
物理 & 天文学 教师研究领域

Students are welcome to contact faculty regarding opportunities for study in the following special topic areas, beyond the department's standard curriculum.

Opportunities for study may take the form of a special topics course, 系列讲座, 研讨会, 或者是定向阅读, depending on the scope of material, 学生的兴趣, 还有教师的可用性.

Students who are interested in studying a topic that does not appear on this list should feel free to ask individual faculty if this is an option, or contact the 研究生 Chair for advice.


  • High Energy Astrophysics (X-ray, Gamma-Ray)
  • 辐射机制
  • 辐射传输
  • Relativistic Astrophysics


  • Early Universe/Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis
  • Other Nuclear Astrophysics Topics
  • R-matrix Description of Nuclear Reactions
  • Detection of Nuclear Gamma Rays


  • Supercooled Liquids and Gasses
  • Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics
  • Soft Condensed Matter 物理 (including Polymers, Colloids, Liquid Crystals
  • 泡沫颗粒)


  • X-ray Characterization of Materials
  • Nanostructured Materials by Self Assembly
  • Glass and Disordered Materials


  • Topics in Cosmology (Dark Energy, Dark Matter, Structure Formation)
  • 引力透镜效应
  • Astronomical Data Reduction


  • Practical Electronic Structure
  • 计算物理学/Numerical Analysis
  • 非晶态材料
  • Electronic Structure of Matter: Character of Electron States in Molecule
  • Crystalline and Disordered Solids


  • 中子星
  • Equation of state of neutron-rich matter
  • Chiral effective field theory
  • Many-body perturbation theory
  • Bayesian methods for uncertainty quantification
  • Emulators for nuclear physics and model (order) reduction
  • 计算物理学


  • Any Topic of Few-Body 物理
  • Quantum Mechanical Scattering Theory (nonrelativistic/relativistic)
  • 多体的散射
  • Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
  • Three-Body Problem, Field Theory (mostly as applied to nuclear physics)
  • Numerical techniques as applied in Scattering Problems


  • Computing/Simulation Methods
  • 粒子物理
  • Experimental Methods in 粒子物理
  • Statistics/Handling of Statistical Uncertainties


  • 物理 of Nanostructures
  • Optical Phenomena in Solid State 物理
  • Many-body Effects in Condensed Matter 物理


  • 中子物理
  • 水平密度
  • 光学模型

saw - wai Hla领导

  • Organic and Molecular Electronics
  • Nanostructures on Surfaces


  • Academic Integrity for Teaching Assistants and 研究 Assistants


  • 声学
  • 显微镜
  • 薄膜物理学


  • 物理 Education 研究
  • 教育技术


  • 振荡理论
  • 分岔理论
  • 混沌理论
  • 随机过程
  • 信息理论
  • Nonequilibrium Statistical 物理
  • Biophysics of Neural Systems
  • Models of Sensory Systems


  • Non-Abelian Gauge Theories, especially QCD
  • Effective Field Theories
  • Chiral Perturbation Theory
  • Strongly Interacting Systems near the Unitary Limit
  • Structure and Dynamics of Few-nucleon Systems
  • Electron- and Photon-induced Reactions on Nucleons and Nuclei


  • 计算物理学
  • 物理动力学
  • 物理 and Astrophysics of Compact Objects
  • 物理 of Heavy Ion Collisions
  • 多体的物理
  • Advanced Topics in Nuclear Theory
  • 数学方法


  • Statistical nuclear physics
  • Experimental nuclear astrophysics
  • Synthesis of heavy elements in the universe
  • Neutron-capture cross section measurements for radioactive nuclei
  • newbb电子核物理学
  • 核结构


  • Statistical Treatment of Data
  • Experimental Method in 粒子物理
  • Computing in High Energy 物理 (FORTRAN, C++)


  • Many-Body Techniques in Condensed Matter 物理

Hee-Jong Seo

  • Cosmology: Large Scale Structure Study using Galaxy Surveys and Week-lensing Surveys


  • 表面物理
  • Surface Analytical Techniques
  • Magnetism at Surfaces, Atomic-Scale Magnetism
  • Scanning Tunneling 显微镜 (STM), Spin-Polarized STM
  • Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE), Pulsed Laser Epitaxy (PLE)
  • Semiconductors and Metals: Growth and Surface Structure
  • Nitrides, including Transition Metal Nitrides: MBE Growth and Properties

Eric Stinaff

  • 光学
  • 光子学
  • 光谱学
  • 半导体物理学
  • Semiconductor Nanostructures
  • 量子点
  • 量子信息


  • Cell and Molecular Biophysics
  • Diffusion/Brownian Motion (with lab demos)
  • Life at Low Reynolds Number
  • Overview of Intermolecular (van der Waals) Forces
  • Adhesion and forced Unbinding Techniques
  • 分子马达


  • 物理 of Nanostructures