
物理 & 天文学 Colloquium Series


座谈会 are Fridays at 4:10 p.m. 在沃尔特大厅.


There are no events to show at this time.



1月. 19, "Field- and Carrier-Facilitated Active Nanophotonics" | Wenshan Cai of Georgia Tech (联系: Sasha Govorov)

1月. 26、没有讨论会

2月. 2, "Cosmology in the Machine Learning Era" | Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro of the Simons Foundation (联系: Hee-Jong Seo)

2月. 9, "合作!" | 塞吉奥Lopez-Permouth (联系人:Sergio Ulloa)

2月. 16, "自然是自己的镜子吗? Parity-Violation with Galaxy Quartets in BOSS" | Zachary Slepian of University of Florida (联系: Hee-Jong Seo)

2月. 23, "The Tales of Two Probes in the Quest to Understand Nuclei" | Paul Gueye from the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams of Michigan State University (联系: Andrea Richards)


3月8日。”Simplicity in a Complex System: Quasi-dynamical Symmetry as Emergence Phenomena in Atomic Nuclei" |  Dr. Chairul Bahri of Kennesaw State University (联系: Gabriala Popa)

3月15日  春假

3月22日 "Detecting Single Gravitons with Quantum Sensing" | Igor Pikovskii of Stockholm University (联系: Alexander (Shura) Neiman)

3月29日。”Spatial Curvature, Dark Energy Dynamics, Neither, or Both" | Bharat Ratra of Kansas State University (联系: Hee-Jong Seo)

4月5日 取消了 没有讨论会。”机器人与人工智能!" | Jundong刘 of Biomedical Engineering newbb电子平台 (联系: Alexander (Sasha) Govorov) 取消了 没有讨论会

4月12日。”Optimization and Control in Online Advertising——Niklas Karlsson, Senior Principal 研究 Scientist at Amazon (联系: Alexander (Shura) Neiman) 

4月19日。Towards Programmable Living Materials and Quantitative Models of Active Matter" | 家的  Dunkel of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (联系: Alexander (Shura) Neiman)

April  26, 奖 Ceremony and Colloquium Event | Presentation by Ali Khaledi Nasab. Come and celebrate the accomplishments of our students and wish them well as they make the next steps in their lives!


9月. 1, Departmental Welcome Event followed with Pizza in Walter Hall 235

9月. 8, "Optimum Times for Quantum Sensing in Open Systems and the Challenges of Herding Quantum Cats." |斯蒂芬·格雷, The Argonne Distinguished Fellow 2021 from Argonne National Laboratory (联系: Alexander Govorov)

9月. 15, | Mike Lisa from Ohio State University (联系: Justin Frantz)

9月. 22, "Quantum Computing using Electron Spins in Silicon" |马克·A. 埃里克森, Department Chair and John Bardeen Professor of 物理 from University of Wisconsin-Madison (联系人:Sergio Ulloa)

9月. 29,

10月. 6, "Whip Dynamics in a Freely Falling Chain" | Peter Palffy-Muhoray from Kent State University (联系: Alexander Govorov)

10月. 13, 没有讨论会 - Fall Break

10月. 20, "Department Event Sponsored by the 物理学与天文学 Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee"

10月. 27, "Noise Signatures in 11月el Correlated Systems" | Sambandamurthy Ganapathy (Chair) from SUNY Buffalo State University (联系人:Sergio Ulloa)

11月. 3, "Neutral Modes of Electrons and Their Quantum Geometry" |  Herbert Fertig from Indiana University at Bloomington (联系: Nancy Sandler)

11月. 10, 没有讨论会 - Holiday

11月. 17, STM - at the cutting edge: "Nanoscale Imaging of Unusual Density Waves in Kagome Superconductors" | Ilija Zeljkovic from Boston College (联系: Arthur Smith)

11月. 24, 没有讨论会 - Holiday

12月. 1, “稍后通知”

12月. 8, "Nuclear 物理 and the Origin of the Heaviest Elements" | Rebecca Surman from Notre Dame (联系: Daniel Phillips)


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