搜索 within:

社会学 教师 研究 Areas

Cynthia Anderson

  • 理论
  • Feminist 理论
  • Rural Labor Markets
  • Low-Wage Work
  • Social 不平等

Amanda 考克斯

  • The Death Penalty
  • 种族 & Socioeconomic 不平等 in Punishment
  • Criminal Justice Ethics
  • Criminological 理论

Bruce Hoffman

  • Criminological 理论
  • 法律 and 社会
  • Social 理论
  • 科学 & Social Movements

Nicole Kaufman

  • Political 社会学
  • Penology/Criminology
  • 法律 & 社会


  • Social Change
  • 理论
  • Comparative Institutions and Organizations
  • 社会学 of Development
  • Globalization
  • Social Movement
  • Conflict and Resolution
  • Asia/China Studies

Holly Ningard

  • Narrative criminology
  • Green criminology
  • Gender-based violence

Paula 米勒

  • Intersectionality: 比赛, Class, and Gender
  • Mental Health and Illness
  • Class/Socioeconomic Status
  • 不平等
  • 比赛 and Ethnicity/种族 Identity
  • Whiteness Studies

查理五世. 摩根

  • 比赛 & Ethnic Relations
  • Multicultural America
  • International Migration
  • Intermarriage & 家庭
  • Qualitative 研究 Methods
  • Japanese 社会

Stephen J. 斯坎兰

  • Comparative Social Change
  • Environmental 社会学
  • International Development
  • Poverty and Global 不平等
  • Social Movements

Jennifer 斯蒂尔

  • 酒精 & Other Drug Use
  • Criminological theory
  • 异常
  • Quantitative 研究 Methods
  • Interpersonal Violence

Anna Rachel Terman

  • Rural sociology
  • Appalachian studies
  • 社会学 of gender and identities
  • Women's studies
  • Social inequalities

Thomas Vander Ven

  • Crime and Juvenile Delinquency
  • Drinking and Drugs
  • Sexual Violence and Bystander Intervention
  • 社会学 of Social Problems

Pavel Vasiliev

  • Punishment and Social Structure 
  • Legal and Extrajudicial Determinants of Incarceration Rates
  • International Crime and Justice 
  • Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Change in Criminal Justice Policy

霍华德T. 六须鲇

  • Social Structure and Group Processes
  • Social Media and Computer Mediated Interaction
  • 研究 Methods
  • Social Implications of Technological Change