
Upcoming 俄亥俄州 Credit 项目

Discover the perfect program to suit your interests and academic goal with our tentative menu of Academic Year 2024-2025 俄亥俄州-Credit 项目!  If you want more info on a specific opportunity, just select on the program's name to visit its website.

Keep in mind that dates, 最后期限, and other details can vary from program to program, but here are some typical application 最后期限 to help you plan:

  • 秋季课程:5月
  • 寒假 项目: August
  • 春季学期 & 春假 项目: October 1
  • 夏天 项目: December 15

Can't find exactly what you're looking for on this menu? 不用担心! If you're interested in exploring other program options like 交换 or 下属 provider 项目, head over to our 浏览程序 page for more choices and opportunities!

夏天伯利兹文化 and Classroom
夏天博茨瓦纳Rehabilitation Services
寒假哥斯达黎加Ecotourism Destinations
寒假哥斯达黎加Introduction to Global 健康
春假古巴Comparative 健康 Systems
春假多米尼加共和国Community Engagement and 文化
夏天厄瓜多尔夏天 Training Applied Research and Service Learning (STARS)
春假法国Culinary Couture: Exploring Parisian Flair
夏天德国International Mass 媒体 and History
夏天加纳Clinical and Public 健康
春假意大利Eternal Rome - Power and Piety
夏天意大利Italian in Florence
夏天日本动画 & 文化
夏天肯尼亚Community-Based Research
夏天Multi-国家 (德国, Czech Republic)Rhetorics of Remembering
夏天南非Law, Justice, and Transitions to Democracy
寒假泰国文化 and Communication
寒假泰国Wildlife and Conservation
寒假United Kingdom, EnglandExploring Art in London
夏天United Kingdom, WalesFrom Appalachia to Wales - Coal, 文化, and Community
春假United Kingdom, EnglandLiterature of London - the Imperial City
春假United Kingdom, Northern 爱尔兰人权、法律. 和正义
夏天United Kingdom, ScotlandEdinburgh City and Environment
春天的短期美国MDIA Master Class, Brooklyn with Joel Hamilton
春天的短期美国MDIA Master Class, Chicago with Steve Albini
寒假美国MDIA Master Class, Providence with Jim Eno
夏天美国Outdoor Leadership
春假美国Regional Field Geology
秋天,春天, and 夏天美国斯克里普斯在华盛顿
秋天美国Storytelling in Theme Parks
秋天,春天各种各样的Consortium for Overseas Teaching (COST)
寒假, 春假, 夏天各种各样的Global Consulting 程序