
Teaching Associates — Duties and Responsibilities in 现代语言



所有(一年级和二年级)研究生助教都必须在秋季学期前的指定时间参加迎新活动. Fall orientation normally takes place during the week prior to the beginning of the semester. 取向 is mandatory for ALL TAs and no exceptions will be made. 每个助教都有责任做出必要的安排,以便及时到校. Occasionally, a brief orientation might be necessary before Spring semester.


领取研究生津贴的学生每周至少为系里提供15小时的教学服务. 每个助教的职责和期望将在入职培训中给出,并将在SPAN 6920和SPAN 5640中得到加强.

  • 一个重要的职责是 西班牙语会话小时 (ora de conversación),由研究生组织. 每位助教每学期至少负责两次主讲,至少有一名助教负责组织.
  • TAs are expected to attend organized events that contribute to their professional development. These might include preparing undergraduate students to perform well on the 口语水平面试 (OPI) each semester in mock telephone interviews; the Coloquio, 为此,系里邀请学者来学校做几天的讲座和展示, 类访问, as well as formal and informal interaction with students and faculty; OLAC, at which the department encourages TAs to attend and/or present a conference paper; an occasional 部门会议 when invited guests or agenda items are relevant to TA professional development, and 语言教学工作坊, in which an outside speaker leads a session on theory and/or practice of language teaching.


During the first year, TAs are assigned to teach one class per semester. 第二年, 助教被分配在秋季和春季分别教两节课(同一课的两个部分). 助教通常教授第一年的西班牙语水平:SPAN 1110或1120,但可能有机会根据需要教授2110或2120.


All Teaching Associates have assigned offices, which they may share with other TAs. Teaching Associates receive a key that will open the building, 一些教室, 以及他们在Gordy Hall的办公室. This key must be returned before the teaching associate leaves the department permanently. 每个助教都要明白办公室是一个共享的空间,他们需要尊重其他人的存在,这一点非常重要.


TAs will have access to shared computers which are connected to a departmental printer. 印刷 is limited to teaching-related copies for the classes TAs are teaching.


Each TA office is equipped with a land line. 学生应确保手机已注册并正常工作,因为它将在OPI练习面试中使用.


助教每周必须至少有两个办公时间:一个小时在两个不同的日子和两个不同的时间(例如, 星期二2-3点.m. & 星期五10-11点.m. 或预约). 助教应该是灵活的,愿意在办公时间与学生见面,如果学生有冲突的时间表,需要在正常时间以外的时间预约,他们可以做出必要的安排. 助教应该和同事灵活相处,希望能协调办公时间,这样他们就不会重叠. 房间很小, and crowded offices are unfortunately uncomfortable, TAs should be understanding of this situation and cooperate with officemates.


As a Teaching Associate, you are an employee of the Department of 现代语言 at 俄亥俄州. Your behavior should reflect in a positive way all the policies, 部门的目标和宗旨. 助教通过做一些简单的事情来表现专业精神,比如在进入教室时打开灯, making sure that seating is arranged appropriately, 准时到达, 穿着职业化, 准备上课. 你对适当行为的决定应该基于大学的政策和常识. 除了, although 俄亥俄州 does not have a dress code, you are expected to dress appropriately for the classroom. 助教既是学生又是老师. 不要忽视这样一个事实:你有责任客观地评价你的学生,并在学期结束时给他们打分.

与学生交往是有风险的, and dating a student is unacceptable behavior under university policies. 性骚扰要受到纪律处分——即使是在双方同意的性关系中, 这里有明显的利益冲突. 发起这种关系或参与由学生发起的关系的教师将被开除. 我们强烈鼓励每位助教阅读有关性骚扰的所有资料 newbb电子平台网站.


  • 语言的位置: TAs are not authorized to allow students to enroll in their section. Refer all students who request entry to the online registration system, 哪里经常出现空缺,哪里可以选择将自己的名字添加到等待名单中. 对于之前没有接受过西班牙语教学或希望开始学习SPAN 1110的学生,不需要参加分班考试. If a student has studied Spanish previously, he or she must take the placement test. 请参考本网站.
  • 如果你所在部门的学生认为他或她准备过度,想要升到更高级别的班级, 请把这个学生介绍给 Dr. 穆里尔加利西亚语 用于SPAN 1110 & 1120, Ms. Carisa特拉普 (trappc@俄亥俄州.edu) & 2011, or Dr. 有触须的这样的.
  • 多节课程仔细阅读课程目标,使你充分了解驱动课程的语言学习原则. 作为教学人员的一员, you contribute to the overall quality of the multi-section course you teach, which lays the foundation for the next course in the sequence. 语言课程的成功取决于你的学生是否达到了课程的指定目标.
  • 课程计划: TAs are responsible for developing lesson plans in accordance with the course syllabus, 创建补充材料, and collaborating with fellow TAs and their supervisor to write materials. Activities such as whole-class lab work or full-length movies are not permitted.
  • 课堂上的西班牙语: Instructors must use the target language exclusively in class. Avoiding English takes practice and planning: as part of your daily preparation for class, you should think ahead to how you will introduce activities and give instructions 用西班牙语. 你应该尽量使用同源词, 重复, 冗余, 和遁辞, in order to get your message across to students. 如果你需要一个模型,咨询你的协调员,他可以推荐一个类给你观察.
  • 替代品: For any necessary absence during the semester, 你必须安排另一位助教来代替,并通知你的导师你不能上课. 不允许取消课程. You should identify potential substitutes early in the semester. You must follow the procedures indicated during orientation. For a pre-planned absence, you should get authorization from your supervisor first. 对于任何缺席, you are required to download an absence form, fill it out and submit it to your supervisor.

复印 & 印刷

TAs will have access to the copier/printer in Gordy 280 (the mail room). Copying and printing are for instructional purposes only; you are NOT permitted to copy or print materials related to the classes you are taking. You can purchase such personal copies/printouts in the library. 为了节省纸张, 学会制作双面副本或打印件,并将材料扫描后直接发给学生,而不是由院系自费打印出来. 也, 教室里的电脑和投影仪可以让你把文件投影到屏幕上,让学生们跟随,而不是分发纸质讲义. You will have a limited number of copies assigned to you. Once you have reached the allotted amount you will no longer be able to make copies.


The TA supervisor will observe TA classes during the academic year. 通过这个过程, 助教在教学中得到反馈, and the department obtains a record of the TA's performance, which can be used for future reference such as recommendations for jobs or Ph.D. 项目. 我们的目标是在教学大纲和课程指南所描述的所有步骤中实现一致性和统一性. 观察是确保项目顺利持续进行的方法之一. 每次观察后, 个别助教与语言课程主任之间的会议将被安排,主任将与每位助教分享观察评估并解决任何问题, questions and/or suggestions so that the TA and the Director may work together comfortably. All constructive criticism will be taken into consideration, 只要遵守指导方针和专业行为,所有助教都可以期待得到主任的永久支持. Observations can occur in the form of 类访问 or videotaping/recording the class.


For tutoring 用西班牙语 or any other class, refer students to the 学术成就中心 在奥尔登图书馆. If a Spanish TA wishes to tutor for extra income, a few rules apply:

  • 1120: You may not tutor a student taking a course in the series you are teaching. 例如, 如果你在教SPAN 1110的话, you cannot tutor a student enrolled in any section of 1110 or 1120. You may, however, tutor SPAN 2000 level.
  • 1121你不能辅导目前在你的班级注册的学生,也不能收取这种辅导的费用.


TAs will be trained on how to proceed with students with documented disabilities. Any questions or concerns should be first discussed with the supervisor. 如需进一步资料,请联络 access@俄亥俄州.edu 或浏览 无障碍服务网站.