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Academic Misconduct

Information for Students


Upholding Honesty

Academic integrity and honesty are basic values of Ohio University.  Students are expected to follow standards of academic integrity and honesty.  学术不端是指在达到学术要求时不诚实或欺骗.  It includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, un-permitted collaboration, forged attendance (when attendance is required), fabrication (e.g., use of invented information or falsification of research or other findings), using advantages not approved by the instructor (e.g., unauthorized review of a copy of an exam ahead of time), knowingly permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from one's work, 或未经导师同意,在不同课程中提交相同的作业.

The Importance of Academic Integrity

学术诚信指的是学生在学术上的努力是诚实和直率的.  Moreover, 拥有这样的正直表明你在生活的各个方面都是直率和诚实的.  Because academic misconduct may imply dishonesty, 你可能会受到学术不端行为的影响:

  1. 如果认为newbb电子平台的学生和校友不诚实,你的newbb电子平台学位将被降级.
  2. 你不会因为诚实完成的工作而得到全部的学分,因为那些不诚实的人可能会得到更高的分数.
  3. 你可能会失去一个工作机会或一个理想的研究生院的位置给一个从事不诚实的行为和保持较高的平均成绩的人.
  4. 教师可能不信任学生,并为诚实的学生创造一种几乎没有激励和创造力的氛围.

Forms of Academic Misconduct

学术不端行为被学生行为准则定义为在满足学术要求方面的不诚实或欺骗.  It includes, but is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, un-permitted collaboration, forged attendance (when attendance is required), fabrication (e.g., use of invented information or falsification of research or other findings), using advantages not approved by the instructor (e.g., unauthorized review of a copy of an exam ahead of time), knowingly permitting another student to plagiarize or cheat from one's work, 或未经导师同意,在不同课程中提交相同的作业.
To assist you in understanding Academic Misconduct the following are examples:

  1. Cheating - Cheating is defined as any attempt by a student to answer questions on a test, quiz, or assignment by means other than his or her own knowledge.  Examples:
    1. Using the textbook or other materials, such as a notebook, not authorized for use during an examination.
    2. Using technology (i.e. cell phones, laptop computers, social media, text messages, etc.) to aid in the completion of work when not permitted to do so.
    3. Observing the work of another student or allowing another student to plagiarize, copy, or observe your work.
    4. 在考试中使用未经授权的材料、笔记、配方表、衣服上的笔记等.
    5. Taking a quiz, exam, or similar evaluation in the place of another person.
    6. 以教官禁止的方式向他人提供或请求帮助.
    7. Using a laboratory, computer, or calculator improperly or without authorization.
    8. Changing material on a graded exam and then requesting a regarding of the exam.
    9. 获得有关考试或考试任何部分的未经授权的知识.
    10. 未经导师的知情和同意,在两门不同的课程上提交相同的论文.
    11. Signing in persons other than yourself for class attendance
  2. Plagiarism 抄袭的定义是把别人的想法或写作当作自己的来呈现.  Examples:
    1. Reproducing another person's work, 无论是发表的还是未发表的(这也包括使用销售研究论文的公司提供的材料).
    2. Submitting as your own any academic exercise (written work, computer printout, sculpture) prepared totally or in part by another.
    3. 允许他人对你的作品进行实质性修改,并将其作为自己的作品提交.
    4. 使用他人的书面观点或文字而未适当注明出处.  If a student uses the words of someone else, 他或她必须在文章周围加上引号,并注明出处, such as a footnote. 
    5. 简单地改变一两个词,而保持组织和内容基本完整,没有引用来源是抄袭. 学生们还应该注意到,没有承认学习辅助工具,如克里夫笔记或普通参考资料, such as Wikipedia constitutes plagiarism.

If a student is unsure about a question of plagiarism or cheating, 他或她有义务在提交材料之前咨询他或她的导师.  If you have any questions, consult the Office of Community Standards.

Student Conduct Procedures of Ohio University Regarding Academic Misconduct

When academic misconduct is displayed, 这就产生了两个问题:教授在课堂上的权威等级问题, 以及社区标准和学生责任办公室有权采取纪律处分的不诚实或欺骗行为问题. 这两个问题都非常重要,如果大学要保持高学术水平,就必须解决这些问题, confront deceptive behavior, and assist in changing unethical behavior.

老师是否应该怀疑你有学术不端行为, 他或她通常会面对你,然后决定应该采取什么行动.  教师可以处以适当的分数处罚和/或向社区标准和学生责任办公室提交正式的纪律转介.  If the instructor accuses you of misconduct and takes action, one or both of the following may occur:

  1. A grade penalty, such as an F, may be imposed on the project or in the course. 
  2. 正式的学生行为转介可以提交给社区标准和学生责任办公室.


  1. 您将收到来自社区标准和学生责任办公室的书面通知,包括您预定的程序性面试的时间和日期.
  2. During your procedural interview, the hearing authority will outline your rights and options, clarify the charge that has been filed against you, and provide you an opportunity to explain your perspective of the incident.
  3. You have the right to admit or deny the charge.
  4. Should you admit to the charge, 聆讯当局会作出适当的纪律处分,以处理不当行为.
  5. Should you deny the charge, 你有权举行听证会以便对事实和情况进行更广泛的调查.
  6. 如果你被发现有不当行为无论是通过你的准入还是通过听证会的过程, the result could be a disciplinary sanction of expulsion, suspension, probation, or reprimand, and any additional conditions of sanction that may be appropriate.

The Appeal Process at Ohio University Regarding Academic Misconduct

Two levels of appeal are provided by the code of conduct. If a student wishes to appeal the outcome of his/her disciplinary case, 他们必须使用“根据行为准则程序提出上诉”一节所述的上诉程序.  If a student wants to appeal the grade penalty, she or he should consult the following people, in sequence, until a decision has been reached:

  • The professor of the class.
  • The chairperson of the department in which the class is being taught.
  • The dean of the college in which the class is being taught.

"I have been accused of academic misconduct!"

If you are charged with academic misconduct, don't panic! Read the charges carefully.

你可以考虑和教授谈谈,以澄清情况和/或在你与社区标准和学生责任办公室的听证当局的程序性面谈中寻求澄清. 你也可以考虑和学生保护组织的代表谈谈.

学生保护学生是一个志愿者组织,为被指控违反newbb电子平台学生行为准则的学生提供建议和咨询. This service is free. 这些志愿者将通过与有关各方交谈,帮助你准备应对指控, providing education about the judicial process, and answering questions.

Students Defending Students
(740) 593-4045