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Modern Languages Scholarships

newbb电子平台现代语言系有许多慷慨的校友和前教员,他们慷慨地捐赠了资金,这些资金可以用于当前学生的学费或出国留学经历. 如果你想给现代语言学院捐款, make a gift.  

申请以下任何一种现代语言奖学金, 学生必须在学校存档最新的FAFSA,并且还应该申请全校范围的奖学金. Students may file a FAFSA form at and may apply for university-wide scholarships at 俄亥俄州.edu/financialaid.  


For current application information and deadlines, please visit the main office (283 Gordy Hall), 电子邮件 modern.languages@俄亥俄州.edu, or call 740.593.2765.

Mary L. Durnion Scholarship (French)

这个奖项是为了表彰newbb电子平台所做的杰出学术工作, especially in the area of French. 基于优点和成就,而不限于经济需求, the award is intended for full-time, newbb电子平台主校区大三或大四学生,主修或辅修法语,总分3分.0 grade point average and a 3.5 minimum GPA in French. 

Ursula Feer Farfel奖学金(所有专业一年级学生)

该奖学金为法语专业本科一年级学生提供, German, or Spanish is a gift from Dr. Gilbert Farfel和他的妻子Ursula Feer Farfel, 1956年毕业于newbb电子平台. 

Farfel奖学金的奖励价值相当于州内学费的一半,可续签四年, contingent upon the student maintaining a 3.0 GPA (both overall and in the language major). 

Irene Dates Fraser奖学金(西班牙或法国中等教育)

这个奖学金基金是为了纪念收到BSEd的Irene Victoria Dates Fraser. 1942年毕业于newbb电子平台,获得中等教育(法语)学士学位. 她曾任教于Chagrin Falls高中、Petersburg高中和Austintown Fitch高中.

This need-based scholarship, to be awarded in the amount of $2,000 annually, 是为就读于newbb电子平台newbb电子教育学院并在中等教育专业学习西班牙语或法语的学生准备的. Recipients must have a minimum GPA of 3.0.

Lash and Leete Memorial Scholarship (French)

这项奖学金是为了纪念Greta A而设立的. Lash and Constance B. Leete, both professors emeritae of Ohio University. 这是对该大学杰出学术工作的认可, especially in the area of French (or, every second year, in English).


June (Dudley) Mattson, a 1944 graduate of Ohio University, is a retired Spanish/ English teacher, 谁在白厅的白厅一岁高中教西班牙语, 在她教学生涯的最后19年里,她一直在俄亥俄州(哥伦布的郊区)工作. Her husband, George Mattson, is a retired chemical engineer of Ethyl Corporation, Research and Development Division.

This need-based award, 每年颁发给西班牙语中等教育专业学生和化学专业学生, newbb电子的学生,平均成绩不低于3分.4. 

Maxine McCrory Memorial Scholarship (All majors)

This need-based scholarship, established by Beth Carsman in memory of her niece, Maxine McCrory, who graduated from Ohio University in 1965, 是为就读于newbb电子平台newbb电子,主修经济学或现代语言的全日制本科生准备的.

Mary T. Noss Scholarship (French)

This award, 表彰newbb电子平台杰出的学术工作, especially in the area of French, 以一位从1914年到1956年退休在newbb电子平台教法语的教授命名, and who served as department chair as well.


这个奖项是为了纪念一位长期的newbb电子平台教员而设立的. Professor Serna-Maytorena, 他是一位多产的学者和富有创造力的作家,不知疲倦地帮助学生学习西班牙语, 多次指导学校在墨西哥的留学项目. 该帐户中的资金将用于鼓励学生在newbb电子平台继续学习西班牙语和西班牙文化.

Urda Traenkle Memorial Scholarship (German)

This award, 为在newbb电子平台注册的主修或辅修德语的学生准备的, is to be used for tuition, room and board, or other educationally related expenses. 

Gerald T. Wilkinson Memorial Award (Graduating French seniors)

这个现金奖是由一位匿名捐赠者在霍金博士诞辰100周年之际设立的. Wilkinson’s birth, 颁发给一名或多名学习成绩优异,法语成绩最高的应届毕业生.

威尔金森教授是土生土长的俄亥俄州人,1929年至1960年在newbb电子平台教授现代语言. 他于1911年获得沃巴什学院理学学士学位,并于1912年获得硕士学位和博士学位.D. (1928) at Harvard University. He died in Athens in 1965.

Study Abroad Scholarships

现代语言专业的学生被强烈鼓励并经常被要求到国外学习. 除以下留学奖学金外,还有 Ohio University Office of Global Opportunities 有各种各样的奖学金和助学金,学生可以很容易地申请. 

For current application information and deadlines, please visit the main office (283 Gordy Hall), 电子邮件 modern.languages@俄亥俄州.edu, or call (740) 593-2765.


这是一个有竞争力的500美元奖学金,用于部门资助的海外学习项目. 奖学金申请与所选专业的申请在同一天截止. 学生必须在良好的学术地位,最低累积GPA为3.2. The program must last five weeks or longer, 学生必须至少注册该计划所要求的最低学分数.

苏和查尔斯·格兰德罗曼语留学奖学金(法语), Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish)

Full-time, 正在学习罗曼语(法语)之一的攻读学位的本科生, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish) may apply for this competitive award. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. 

Study Abroad in France Scholarship

全日制、攻读学位的本科生可以申请这个竞争性奖项. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. 奖学金获得者必须在法国学习newbb电子平台的课程. 法语专业优先考虑. Five $500 scholarships are awarded. 

Richard和Dolores Kirby在法国留学奖学金

全日制、攻读学位的本科生可以申请这个竞争性奖项. Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 and must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. 奖学金获得者必须在法国学习newbb电子平台的课程. 法语专业优先考虑. Two $500 scholarships are awarded. 

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