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社会学 & Anthropology Giving Opportunities

Joseph Gingerich at Virginia dig
Dr. Joseph Gingerich and anthropology students at Virginia dig.

How to Support 社会学 & Anthropology

Thank you for considering a gift to the 社会学 & Anthropology Department. The department’s current priorities include:

  • Student scholarships
  • Experiential learning funds for student research, field school, travel, and internship support
  • 教师 support through research funding or endowed professorships

Below is a list of funds you can support today with an online gift.

General Support


  • Provides broad support for the department’s most pressing needs

社会学 & Anthropology Endowed Fund

  • Endowed fund to support teaching and research in the department

Wright Mills Social Policy Fund

  • Supports graduate student and faculty research

Student Support

David Hudnell Fund for Archaeology 研究 and Field School

  • Supports anthropological archaeology fieldwork and laboratory research conducted by 俄亥俄州 students and faculty

Chris “CP” Parsons Scholarship

  • Endowed scholarship for a student studying 社会学-Criminology

The Shelly Fund

  • Helps graduate students defray certain research costs for their graduate thesis

南希·米. Haag Scholarship in 社会学

  • Endowed scholarship for students majoring in 社会学

教师 Support

埃里克一. Wagner Professorship in 社会学

  • Endowed Professorship awarded to a 社会学 faculty member who has demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching of 社会学.


If you have questions about giving, or if you have interest in establishing a new fund for the department, please contact:

David Johnson
Senior Director of Development, Major Giving
Wilson Hall 303A
雅典, OH 45701