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Outcomes and Appeals

Community Standards Conference (CSC) Outcomes

After discussing the referral, pending Student Code of Conduct charges, and potential sanctions with their hearing officer, 学生有机会决定如何解决他们的社区标准会议(CSC).

There are four potential outcomes of a CSC. 

  1. Student accepts the Student Code of Conduct charges and proposed sanctions.
  2. Student accepts the Student Code of Conduct charges and requests a Sanction Only hearing.
  3. Student denies the the Student Code of Conduct and requests an Administrative Hearing. 
  4. 听证官可以在信息不足不足以认定违法的情况下驳回指控. 

The CSC process concludes after a student has accepted the Student Code of Conduct charges and proposed sanctions. 之后,学生将通过俄亥俄州的电子邮件收到他们的结果信. The outcome letter will overview the findings, assigned sanctions, and upcoming sanction related deadlines.

Administrative Hearing

If a student wishes to deny their alleged Student Code of Conduct Violations, a student may request an Administrative Hearing. 

After requesting an Administrative Hearing, 学生将被通知他们的请求,并在他们的听证会安排好后得到通知. 

听证会将由一名新的听证会官员再次听取学生的未决事项. 听证官将在听证时审阅所有信息, meet with the student and others involved, and make a finding at the conclusion of the hearing. 

如果学生接受指控,则可以要求只进行制裁听证会 Student Code of Conduct 违反规定,但不接受听证官提出的制裁建议. 

Sanction-Only Administrative Hearing

如果学生接受指控,则可以要求只进行制裁听证会 Student Code of Conduct 违反规定,但不接受听证官提出的制裁建议. 

After requested a Sanction Only hearing, 学生将被通知他们的请求,并在听证会安排后得到通知.


If a student is at risk for suspension or expulsion, the student can request a University Hearing Board. 大学聆讯委员会由两名学生及一名教职员组成. 


After requesting a University Hearing Board, 学生将被通知他们的请求,并在大学听证委员会安排后得到通知. 

The University Hearing Board will convene, review all of the information at the time of the hearing, meet with the student and the others involved, and make a finding at the conclusion of the hearing. 

The Appeal Process

在学生行为程序结束后,学生可以选择对结果提出上诉. There are two level of appeals. The link to appeal can be found in the outcome letter. 

In the appeal, the student must state the reason(s) for the appeal, the supporting facts, and the requested solution. 上诉不是对事件的重审,不能仅仅因为学生不同意结果就提起上诉.


  1. The sanctions and/or conditions of sanctions are extraordinarily disproportionate to the violation(s); and/or
  2. A procedural defect occurred that significantly impacted that outcome of the hearing; and/or
  3. 发现可能影响听证结果且不为人所知的新的重要信息, 或在聆讯时无法合理地被发现及/或出示的证据.

学生有五个工作日,从结果信发出之日起提交上诉. 在获得大学听证委员会的结果后五天内,学生有五个工作日的时间向学生事务副校长提交上诉.

  • All appeals will be heard by the University Appeal Board. The appeal board will meet in a closed session, within a reasonable period of time, and will either grant or deny the appeal by a majority vote.

  • 如果学生声称制裁与违规行为极不相称,并且上诉委员会认为制裁极不相称, the appeal board may reduce the sanction.

  • 在考虑基于程序缺陷或存在新资料的上诉时, 如果上诉委员会发现程序有缺陷或提出了对结果有足够实质意义的新资料, 上诉委员会会酌情下令重新聆讯或将有关事宜退回原聆讯当局. 

  • 学生将被csssr以书面形式通知其上诉结果. 结果信将通过Maxient发送到学生的大学邮箱.

  • 如果大学上诉委员会拒绝上诉,答辩人可以请求负责学生事务的副校长或指定人员对大学上诉委员会的决定进行复审.

  • 向学生事务副校长或指定人员提出的上诉必须通过上诉委员会结果信中链接的在线提交表格提交. 在发出上诉委员会结果信后,学生有五个工作日的时间向负责学生事务的副校长或指定人员提交上诉. 

  • 上诉仅限于向大学上诉委员会提出的原上诉理由, 除非学生在新证据的基础上提出上诉.

  • 如果学生声称制裁与违规行为极不相称,而负责学生事务的副校长或指定人员认为制裁极不相称, 主管学生事务副校长或其指定人员得减轻处分.

  • 在考虑基于程序缺陷或提出新资料的上诉时, 负责学生事务的副校长或其指定人员发现程序中存在缺陷,或者提出了对结果足够重要的新信息, the vice president for student affairs, 或者由指定人酌情裁定重新听证或者发回原听证机关.

  • 负责学生事务的副校长或指定人员将在合理的时间内以书面形式通知学生上诉结果. 结果信将通过Maxient发送到学生的大学邮箱.

  • 负责学生事务的副校长或其指定人员的决定是对此事的最终决定.