



June 12, 2006

Initiated by:

James E. 主管财务和人力资源行政的助理副总裁

Endorsed by:

Kathy Krendl | Provost

Approved by:

Roderick J. McDavis | President

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    规划单位和部门可以通过自愿提供短期等效全职时间(FTE)减薪来解决短期预算问题,同时满足其全职合同行政人员的调度需求. The program objectives are:

    1. 为员工提供更灵活的工作场所选择,以满足他们的个人需求.

    2. 为各部门提供短期预算削减方案.

    3. 允许根据预测的工作量变化调整人员配置.

    Employees may arrange with their supervisors, department heads, and planning unit heads for a voluntary, 短期减少员工的全职职位. 大学人力资源部门对这些安排的审查将包括检查他们的 voluntary nature.

  2. Process


    1. 员工向直接主管申请减薪(见部分) (C)(1) of this policy).

    2. 直接主管、部门主管和员工明确裁员条款,并完成“Voluntary Short-term Reduction Form." This may include specification of the minimum notice for early cancellation; if not specified, it defaults to two weeks; see part (A)(9) of this policy.

    3. Department head evaluates operating needs, service levels, 及其他部门内部提出的减少全职工作津贴的要求(见第 (C)(2) of this policy).

    4. 部门主管将要求和建议提交给计划部门主管批准或不批准.

    5. 计划单位负责人通知部门负责人和员工的决定(见部分 (C)(3) to (C)(6) of this policy), 包括对所提交的“Voluntary Short-term Reduction Form."

    6. 雇员以书面确认接受获批准的全职工作津贴减免.

    7. 部门主管处理经批准的全职员工裁减与人力资源和工资服务.

    8. 批准的减量是短期减量,其持续时间在提交的“Voluntary Short-term Reduction Form,但经规划单位负责人批准时修改的除外.

    9. 院系根据学校或院系需要,得取消减免. The employee may also cancel the reduction. 部门或员工的取消在通知发出两周后生效, 除非双方都同意另定日期, 或者在第一部分中规定了不同的最低通知 (A)(2) of this policy.

  3. Compensation and benefits

    The following apply to short-term reductions:

    1. Pay:  会否按减额及按比例分摊.

    2. Health insurance:  健康保险的覆盖范围和保费不会有任何变化.

    3. Payroll deductions:  员工需要(与UHR)安排这几个月的直接付款, if any, 当工资为零或很少,没有工资扣除发生. 这适用于医疗保险和其他工资扣除.

    4. Vacation accrual:  在这一短期全职人员裁减期间,应计假期将作调整. 如果员工每周工作40小时,每年减少几个月的工作时间, 假期按每月两天的标准计算:

      If the employee works fewer hours per week, vacation will accrue on a pro-rated basis, as specified in the submitted "Voluntary Short-term Reduction Form,但经规划单位负责人批准时修改的除外.

      这些假期应计表是政策的例外 41.010.

      1. 11 months - earn up to 20 days per year

      2. 10 months - earn up to 18 days per year

      3.   9 months - earn up to 16 days.

    5. Education benefits:  no change.

    6. Retirement:  每工作一个月,就可以获得退休抵免. 要获得一个月的积分,员工必须至少赚250美元.(包括工作时间), vacation, sick, and personal-time pay) during that month.

    7. Sick time accrual:  no change (see policy 40.029).

    8. Twelve-Month Pay Plan:  During their short-term FTE reduction, 雇员可以选择以24个相等的半月为单位领取工资, as described in policy 41.007.

  4. Notes

    1. 减少可以有多种形式,其中的例子包括:

      1. Reduced days per week.

      2. Reduced weeks per month.

      3. Reduced months per year (OPERS credit is only available for months worked; contact UHR for advice and counsel).

    2. 部门主管和计划单位主管必须考虑其单位的运作需要和其他员工的所有要求,以确定应批准的内容. 其他员工的要求和服务的影响会影响规划单位主管是否接受, alter, or deny any requests.

    3. 从经常开支裁减中所产生的节余将由规划单位主管酌情使用,以弥补短期预算不足.

    4. Approval of the reduction does not 减少规划单位的授权全职员工人数.

    5. The reduction can be extended by mutual consent. A new "Voluntary Short-term Reduction Form" should be completed and the process of part (A) of this policy, followed. 所有文件必须转发给薪资服务和UHR的记录部门.

    6. 如果“永久性削减”之后双方达成一致, 部门和员工将正式变更和调整该职位的FTE, 根据教务长办公室提供的单独指导方针进行管理.



  1. 财务和行政副总裁,首席财务官和财务主管

  2. Administrative Planning Unit Heads

  3. Administrative Department Heads

  4. Administrative Senate