

的指导方针 for handling University owned (green tag) equipment is described below. Note that all equipment is subject to 大学政策19.054:设备库存控制.

Questions about the procedures detailed below, as well as all forms, should be sent to 金融.equipmentinventory@俄亥俄州.edu.

Please use the 设备库存 快速参考指南 for assistance in pulling your organizations inventory listing.



  • When received directly in the using department from the supplier, the 设备库存 Office will locate and tag the equipment.
  • Equipment received as gifts through the newbb电子平台 Foundation (OUF) are to be tagged with the assistance of the recipient's department contact. 的 necessary information required for the inventory records will be determined by OUF and the department. If your department has received gifts that are not on your inventory listing please notify 设备库存. Gifts have the same criteria for tagging as any equipment purchased. It is important they are recorded in the financial year they were received.


的 tag number assigned to a piece of equipment serves as the central mechanism for establishing a unit record in the inventory control system. Each record must contain the following information on the item:

  • Person to whom the equipment is assigned
  • 设备描述
  • Serial or manufacturer identification number
  • 原始成本
  • Purchase order number (if applicable)
  • 收购日期
  • 处理日期
  • 类别
  • Department to which equipment is assigned
  • Location (building and room number)

Changes in Status of Equipment, Maintenance, and Disposition

Changes in the status of equipment must be reported to 金融 by the department that is accountable for the equipment. 的 Equipment Status Change form (Excel) 应该用于此目的吗. Status changes are to be reported as they occur and will be reported to sponsor agencies as needed. Examples of status changes include:

  • 偷来的
  • 取消了(我.e.,送至校园回收处)
  • 交易
  • 退回给供应商
  • Transferred to another department or responsible person
  • Relocated to a different room or building

All equipment that is considered surplus is to be disposed of by contacting 流动及盈余

Equipment owned by the University may be removed from campus only with the permission of the department head. Equipment taken off-campus must be under the supervision of an employee of the University. A Request to take Equipment Off-Campus form (Excel) must be filled out and a copy sent to the 设备库存 Office prior to taking equipment off campus, and again when the equipment is returned.


每两年一次, the 设备库存 Office will e-mail each department contact advising on the process for auditing equipment. This will occur as soon as possible after March 31 or September 30. 的 list is to be verified by the department and all corrections reported to the 设备库存 Office on an Equipment Status Change form. 的 certification accompanying the e-mail must be signed by the department head and returned with the list of changes.

请参阅 两年一次的认证 了解更多信息.


Every quarter, the 设备库存 Office will e-mail each department contact. This email will include instructions to do a quarterly check of the departments equipment. No documents need returned during this review. 的 季度库存 review is strictly a reminder to review the departments 设备库存.


Equipment inventories will be periodically audited by both State auditors and University accounting personnel. 的refore, it is imperative that all transactions affecting movable equipment be properly recorded.

Terminated Employee assigned equipment

When a employee leaves the university and are assigned assets the 设备库存 office needs to be notified. Please use the 设备库存 dashboard in 奥比EE to determine if a employee had assets assigned to them. Please send the equipment inventory office a completed Equipment Status Change form with the new contact if necessary, 参见上面的说明.

请参阅 snippit below for pulling terminate employee listing. If the highlighted area is marked "Y" only assets assigned to terminated employees will show after hitting "newbb电子"
