of Iran” in Boots 和 Suits: Historical Cases 和 Contemporary Lessons in Military Diplomacy 以及 an article on Cold War nuclear strategy 《newbb电子平台》.

At the American Enterprise Institute, 鲍尔泽, who was the 2021-22 Baker Peace Fellow at OHIO, will work on questions of long-term strategic competition 和 U.S. 大战略, 以及 his forthcoming book "The Revivalists: James Schlesinger, 竞争激烈的核战略家, 和 the Rebirth of Cold War American Deterrence."

How did his time at OHIO 和 the History Ph.D. 并在 近代史研究所 set him on his current career path at the intersection of history 和 policy?


Q: In what ways are you drawing on your OHIO degree today?

A: I continue to draw from seminars, discussions 和 coursework that helped me develop a historical sensibility. 我认为这种观点, 或方法, can inform how the present is analogous 和 different from the past, 这有助于诊断问题. At the American Enterprise Institute, this perspective informs my work on nuclear strategy 和 policy—specifically, examining the deterrence requirements in a multi-sided nuclear system. 和, as I continue to turn my dissertation into a book, I draw on my past discussions with OHIO mentors 和 friends.

Q: What classes 和/or professors shaped your studies 和 your research? Did you start out with a clear idea for a dissertation, or did it evolve from your coursework 和 exam preparations?

A: I arrived in graduate school interested in strategy 和 policy—和 quickly realized I knew very little about strategy 和 policy. Thankfully, my seminars 和 courses with Ingo Trauschweizer约翰Brobst 弥补了这个不足. Due to my interests, 教授 Brobst suggested I look into James Schlesinger. 从那里, 教授 Trauschweizer sharpened my thinking on the relationship between the policy of containment 和 nuclear strategy. I started to think of nuclear deterrence as less of a reactive, negative enterprise 和 more of a forward-leaning, 和平时期竞争性战略. 教授 保罗Milazzo encouraged me to dive deeper into Schlesinger’s time as a Schumpeter student. This revealed an interesting connection between the Schumpeterian notion of long-term, dynamic competition 和 Schlesinger’s strategic approach.

除了论文,教授 切斯特Pach的 research seminar was a tremendous introduction to the historian’s craft.

Q: Do you keep in touch with any of your faculty?

是的. I run many ideas by them, 和 they always make them better. 和 I still have my notes from lectures 和 seminars. I often turn back to my Vietnam War, Afghan Wars/Great Game, 和 post-1945 U.S. 课堂讲稿.

Q: What was your ah-ha moment at OHIO—that point where you said to yourself, “I’ve got this!”?

A: I’m not sure if I ever had a “ah-ha” moment. 我一直有一种健康的怀疑态度. I am still skeptical 和 working to improve as a historian. But I was encouraged when my comprehensive exam shifted from a flurry of questions into more of a conversation. 这很有趣,也很值得.

Q:  What was the hardest hill you had to climb (not counting Jeff Hill) at OHIO? 和 how did you overcome challenges or obstacles in your path?

A: 研究ing 和 writing a dissertation during the p和emic was tricky. But I stuck with it—probably because of the great mentorship 和 support from the 历史系, 近代史研究所, 和 friends. My dissertation improved dramatically after each chapter draft 教授 Trauschweizer critiqued. 和 conversations with 教授 Brobst 和 Adam 给ns (2019 OHIO History Ph.D. 和 now at RAND) encouraged me to have confidence in my argument 和 stay the course.

Q: What are your favorite OHIO memories?

A: I had a great experience working with the professors 和 several wonderful graduate cohorts. I’m proud to have done my graduate work at OU 和 the 近代史研究所. Trips to O’Betty’s 和 Jackie O’s were highlights.

Q: What’s the one thing you would tell a new OHIO graduate student not to miss? 

A: I’d encourage them to seek out the senior students, 以及 students from newer cohorts. I learned a great deal from both, in terms of research 和 navigating graduate school. Read everything you can—grad school is your final opportunity to dedicate a significant amount of time to reading.
