
环境 & 植物生物学 研究生 研究

Harlan Svoboda conducts systematics research in Dr. Harvey Ballard’s lab.
Harlan Svoboda conducts systematics research in Dr. Harvey Ballard’s lab.

Recent 研究生 研究 and Conference Presentations

Presentations at National and Regional Meetings

Botanical Society of America 2014, Botanical Society of America, 博伊西, ID, Investigation and cladistic analysis of morphological characters in Tovomita (Clusiaceae), Gahagen, B. (主持人 & 作者:Tomaz, E. (作者), Ballard, Jr., H. E. (作者),接受. (2014年7月).

Botanical Society of America 2014, Botanical Society of America, 博伊西, ID, Preliminary Analysis of the Viola pedatifida Group and Evidence for a New Endemic Species, Zumwalde, B. A. (主持人 & 作者), Ballard, Jr., H. E.,接受. (2014年7月).

Botanical Society of America 2014, Botanical Society of America, 博伊西, ID, Preliminary

Micromorphological Investigations Toward a Systematic Revison of Passiflora L. 教派. 嗅觉障碍直流.斯沃博达,H. (主持人 & 作者), Ballard, Jr., H. E. (作者),接受. (2014年7月).

American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) Midwestern 教派ion Meeting, 哥伦布, 哦(美国), Characterization of a xylan synthase complex (XSC) from bread wheat, 姜, N. (主持人 & 作者),赫尔德,M. (作者), Faik, A. (作者),接受. (2014年3月22日).

玛丽昂·福尔摩斯. (主持人 & 作者), Matlack, Glenn R (作者), Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, "Impacts of past agricultural land use on forest herb community composition and dynamics," Ecological Society of America, 萨克拉门托, 加州. (2014年8月).

Niederhauser, Eric C. (主持人 & 作者), Matlack, Glenn R (作者), Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, "The secondary dispersal of forest herb seeds in raccoon feces.," Ecological Society of America, 萨克拉门托, 加州. (2014年8月).

The American Chestnut Foundation Annual Meeting, The American Chestnut Foundation, Front Royal, VA, ?Assessment of pure American chestnut (Castanea dentata) and hybrid chestnut seed, 增长, and leaf traits in order to facilitate restoration?Schurr, H. R. (研究生 Student, Presenter & 作者), Rosenthal, D. M. (作者),接受. (2014年10月17日).

American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) annual meeting, 波特兰, 或(美国), Two Hydroxyproline Galactosyltransferases, GALT5和GALT2, are Essential for Arabinogalactan- Protein Glycosylation and Development in Arabidopsis, 巴苏, D. (主持人 & 作者),王伟. (作者), Showalter, A. M. (作者), Invited. (2014年7月12日).

Midwestern 教派ion American Society of Plant Biologists (ASPB) annual meeting, 哥伦布, 哦(美国), Two Hydroxyproline Galactosyltransferases, GALT5和GALT2, are Essential for Arabinogalactan-Protein Glycosylation and Development in Arabidopsis, 巴苏, D. (主持人 & 作者),王伟. (作者), Showalter, A. M. (作者),接受. (2014年3月22日).

Joint Aquatic Science Meeting, 波特兰或, Biofilm strcutre and 函数 as tools for stream remediation assessment., p, p, S. (主持人 & 作者), Johnson, K. S. (作者), Vis, M. (作者). (2014年5月).

Northeast Algal Symposium, 新港国际扶轮, Acid mine drainage remediation assessment using biofilm structure and 函数, p, p, S. (主持人 & 作者),维斯,M. (作者). (2014年4月26日).

植物生物学 2014, American Society of Plant Biologists, 波特兰, OR, "Identification of the gene defective in gravity persistence signal (gps) 6 of Arabidopsis thaliana, 海登, M. (主持人 & 作者),霍尔,Z. (作者), Osika, M. (作者), Wyatt, S. E. (主持人 & 作者). (2014年7月).

American Society of Plant Biologists - MidWest 教派ional, ASPB兆瓦, 哥伦布, OH, Preparing for a spaceflight: Definition Phase, 巴苏, P. (主持人 & 作者), 海登, M. (主持人 & 作者),怀亚特,S. E. (2014年3月).


期刊文章, 学术期刊, 发表, Varied phenologies of Batrachospermum gelatinosum gametophytes (Batrachospermales, Rhodophyta) in two low-order streams, p, p, S. A., Vis, M., Fottea, 2014, 14, 121-127.

期刊文章, 学术期刊, 发表, Roles of benthic algae in the structure, 函数, and assessment of stream ecosystems affected by acid mine drainage, 等, N. J., p, p, S. A., Vis, M., Journal of Phycology, 2014, 50, 425-436.