
Academic Policies and Additional Information for All Students

所有newbb电子平台的研究生都应该熟悉 研究生目录. 目录包含与研究生成功相关的学术政策信息,包括注册要求, 工作标准(一.e., grade-point average requirements for degree conferral), 毕业信息, and time limits for program completion.

newbb电子平台 Accessibility Services

newbb电子平台的无障碍意味着集体努力为我们社区的所有成员创造包容性的体验. 在我们继续朝着我们的愿望努力的过程中,包容和无障碍首先要提供有关我们机构的透明信息.

任何怀疑自己可能需要基于残疾影响的住宿的学生都应该私下联系班主任,讨论具体需求,并提供学生无障碍服务办公室的书面文件. If the student is not yet registered as a student with a disability, they should contact the Office of Student Accessibility Services by 电子邮件 也参观他们的 网站.


Academic integrity and honesty are basic values of newbb电子平台.  Students are expected to follow standards of academic integrity and honesty.  Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to cheating on examinations, submitting the work of other students as your own, submitting the same assignment in different courses without the instructor’s permission, 任何形式的抄袭都将导致从作业“F”到休学或开除的处罚, depending on the seriousness of the offense. Academic misconduct is a violation of the newbb电子平台 Student 行为准则.  

另外, 所有的学生, 学生组织, and student groups are expected to follow the newbb电子平台 Student 行为准则. 有关行为准则的问题可以直接问学生的指导老师. 


咨询和高等教育系(CHE)为硕士水平的学生提供有限的助学金和奖学金. Appointments are based on availability, need, experience, and qualifications. To apply for assistantships or scholarships, visit the 巴顿教育学院’s assistantship page. Students may also apply for graduate assistantships or student employment at OU Jobs (newbb电子平台 Jobs/Assistantships). 有关巴顿学院的奖学金和其他经济援助机会,请访问巴顿学院的网站 奖学金和经济援助页面. 学院将在学年或暑期期间的任何时间接受申请. 1月15日前收到的申请将优先考虑下一学年的申请. 目前获得研究生助教奖学金(GA)或研究生记录奖学金(GRS)的学生应在3月15日之前完成申请. 在学年期间,助学金和奖学金的颁发取决于资金的可用性. 财政援助的继续是基于部门的需要和学生的表现, which is reviewed annually by faculty. Some students acquire GAs in other offices on campus. 所有有GA职位的学生,无论部门或办公室,都必须审查并遵守 Graduate College Graduate Appointment Policies.


All graduate students must be registered for a minimum of .05 to 1 graduate credit in any term in which service is received from newbb电子平台. 请浏览 研究生目录 的政策.


根据newbb电子平台 研究生目录, 授予研究生学位或证书要求研究生累计平均绩点(GPA)至少达到B (3).0). No course with a grade below a B- (2.0) may be used to satisfy any graduate degree or certificate requirement. Should a student achieve less than an overall B (3.0)平均绩点, 院长办公室将要求系研究生委员会提供一份书面声明,以证明学生继续学习该课程的理由.

Course grades typically employ an A-F scale. 不完整(I)意味着学生没有完成常规(a - f)成绩所要求的工作. 学生必须在下学期入学的前两周或成绩为“I”的学期结束后两年内完成作业, 先到者为准, or the “I” converts automatically to an “F.进步(PR)表示学生在课程上取得了进步,但还没有完成字母等级要求的工作. It may extend longer than one semester. The program does not encourage frequent use of PR grades. Students cannot graduate with a PR on their transcripts.


newbb电子平台每年举办两次 毕业典礼 ceremonies, at the close of fall and spring semesters. Students are required to register and submit a graduation application. Students are encouraged to review their Program of Study along with their DARS (学位审核报告制度) and submit any changes using the appropriate form (更改学习计划).


根据 研究生目录, 六个日历年是从硕士水平的研究生课程入学日期到完成学位要求之间允许的最长时间. Doctoral students have a seven-year calendar year maximum.


Upon initial admission, a student at any level (i.e.,非学位,M.Ed., Ph.D.) is assigned a faculty advisor by the program coordinator. The selection of the advisor is based on considerations such as existing advising loads, 在学术和/或研究兴趣上具有可识别相似性的学生和教师进行配对, 当我们知道, 学生和/或教师的偏好.

Students may request a change in faculty advisor at any time. The student completes the form available on the 巴顿学院表格页面. If the decision originates with a student, 这将是学生的唯一责任,以寻求并获得同意,另一名教员担任顾问. 如果决定结束顾问与被顾问的关系是由教员决定的, 教师有责任协助学生确定并获得替代的指导教师. 如果找不到新的指导教师,此事将提交行政长官教职员解决.


如果你参加了一个学位课程,但由于个人原因,不要指望在一段时间内取得进展, 医疗, 或者是职业原因, 在暂时离开学位课程之前,您应该申请离开学位课程.

经批准的缺课学生不得使用大学资源和服务,也不得以学术身份与教师进行磋商. A leave of absence does not extend the seven-year time limit of the doctoral degree.

请假可以确保你的学术项目的教职员工知道你的计划,并帮助你在休假前完成必要的工作. 被批准的请假请求也向第三方确认了你作为一个信誉良好的学生的身份. 请假:请求休假, 你必须向你的博士导师提交一份书面申请,说明休假的原因和预计休假的时间. 请参阅 Patton College 请假政策 and the form for submitting the request.

You are responsible for resolving all issues about financial support, 联邦财政援助, and any outstanding debt to newbb电子平台 before a leave of absence. Before the completion of the leave of absence, you must notify The Patton College Graduate Student Affairs Office, so that the reentry process can be initiated.

在一个学期的延期期内完成工作的学生,将没有资格请假. If such students need more time to complete their dissertation work, they are eligible to request readmission. 在批准的休假后不返回并恢复学位课程注册的学生将被从课程中除名. To ensure compliance with current SEVIS regulations and visa restrictions, 持F-1或J-1非移民身份的国际学生也必须在开始休假和返回校园之前获得国际学生和教师服务部门的授权.