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Schuneman 2022 hero

Schuneman Symposium 2022

March 29-30, 2022

"Different Voices, All Human"

在newbb电子平台由E.W. Scripps School of Journalism and the School of Visual Communication through the generous donation of R. Smith and Patricia Schuneman.

Programs are in person in Baker Center Theater and available virtually at the links below.


Tuesday, March 29

10:30 a.m. |最后边疆的新视角

Loren Holmes


Twitter: @lorenholmes

霍姆斯自2012年以来一直在《newbb电子平台》工作. Born and raised in Anchorage, 他在明尼苏达州卡尔顿学院学习哲学、环境和技术研究,在newbb电子平台视觉传播学院学习新闻摄影. In 2016, 霍尔姆斯的作品在全国新闻摄影师协会最佳新闻摄影比赛的年度摄影记者(小市场)类别中获得了荣誉奖, and he was a member of the team that was awarded the 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service for the project “Lawless” about a lack of police protection in Alaskan villages; it caused legislative changes. 霍尔姆斯也是专业记者协会颁发的2021年新闻伦理奖的团队成员之一,该团队的项目“闻所未闻”是关于阿拉斯加州性侵犯幸存者的,阿拉斯加州是美国性侵犯报告率最高的州. He has covered the 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race seven times. Holmes spent most of January aboard a crab fishing boat in the Bering Sea. 

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1:30 p.m. | “The Death of George Floyd”

Kyndell Harkness和Richard tsong - tataari

Kyndell Harkness, assistant managing editor of diversity and community, Minneapolis Star Tribune

Richard Tsong-Taatarii,明尼阿波利斯星论坛报特约摄影师

Kyndell Harkness is the first assistant managing editor of diversity and community at the Star Tribune. Before stepping into this role, she was a photo editor at the paper during the time of George Floyd’s murder and the societal uprising that followed. 哈克尼斯帮助协调了对抗议活动的实地报道, as well as ensuring that photo selection kept community impact in mind. Because of that work, 她被国家新闻摄影师协会授予吉姆·戈登年度编辑奖和年度报纸编辑奖.

哈克尼斯负责协调莱德杯的报道, two Olympics, the Super Bowl, college basketball’s Final Four and breaking news including Prince’s death. Before that, 她做了二十多年的摄影记者, working 15 of those years in Minneapolis covering communities across the state. Since 2005, 哈克尼斯在亚裔美国记者协会(Asian American Journalists Association)的Jcamp教授摄影,最近因对该营地的支持和奉献而获得认可. 她是NPPA最佳新闻摄影编辑主席,也是明尼苏达州新闻摄影师协会的负责人. Harkness earned her Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Michigan State University.

通过他的纪实摄影作品, Richard Tsong-Taatarii作为《newbb电子平台》的特约摄影师,关注明尼苏达州人的欢乐和苦难. In 2021, he was awarded second place in Cliff Edom’s New America for his documentation of COVID-19 on the Standing Rock Reservation, 同时也因为他的大市场新闻组合获得了优秀奖.

In 2018, Tsong-Taatarii因报道罗兴亚流亡而被评为NPPA年度最佳新闻摄影大市场摄影师, Black Lives Matter Movement and end of the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Also that year, 他拍摄了菲兰多·卡斯蒂利亚最好的朋友——州代表和社区活动家约翰·汤普森悼念卡斯蒂利亚的照片,并因此获得了世界新闻摄影奖.

宋塔塔里还喜欢报道主流媒体关注不到的美国大社会群体. 他拥有加州大学伯克利分校的文学学士学位和newbb电子平台的视觉传达艺术硕士学位.


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3:05 p.m. | COVID’s Hidden Toll

Daffodil Altan


Twitter: @daffodilaltan 

Altan has won an Emmy for her work on “FRONTLINE,” PBS’ flagship investigative documentary series. Most recently she directed, 制作并担任2020年“COVID的隐藏代价”的记者, the latest installment in her work exposing the hidden realities facing low-wage immigrant U.S. 工人,其中许多人没有合法身份. 作为第68届斯克里普斯霍华德奖的一部分,这部电影获得了2020年 厄休拉和吉尔伯特·法菲尔国家/国际调查报道优秀奖,并于2020年获得皮博迪奖提名. 

Altan directed, produced and was the correspondent for the Emmy-winning “Kids Caught in the Crackdown” in 2019, a collaboration with The Associated Press that examined the lasting impact on children held in U.S. custody, 以及2018年的《newbb电子平台》, which told the inside story of Guatemalan teens who were forced to work against their will on an Ohio egg farm, 曾入围戈德史密斯调查报道奖. She produced and directed the Emmy-nominated “Rape on the Night Shift” in 2015, which investigated the rampant sexual assault of immigrant women at work and led to legislative reform in several states. 

Altan has produced print, 为《newbb电子平台》做广播和电视报道, KQED, PBS “NewsHour,” MSNBC, Telemundo, The Los Angeles Times, The OC Weekly and Mother Jones, among others. She has received recognition for her work from Harvard’s Kennedy School, 调查记者和编辑公司., The Third Coast Audio Festival, 专业记者协会, 洛杉矶新闻俱乐部和Imagen基金会. She is a MacArthur, IDA和拉丁美洲公共广播的受助人,并拥有加州大学伯克利分校新闻研究生院的硕士学位, where she is also a lecturer. 

Andrés Cediel


Twitter: @andresacediel

Cediel is an Emmy award-winning documentary filmmaker and frequent contributor to the PBS program “FRONTLINE.” His work has focused on the widespread abuse of immigrant women and children both on the job and in detention. 这些电影是与美联社合作制作的, ProPublica, Reveal, KQED和Univisión -已经联合接收阿尔弗雷德I. 杜邦-哥伦比亚大学奖和罗伯特F. 肯尼迪新闻奖, twice been a finalist for the Goldsmith Prize in Investigative reporting, and nominated for multiple Emmys, among other awards. Cediel was a writer, director and producer  of “COVID’s Hidden Toll” (2020); the film received the 2020 Ursula and Gilbert Farfel Prize for Excellence in National/International Investigative Reporting as part of the 68th Scripps Howard Awards and was nominated in 2020 for a Peabody Award. Cediel received a Bachelor of Arts in anthropology from Brown University, 加州大学伯克利分校硕士学位, and is a Professor-in-Residence at UC Berkeley’s Graduate School of Journalism. 

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7 p.m. |《newbb电子平台》免费放映

Location: Athena Cinema


War Photographer

Sponsored by Ohio University Society of Professional Journalists and Ohio University National Press Photographers Association

伟大的摄影记者罗伯特·卡帕说, “如果你的照片不够好, you’re not close enough.” James Nachtwey has been close enough for more than 20 years — a time period in which he has not missed a single war. 这部电影跟随纳赫特威在科索沃等热点地区生活了两年, the West Bank, 他在印尼寻找一张他认为可以发表的照片. A film about a committed, 害羞的人被认为是我们这个时代最勇敢、最重要的战地摄影师之一,但他并不符合冷酷的退伍军人的陈词滥调. Peabody Award winner in 2003, 2001年获得奥斯卡最佳纪录长片提名, 2004年获得艾美奖最佳摄影提名, 2002年特拉维夫国际纪录片电影节DOC AVIV奖,2002年科隆会议凤凰奖.

Wednesday, March 30

9:40 a.m. | How I Helped Launch the First Chinese Language News App from The Economist

Wu Chen


The Economist Global Business Review is the first Chinese-language news app launched by The Economist. 在推出这款newbb电子之前,陈是《newbb电子平台》杂志的编辑. He has also worked for BusinessWeek in Hong Kong and Bloomberg News in Singapore.

他的研究兴趣广泛. He follows closely the latest developments in regulatory changes in China, 中国货币人民币(RMB)国际化趋势, best practices in innovation, 中国新型城镇化的机遇与挑战, just to name a few.

陈在2008年7月发表的关于制造业转型过程中所涉及的问题的报道获得了2009年亚洲出版商协会商业报道优秀奖. 他是2020年在中国出版的《newbb电子》和2019年8月出版的《newbb电子平台》的作者.


10:45 a.m. 新闻中的喜剧叙事

Hannah Good


Twitter: @goodhannah7

古德为《newbb电子平台》(The Washington Post)策划性别和身份方面的报道. As an illustrator, she’s worked with HarperCollins Publishers, Apple TV+ and Barnes and Noble. Previously, 她是《newbb电子》杂志的社交媒体制作人, 她是西肯塔基大学的骄傲毕业生, 她是《newbb电子》杂志的主编. 

Rachel Orr


Instagram: @rachelanneorr

奥尔是一位32岁的创意人士,住在华盛顿特区西北部.C. Over the past eight years, she has worked as an art director, 《newbb电子平台》的视觉记者和漫画编辑. Orr是以下品牌的设计编辑 By The Way, LauncherVoraciously and the new hub for Gender and Identity. She leads the visual identity and social strategy for these products and works with a team of six designers. 奥尔也非常热衷 comic storytelling.

她于2011年毕业于newbb电子平台视觉传达学院,获得视觉传达理学学士学位, majoring in informational graphics and publication design with a specialization in magazine journalism. After graduating, Orr worked a short stint in Phoenix at The Arizona Republic before moving to Washington in 2013 to work at The Post.

In her free time, 奥尔是个寻宝者,贩卖旧货, 创作拼贴艺术和发送邮件.

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2 p.m. 艺术治愈:Jingle Dress项目

Eugene Tapahe

Eugene Tapahe, freelance photojournalist and owner, Tapahe Photography

Twitter: @tapahedesign

尤金·塔帕赫在纳瓦霍部落生活的头几年里, he and his grandmother lived off the land and practiced the traditional ways of their ancestors. 塔帕赫在很小的时候就学会了尊重的重要性, 保存和保护神圣的东西——土地, water and nature.

   He unites his love for nature and culture with his professional education in graphic design, journalism, 并以精美的艺术景观和肖像摄影来创作他的影像. 塔帕赫从第一次拿起相机就爱上了摄影. 他知道自己有一种通过艺术讲述故事的特殊天赋,并深深渴望继续拍摄他祖先曾经走过的土地.

  塔帕赫在2018年的切罗基印第安市场上获得了最佳摄影奖和最佳类别摄影奖,并在2019年的北亚利桑那博物馆获得了最佳摄影奖. He received two International Awards of Excellence in Photography from Communication Arts magazine in 2016 and 2019, respectively. 塔帕赫在圣达菲印第安市场展示他的艺术作品, Heard Museum Indian Market, Cherokee Indian Market and the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian. 他的作品在布里斯托尔的造雨者画廊展出, England; Four Winds Gallery in Sydney, Australia; and the Alpine Art Gallery in Salt Lake City, Utah.

塔帕希人是纳瓦霍人,最初来自亚利桑那州的窗口石. He resides in Provo, Utah, and is married to Sharon; they have two daughters, Erin and Dion. He collaborates with Erin, a journalist in her own right, 制作关于Jingle Dress项目的TikTok视频, an effort to bring attention to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women movement.

Erin Tapahe


艾琳·塔帕赫(Erin Tapahe)毕业于杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University),获得传播学学士学位,主修新闻媒体,辅修美国印第安人研究. 她是部落商业新闻的突发新闻记者. Tapahe pursued journalism because she wants to write about the successes, truth and power of Native people. She continues this work and brings to light the stories of Native American people. Tapahe works with her father, photojournalist Eugene Tapahe, 制作关于Jingle Dress项目的TikTok视频, an effort to bring attention to the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women movement.

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3:05 p.m. | Speaker Panel

专题讨论会的演讲嘉宾, 这个环节将允许小组成员互相提问,并给观众一个进一步与他们互动的机会.

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About the Donors

R. 史密斯·舒曼和帕特里夏·舒曼慷慨地为母校的新闻和视觉传播项目提供资助,创办并资助了为期15年的舒曼新闻摄影和新媒体研讨会. The 2022 symposium is the last.

More About the Schunemans

At Ohio University, Smith received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in photography and journalism, 帕特丽夏获得了教育学学士学位. They moved to Minnesota, 史密斯在那里获得了大众传播研究的博士学位,并在明尼苏达大学担任了16年的新闻学教授. 他的专长是摄影传播. 然后他们共同创立了一家公司,Media Loft Inc .., which specializes in producing multimedia presentations for corporations. 舒曼夫妇将Media Loft打造成了一家拥有50名员工的公司, served a number of high-profile clients and earned many national awards for their work. They worked at Media Loft for two decades until selling it to an employee trust and then retiring from the board in 2001.

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