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Anthropology students in Northern Ireland during spring break class on Post-Conflict Society.
Anthropology students in Northern Ireland during spring break class on Post-Conflict Society.
  • Specializations in Archaeology, 生物人类学, 文化人类学
  • 实践经验 俄亥俄州考古学校 生物人类学实验室
  • 本科生研究机会
  • 以教师为主导的北爱尔兰留学
  • 准备研究生院,包括医学院, law, anthropology, social work, forensics, history, 以及其他相关领域
  • 为政府机构的职业生涯做准备, NGOs, 文化资源管理公司, 文物保护办事处, 合同考古业务, museums, forensics labs, zoos, primate centers, 医学实验室, and more

Faculty Contact: Dr. Diane Ciekawy

Program Overview

Students who choose to major in Anthropology receive training in the core subfields of the discipline and choose from a variety of topics that allow for greater specialization. 教员们在非洲进行广泛的研究, Latin America, 南亚及东南亚, 和美国, and they are dedicated to bringing their real-world experiences into the classroom. 教师们对学生很关心, and Anthropology majors have many opportunities to work closely with their professors.

To earn a B.A. in Anthropology, students take at least 11 courses in Anthropology for a total of 33 semester credit hours, 包括文化入门课程, biological, 以及考古人类学. They work with an adviser from the Anthropology program to select from a flexible range of courses that best suit their interests and the university's requirements for graduation.

Because Anthropology has applications to and connections with so many other disciplines, students are encouraged to plan their program of study to include courses from Biology, Geological Sciences, Geography, History, Sociology, and Psychology. They are also encouraged to take courses from other academic programs in which Anthropology faculty members participate, 例如全球研究, Classics & World Religions, Women's Studies, War and Peace Studies, and Environmental Studies.

The Anthropology program offers several advantages to its majors:

  • Hands-on Experience—Ohio University's 俄亥俄州考古学校 gives students the chance to receive hands-on experience in current archaeological techniques and laboratory analysis of archaeological material in a field school taught by Ohio University Anthropology faculty. In addition, the 生物人类学 Laboratory gives students hands-on experience through its extensive skeletal collection.
  • 本科研究—Ohio University funds competitive grants for undergraduate research projects and holds an annual research symposium that enables students to present their work to the university community.
  • Study Abroad—Ohio University's Office of Global Opportunities serves a growing number of students who are choosing to travel and study outside of the United States, 提供传统的学期和夏季课程, 实习职位, volunteer projects and faculty-led programs to more than 30 destinations worldwide. The Anthropology program offers a special Spring Break study abroad course tailored for its majors on human rights law, 以及北爱尔兰的正义.


The labor/job market reflects the diversity of anthropology as a field. Past Anthropology students from Ohio University have pursued careers in professional schools including medical, law, and nursing.

Anthropology students have been accepted into top graduate schools in anthropology, social work, forensics, history, 以及其他相关领域. Many students have received fellowships or research assistantships due to their Ohio University undergraduate research experiences. 他们还进入了许多政府机构, 包括和平队, AMERICORPS, VISTA, parks service and the National Endowment for the Humanities. Students in cultural anthropology often get positions in NGOs (non-governmental agencies) focused on U.S. 或者国际发展.

Archaeology students are employed in 文化资源管理公司, 文物保护办事处, 合同考古业务, and museums, or they go on to graduate degrees and become university professors.

Students in 生物人类学 have graduated with positions in forensics labs, zoos, primate centers, 医学实验室.


新生/一年级入学: 没有超出大学入学要求的要求.

项目政策变更: 没有选择性或有限的入学要求.

校外转学录取: 没有超出大学入学要求的要求.

Degree Requirements

  • Major code BA4252


To complete this program, students must meet all University-wide graduation requirements.

艺术学院的大学水平要求 & Sciences

View the 大学水平的需求 为艺术学院准备的 & Sciences.


Complete a total of 33 semester hours of ANTH coursework, including all of the requirements below.



  • ANTH 1010 - Introduction to 文化人类学 Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 2010 - Introduction to 生物人类学 Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 2020 - Introduction to World Archaeology Credit Hours: 3


Complete one course from each of the following areas: Archaeology, 生物人类学, 文化人类学.

Complete two additional courses at the 4000-level from two of the three sub-requirements.

Complete three other Anthropology courses at the 3000- or 4000-level.



  • ANTH 3590 - Before the Sickle and Plow: Archaeology of Foraging Societies Credit Hours: 3 
  • ANTH 3610 -北美史前学时:3
  • ANTH 3670 -南美史前学时:3
  • ANTH 3700 - Mexican/Central American Prehistory Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 3780 -人类生态学学时:3
  • ANTH 4520 -人类学考古学学时:3
  • ANTH 4911 - 俄亥俄州考古学校 Credit Hours: 4
  • ANTH 4943 - Seminar in Archaeological Anthropology Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 4944 -人类生态学研讨会学时:3



  • ANTH 3460 - Introduction to Human Osteology Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 3540 -灵长类行为生态学学分:3
  • ANTH 3550 -医学人类学学时:3
  • ANTH 3730 -人类学观点
  • ANTH 4470 -法医人类学学时:3
  • ANTH 4480 -血,骨头和暴力学分:3
  • ANTH 4580 - Peoples, Plagues and Pestilence: The Anthropology of Infectious Disease Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 4730 -人类进化学分:3
  • ANTH 4942 - Seminar in 生物人类学 Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 4960 -人类多样性学时:3



  • ANTH 3010 -视觉人类学学时:3
  • ANTH 3400 -newbb电子人类学学时:3
  • ANTH 3450 - Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 3490 - Life History: The Individual and Culture Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 3500 -经济人类学学时:3
  • ANTH 3510 -政治人类学学时:3
  • ANTH 3530 - Anthropology of Violence and Peace Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 3570 -宗教人类学学分:3
  • ANTH 3660 -美洲文化学时:3
  • ANTH 3760 -文化接触和改变学时:3
  • ANTH 3770 -农民社区学时:3
  • ANTH 3800 -南亚文化学时:3
  • ANTH 3810 -撒哈拉以南非洲文化学时:3
  • ANTH 3820 -地中海文化学分:3
  • ANTH 3830 -拉丁美洲文化学分:3
  • ANTH 3850 -东南亚文化学时:3
  • ANTH 3860 - Problems in Southeast Asian Anthropology Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 4560 - Ethnographic Methodology and Field Research Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 4590 -法律人类学学分:3
  • ANTH 4620 -人权,法律和司法学时:3
  • ANTH 4720 - History of Anthropological Thought Credit Hours: 3
  • ANTH 4941 - Seminar in 文化人类学 Credit Hours: 3