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Application Requirements


For undergraduate application requirements, visit Ohio University Undergraduate Admissions


Master of Science in Food and Nutrition Sciences

Program Code: MS6471

Program Contact: Christine Zachrich (

Admission Requirements/Recommendations

  • Bachelor's degree-required
    • Nutrition or closely related field preferred. Students from other disciplines encouraged to apply.
  • Minimum GPA: 2.75 (3.0 recommended)
  • Coursework
    • Recommend a minimum of 20 quarter hours or 12 semester hours of undergraduate preparation in nutrition or closely related program. Graduate coordinator can recommend specific coursework.
  • Curriculum Vitae-required
  • Three of letters of recommendations-required
  • Personal statement-required
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE)-required
    • There are no minimum scores for the GRE. It is only one of several criteria used for admission
  • English Language Testing required for non-native speakers of English
    • To be considered official, test scores must be reported directly from the testing agency to Ohio University.

For Unconditional Admission with Eligibility for Funding

  • iBT - 80 Composite, all Section Scores of 17
  • IELTS - 6.5 Composite, all Bands 6.5
  • Paper TOEFL - 550 Total, Composition 5, all other Section Scores 52

For Unconditional Admission without Funding Eligibility

  • iBT - 70 Composite, Writing 17, all other Section Scores of 15
  • IELTS - 6.0 Composite, all Bands 6.0
  • Paper TOEFL - 525 Total, Composition 4, all other Section Scores 50

You are responsible for reading and understanding the admission policies and procedures in the Graduate Catalog.

Please visit the Graduate College website for more information on minimums set by the Graduate College:

Ohio University Graduate College