
本科 Student 研究 在社会学 & 人类学

最近的项目 & 奖

  • 利亚巴特勒 (社会学-Criminology) worked on the Serial Violence research project with Tom Vender Ven and completed her honors thesis, "The Social Construction of the Campus Sex Predator."
  • 凯瑟琳·艾伦, 人类学 minor. 本杰明一. Gilman International Scholarship (2012), Panama
  • 西莉亚伯克 carried out two months of independent ethnographic field research in Northern Ireland for her senior thesis on post-conflict community-based memory projects in the Bogside neighborhood of Derry in summer 2013.
  • 艾莉Hamrick presented her senior thesis research project on the genocide reparations movement in Namibia (based on two months of independent ethnographic field research the previous summer) at the "Conflict of Memory, Memories of Conflict" conference at the University of London in February 2013.
  • 卡米尔•斯科特 spent six weeks in Japan in the summer of 2013 studying intensive advanced Japanese language at Chubu and Hokuriku Universities and carrying out ethnographic field research on how nationalist identity shapes language usage and the foreign student experience.
  • 凯瑟琳·艾伦, 人类学 minor. 本杰明一. Gilman International Scholarship (2012), Panama
  • 卡米尔•斯科特, HTC 人类学. Provost's 本科 研究 Fund (2013), "Outside Looking In, A Socio Linguistic Study of Non-Native Learners of Japanese in an Immersive Classroom Setting."
  • 艾莉森·桑顿, 社会学 major. Benjamin Gilman International Scholarship (2013)

本科 Student Conference Presentations

  • 劳伦·约翰逊 (人类学 student) at the annual meetings of the Midwest Archaeological Conference, "Spatial Organization and Subsistence Implications of Patton's Cave: A Late Woodland/Late Prehistoric Rockshelter in the Hocking Valley, Southeastern Ohio."
  • 卡米尔•斯科特 (人类学 undergraduate student), at the annual meetings of the Society for Applied 人类学, "'Outside People': Foreign Students and Discrimination in Japan."
  • 阿比盖尔斯蒂芬斯 (社会学) and Reiju Nemoto (Engineering) working with 查理•摩根 on his project, "International Couples Living in Japan" are transcribing inter-views (one in English and one in Japanese), coding interviews, and working on the analysis and results.
  • 本科 缬草的谜语 博士和. 查理•摩根 hosted a forum on the subject of racial diversity.
  • 南希Tatarek & Paul Patton: Appalachia Population 历史 Project - The APHP is a regional study of historical population health and culture for Southeastern Ohio with particular focus on the Hocking Valley drainage area. Approximately 20 undergraduate students from a cross-section of disciplines in the CAS are currently involved in the project.