
Appendix I: Doctoral Comprehensive Exam Policy

All doctoral students must complete and successfully pass a Doctoral Comprehensive Examination. 综合考试包括书面和口头两部分,通常在博士课程结束时或接近结束时进行. 笔试和口试评估学生对其专业领域和辅导员教育与督导核心课程领域的掌握程度. 考试内容包括, 但不限于, content from core doctoral coursework, the student’s field of specialization, 以及研究兴趣领域. 在考试中的表现为博士课程委员会提供了一个机会,以确定学生是否准备好完成论文.

Description of the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

The written comprehensive exam dates are scheduled annually for Fall (July 15th-August 15th). Comprehensive examinations are typically not scheduled during the summer term. 此政策的例外情况可根据具体情况考虑,并取决于委员会的批准和可用性. 8月15日(秋季)博士综合笔试提交后, the oral defense is scheduled within the first 2-3 weeks of the Fall semester. This may vary depending on the number of exams completed and faculty schedules.

Written Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

学生写四个部分(1).e., papers) in response to four questions for the written Doctoral Comprehensive Examination. 这些部分必须展示出超出学期论文的深度和广度,并且应该回答问题的所有部分. Students are allotted four weeks for the written component of the exam. 每个回答将不少于20页的内容,并应引用至少20个参考文献. 博士项目委员会的每位教员将为学生准备一个问题. The exam sections are framed around the five CACREP doctoral curricular areas: (a) counseling, (b)监督, (c)教学, (d)研究和奖学金, (e)领导和倡导. Since there are four sections, students combine two core curricular areas for one question. 博士生项目委员会的每位委员将为学生准备一个问题,回答四个部分中的一个.

Oral Defense of the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

Following the submission of the written Doctoral Comprehensive Exam, 博士项目委员会从收到申请之日起至少有10个日历日的时间进行审查,然后才能安排口头答辩. Oral defenses are scheduled within the first 2-3 weeks of the subsequent semester.

Preparing for the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

In consultation with the advisor and members of the 博士项目 Committee, students must schedule the term in which the exam will occur. 应该在学生计划参加考试的前一个学期开始与教师讨论考试. 学生必须在考试前的第6周向CE项目协调员提交《newbb电子平台》(见附件三),并且必须注册至少0个.在参加博士综合考试的学期中,获得5至1小时的研究生学分. 委员会成员和学生根据学习计划和学生兴趣在每个部分中发展主题. Once the topic area has been agreed upon, 学生与委员共同完成《newbb电子》(见附件三)。. 在这个阶段, students are not provided with the actual section question; instead, 学生将获得一般主题区域,以便进一步独立研究,为考试当天提供的问题做准备.

Doctoral Comprehensive Examination Procedures

委员会成员应向博士项目委员会主席和CE项目协调员提交问题,并在LiveText中输入. 7月15日(秋季)上午8点之前,每个部分的综合笔试问题将在LiveText上公布,学生必须在8月15日(秋季)下午5点之前完成笔试并提交给LiveText. 除了, 学生在截止日期前将笔试副本以电子邮件的形式提交给CE项目协调员,其中包含笔试的四个部分. 此机制可作为预防措施,以防LiveText出现不太可能出现的技术困难.  逾期提交的材料不予受理.

学生应将问题抄写在笔试每个部分的第一页上,并给出答案. 所有论文应使用最新版的美国心理学会(APA)出版手册完成. 部门行政专员将制作笔试副本分发给委员会成员,以供有要求的人使用. 口头答辩由博士项目委员会的全体教员进行,时间约为两个小时, 之后,, the student is informed of the outcome of the exam.


newbb电子平台的研究生应该遵守学术诚信和诚实的原则. 预计综合考试将独立进行和完成,并使用适合博士级别奖学金的资源. All references must be appropriately cited. 不遵守诚实和适当使用和引用参考文献的原则将受到最严厉的处理, with ramifications ranging from a failing grade on the exam to expulsion from newbb电子平台.

Assessment and Evaluation of the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

Outcomes of the Doctoral Comprehensive Examinations

1. Pass – the student’s exam is assessed and evaluated as satisfactory in all four sections.

2. Revise and Resubmit – If minor concerns are noted in any section, the student must revise and resubmit the section within a two-week time frame. The revision will be reviewed by all committee members. If the revision is assessed and found acceptable, the exam is evaluated as satisfactory. 如果修改被评估并发现不足,则学生考试被评估为不满意.

3. 一个部分不及格——如果学生的考试在三个部分中被评估为满意,而在一个部分中被评估为不满意,则允许对一个不及格部分的新问题进行回答. The new section will be reviewed by all committee members. If the new section is assessed and found acceptable, the exam is evaluated as satisfactory. If the new section is assessed and found to be insufficient, the student exam is evaluated as unsatisfactory.

4. 两门或两门以上科目不及格-如果学生在两门或两门以上科目的考试中被评定为不满意,则要求在下一学期重新开始学习四门新科目.

In the case of unsatisfactory performance on the examination, 委员会成员可能要求学生提供额外的课程作业或其他推荐. 除非情有可原, students who do not submit by the deadline will be evaluated as unsatisfactory. They are required to begin the comprehensive exam again with new topics in a subsequent semester.

Limits to Attempting the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination


Reporting Results of the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination

Following the oral defense, the Report of the Results of a Doctoral Comprehensive Examination form, 由全体委员签名, must be submitted to the 巴顿教育学院 Office of Student Affairs, 毕业的记录. 该表格可在巴顿学院获得,必须在考试结束之日起一周内提交. Upon (a) the completion of written and oral components of the Doctoral Comprehensive Examination, (b) assessment and evaluation of the exam, and (c) submission of the results of the exam, the 博士项目 Committee is dissolved.