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The Student Conduct Process

社区标准和学生责任办公室 (CSSR) oversees and maintains the Student Conduct Process and upholds the Student Code of Conduct.

You may have just received notice from our office indicating that you may have violated the Code of Conduct. 有点紧张或不确定是很正常的. 我们希望以下信息将有助于回答您对流程的任何疑问.


学生行为流程从推荐开始. 我们的办公室收到来自不同报告机构的报告:

  • Housing and Residence Life
  • 俄亥俄警察,雅典警察,俄亥俄公共安全部
  • Faculty and Staff
  • Students

收到报告后,对报告进行审查 Student Code of Conduct violations. 社区标准和学生责任可以:

  • 安排社区标准会议(CSC)并开始学生行为流程
  • 将报告提交给另一个办公室进行审查或采取进一步行动
  • Review the report for other resolution options

Scheduling Letter

If there is an alleged violation, 指定的听证官将开始调查并安排与学生会面. Meetings are scheduled in correlation with a student's class schedule and meetings are most often not scheduled during a time in which there would a conflict with a student’s academic schedule class time. 学生将通过他们的大学电子邮件地址收到一封日程安排信. 这封信将由一名听证会官员在Maxient的协助下提交. 

排期信将包括指控摘要, scheduled meeting time and location, and pending charges. 

Community Standards Conference (CSC)

CSC是学生审查推荐信的机会, discuss the reported incident, ask questions, 接受或否认对该学生的指控.

错过会议的学生将重新安排最后一次尝试. 未参加两次会议的学生将在缺席的情况下获得一个结果.


  • 顾问必须隶属于newbb电子平台(教师或工作人员),或成员 Students Defending Students. CSSR不提供或促进顾问的寻找.
  • 支持人员可以是任何与所报告的事件无关的人. The role of a support person is to be present and supportive of the student going through the conduct process. 在学生行为过程中,支持人员不能代表学生说话或提问. 支持人员不能同时担任顾问或证人.  

CSSR encourages students to review the Rights of the Respondent prior to their scheduled CSC. 

Resolution Options


Charges Accepted

  • 学生接受指控和建议的制裁.
  • 由于指控被提议的制裁所接受,学生要求只进行制裁听证会.

Charges Denied

  • 学生否认指控并要求进行行政听证.
  • 如果学生有被停学或开除的危险, 学生可以向大学听证委员会申请.

Charges Dismissed

  • Hearing officers may also dismiss charges based on insufficient information to warrant a finding of a violation. 

Sanctions and Conditions of Sanctions

CSSR uses the sanctioning process to provide meaningful opportunities for students to learn what it means to be a member of the Ohio University community, 让学生有机会反思他们的行为和影响.


If there is a finding of a violation, 学生将受到下列纪律处分之一:

  • 训诫-书面通知学生,他们的行为是不可接受的, 任何进一步的不当行为都可能导致更严重的后果.
  • Disciplinary Probation – A warning and the opportunity for students to make different decisions that fall in line with the Student Code of Conduct. 试用期可以从三到九个月不等. 在所有指定的制裁条件也完成之前,试用期不被视为完成. Probation usually does not affect a student's ability to register for class or other aspects of enrollment but may impact abilities to study abroad or live in Sorority and Fraternity Housing. Students are encouraged to contact Global Opportunities and Sorority and Fraternity Life with inquiries.
  • 纪律停学-一个或多个学期的离校. 在休学期间,学生不得上课(either in person or online),或参加与大学有关的活动,无论是在校内或校外. Students under disciplinary suspension may not be present on University premises unless authorized in writing in advance under conditions approved by the Director of CSSR. All assigned educational sanctions must be completed prior to the conclusion of disciplinary suspension or the disciplinary suspension will remain in effect. 停学结束后,学生必须申请重新入学. 重新注册,与进一步的试用状态,在主任的自由裁量权. Students must complete a re- enrollment form through the registrar and be in good academic standing with their college and be otherwise eligible to re-enroll in order to return to the university.
  • Disciplinary Expulsion – Permanent removal of a student from their academic program and separates the student from the University without the opportunity to graduate or re-enroll in the future. A student under disciplinary expulsion may not be present on university premises unless authorized in writing in advance under conditions approved by the Director of CSSR. 开除将在学生的成绩单上注明.

Conditions of Sanction

In conjunction with a sanction, a student found in violation of prohibited conduct may be assigned conditions of sanction that are educational in nature and reflect the nature of the violation.


  • Reflection or Research Papers
  • Seminars
  • Community Restitution
  • Creative Assignment
  • Follow-Up Meetings
  • Campus Involvement
  • Creating an Educational Resource

Failure to complete conditions of sanction by the deadline given will result in the placement of a disciplinary hold on the student's academic records. 完成后,需要通过 Sanction Submission Form


在学生行为程序结束后,学生可以选择对结果提出上诉. There are two level of appeals. 上诉的链接可以在结果信中找到.

In the appeal, 学生必须说明上诉的原因, the supporting facts, and the requested solution. An appeal is not a rehearing of the matter and cannot be filed simply because the student disagrees with the outcome.


  1. The sanctions and/or conditions of sanctions are extraordinarily disproportionate to the violation(s); and/or
  2. A procedural defect occurred that significantly impacted that outcome of the hearing; and/or
  3. Discovery of new and significant information that could have affected the outcome of the hearing and that was not known, 或在聆讯时无法合理地被发现及/或出示的证据.

学生有五个工作日,从结果信发出之日起提交上诉. Students have five business days to submit an appeal to the Vice President of Student Affairs five days after achieving the outcome from the University Hearing Board.

University Appeal Board

  • 所有上诉将由大学上诉委员会审理. The appeal board will meet in a closed session, within a reasonable period of time, 并将以多数票批准或否决上诉.
  • If the student alleges that the sanction was extraordinarily disproportionate to the violation and the appeal board finds the sanctions extraordinarily disproportionate, the appeal board may reduce the sanction.
  • 在考虑基于程序缺陷或存在新资料的上诉时, if the appeal board finds that there was a defect in the procedure or that new information was presented which was sufficiently substantial to the outcome, the appeal board will order a new hearing or remand the matter to the original hearing authority as appropriate.
  • 学生将被csssr以书面形式通知其上诉结果. 结果信将通过Maxient发送到学生的大学邮箱.

Vice Presidential Appeal

  • The respondent may request the Vice President for student affairs or designee review a university appeal board decision if the university appeal board denies the appeal.
  • An appeal to the Vice President for student affairs or designee must be submitted through the online submission form linked in the appeal board outcome letter. Students have five business days to submit an appeal to the Vice President for student affairs or designee after the appeal board outcome letter has been sent.
  • 上诉仅限于向大学上诉委员会提出的原上诉理由, 除非学生在新证据的基础上提出上诉.
  • If the student alleges that the sanction was extraordinarily disproportionate to the violation and the Vice President for student affairs or designee finds the sanctions to be extraordinarily disproportionate, 主管学生事务副校长或其指定人员得减轻处分.
  • 在考虑基于程序缺陷或提出新资料的上诉时, and the Vice President for student affairs or designee finds that there was a defect in the procedure or that new information was presented which was sufficiently substantial to the outcome, the vice president for student affairs, or designee will order a new hearing or remand the matter to the original hearing authority as appropriate.
  • The student will be notified of the outcome of their appeal in writing by the Vice President for student affairs or designee within a reasonable period of time. 结果信将通过Maxient发送到学生的大学邮箱.
  • 负责学生事务的副校长或其指定人员的决定是对此事的最终决定.