



newbb电子平台(newbb电子平台)和 俄亥俄健康运动医学 (OHSM) jointly offer a post-professional athletic training residency specializing in pediatric sports medicine located at newbb电子平台’s 都柏林综合教育中心. This partnership combines the strength of OHIO’s history in athletic training education with the breadth of clinical practice experiences offered by OHSM, 俄亥俄州最大的医疗中心之一,雇佣了100多名运动教练. 

The OHIO-OhioHealth 儿科运动训练住院医师 provides an advanced education program and a mentored clinical practice experience to certified athletic trainers who desire a curriculum focused upon the unique needs of the active pediatric and adolescent patient.

住院医师项目已经申请, but has not been granted accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation for 体育训练 Education (CAATE).







  • 工资按每小时21美元计算.84, 还有医疗和健康福利, retirement, 以及灵活的健康储蓄账户
  • 学费报销资格,外加1000美元的继续教育基金
  • 4名住院医师教师, 荣获超过12项州荣誉, district, 以及国家级奖项,反映了他们在教学方面的卓越表现, 指导和专业服务
  • 11名住院医师附属教师与住院医师临床合作, 拥有超过100年的运动训练经验
  • 接受静脉切开术、注射和心电图管理方面的培训
  • Pediatric focus within curriculum and clinical experience prepares athletic trainers to work in middle schools, 高中, 青少年体育
  • 整学期的尸体解剖课程, co-taught by an anatomist and an athletic trainer with over 25 years of combined teaching experience
  • 最多17个可转换学分,以获得选定的高级学位


To educate and cultivate future leaders in the profession of athletic training to provide innovative and evidence-based health care for pediatric and adolescent sports medicine populations.


To provide early-career athletic trainers an innovative program consisting of advanced study and intensive mentored clinical practice focusing on the management and care of pediatric and adolescent patients.  The residency aims to become a program where athletic trainers desire to transition their knowledge, skills and abilities into leadership roles and advanced clinical practice within youth sports medicine settings.


CAATE项目信息和结果可以在这里找到 website. 第一期住院医师课程于2022年6月完成.  The table below reports program outcomes associated with the 儿科运动训练住院医师 (2022-current).

毕业班 Admitted项目完成率1 (%)OHSM聘用2 (%)从事AT类工作3 (%)
202255/5 (100%)0/5 (0%)4/5 (80%)
202388/8 (100%)4/8 (50%)7/8 (88%)
TOTAL1313/13 (100%)4/13 (31%)11/13 (85%)

1 Program Completion is defined as those who successfully completed programmatic benchmarks and requirements.
2 OHSM聘用 represents those who accepted a job with OHSM working with a pediatric or adolescent population within 6 months of program completion.
3 Placed in AT jobs represents those who were hired in a job working with a pediatric or adolescent population within 6 months of program complete.


  1. Residents will be able to use patient and clinician-rated outcomes to develop a quality improvement plan.
  2. Residents will be able to provide compassionate and high-quality health care efficiently and consistently.
  3. Residents will be able to apply medical knowledge to improve pediatric and adolescent patient outcomes.
  4. Residents will be able to demonstrate the ability to self-assess and implement feedback to promote personal and professional growth.
  5. Residents will be able to function as a patient advocate through interprofessional collaboration and consideration of patient and family values.
  6. Residents will be able to exhibit citizenship and professional engagement within the local or professional community.
  7. Residents will be able to develop professional and collaborative relationships with members of the pediatric and adolescent health care team.



The OHIO-OHSM 儿科运动训练住院医师 is one of the few residencies in athletic training offering a structured didactic experience resulting in credit hour generation and an academic transcript. Upon successful completion of residency course work, residents may apply their course work towards 奥特拜因大学联合健康理学硕士对于那些拥有学士学位的人来说,或者 俄亥俄州的运动训练博士 项目,针对那些有硕士学位的人. 查看有关的信息 住院医师学杂费.




AT 6110: 行政管理(3)

AT 6360: AT的社会心理问题(2)


Fall semester is typically scheduled from the end of August to the first week of December.


AT 6210: ATs人体解剖学(3)

AT 6400: 循证护理I (3)


Spring semester is typically scheduled from the beginning of January to the first week in May.


AT 5300: 手工疗法(3)

AT 6410: 循证护理II (3)





对信息的请求将被发送到 劳拉·哈里斯,临床教授



The OHIO-OHSM 儿科运动训练住院医师 provides a 12-month full-time employment contract with OHSM. The employment contract reflects a salary that is based upon an hourly rate of $21.84, 可以选择参加医疗和健康福利, retirement, 灵活的支出, 和/或健康储蓄账户. 服装和医疗用品(e).g.、急救包、脉搏血氧仪、血压计、听诊器等.) will be provided; tuition reimbursement and continuing education funds are also available. 


July: Onboarding

Aug-June: 高中或初中临床实习

  • OHSM offers a variety of middle and high school clinical practice settings in private and public institutions. These institutions range in enrollments from 400-2000 students with 14-55 sports teams.

Nov-June: 医生实践

  • The physician practice commitment varies depending upon the primary site time demand.
  • 在高中或初中比较忙的时候, the resident will work one morning per week in a physician practice or upwards of 2-3 days per week when high school or middle school sports are less busy.
  • 医师执业经历发生在家庭执业医师身上.



作为项目要求的一部分, the OHIO-OHSM 儿科运动训练住院医师 requires residents to complete a collaborative capstone project, which is based upon patient and/or clinician-rated outcomes collected during clinical practice. The complete project is expected to be suitable for a conference presentation as an abstract or poster as well as to provide a measure of quality improvement for OHSM clinical sites and programs. 


Laura L. 哈里斯博士,AT

Natalie A. Dick, DO
