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Various clothing items from collection

The Mary C. 多西历史服装和纺织品收藏超过2,500件历史服装,从19世纪20年代的日装到20世纪20年代的圣甲虫发夹,再到80年代的色块上衣,应有尽有. Doxsee系列以作为个人学生使用的教学工具而自豪, classroom presentations, community outreach, 还有其他角色,它用于学术和社区目的.

Current Exhibitions

Spring 2024: White Weddings


Past Exhibitions

Clothing Curiosities & Fun Facts


这段视频讨论了一些关于婚礼的爱情, there's quite a few traditions in weddings that have interesting origins; let's look a little closer at the flower bouquets...

一般来说,没有人会怀疑花束是可爱的, even more so at weddings, and are seen as part of the bride's outfit; many considerations and symbolic meanings can go into the bridal bouquet. 从颜色的选择到鲜花的种类,它们都是婚礼不可或缺的一部分. This has been true throughout history as well, 新娘捧着的花束更实用一些, yet still held symbolic meaning to the new couple. Ancient Greeks, 埃及人和其他人认为,携带某些植物可以抵御疾病和邪恶的灵魂. 有时草药会成为发型的一部分,有时则作为花束携带. Rosemary was for loyalty, dill was believed to increase lust, thyme and basil would be for luck and fertility and so on; there are a number of others as this practice crosses many cultural and ethnic historical backgrounds globally. The herbs could then be used in the wedding feast, 晒干以后再用,或者带回家种在花园里. 这些关于婚礼花束的信仰和传统从中世纪一直延续到维多利亚时代, 当时年轻的伊丽莎白女王在婚礼上拿着一小束鲜花而不是香草,从而开创了另一种潮流! 

花束的另一个有趣的用途可以看作是它的另一个实用功能. 而今天的婚纱在很大程度上只有一个目的, 它们不像几百年前那样被撕成碎片. During the Medieval Era in Europe, and most likely earlier, after the ceremony was over the bride would be chased by people that would rip the wedding dress apart and keep the pieces as part of a fertility ritual; not only for the new couple but for the people involved in the ripping. The dress pieces were seen as a sort of good luck. 新娘携带的花束被扔向追逐新娘的人群,作为一种诱饵,让人们在新娘试图逃跑的时候追赶花束.

需要提到的是,这种刺激性的草药也可能被用来掩盖任何气味吗? Whether or not a bouquet has flowers, herbs, or other plants like ferns, 尽管如此,如今它仍被视为新娘仪式不可或缺的一部分, more decorative than utilitarian. It is still an investment for a young couple, 现在一束花的平均价格在200美元左右.


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What We Do

The Mary C. Doxsee历史服装和纺织品系列是巴顿教育学院零售和时尚营销项目的骄傲补充. 我们努力成为学生、教师和公众的学习工具. 由于Doxsee Collection是一个博物馆收藏,我们也寻求通过服装和服装项目来保存历史/文化. There are over 2,从19世纪20年代的日装到20世纪20年代的圣甲虫发夹,再到20世纪80年代的色块上衣,应有尽有. Doxsee系列以作为个人学生使用的教学工具而自豪, classroom presentations, community outreach, 还有其他角色,它用于学术和社区目的. 


Mary C. Doxsee历史悠久的服装和纺织品收藏始于她的热情. Doxsee是newbb电子平台家政系的教授. 她对服装和纺织品的兴趣是众所周知的, students, 该地区的社区成员会提供她的物品,作为她课堂上的教学工具,或者只是给学生看. Her husband, Gifford Doxsee, 是中东/北非研究的教授,当他去世界的那个地区旅行时,他也带回来纺织品和服装给她,以增加她不断增长的收藏. Eventually, 当玛丽在20世纪80年代初退休时,这个系列以她的名字命名,仍然作为newbb电子平台现在和未来几代学生的教学工具.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Mary C. Doxsee Collection旨在向学生和感兴趣的公众介绍具有历史意义的服装和纺织品. Doxsee Collection是历史服饰和纺织品的宝库. 这项任务包括关注教育和保护, preservation, 并通过咨询和直接修复服装和纺织品


Trina Gannon

Assistant Professor of Instruction
Retail and Fashion Merchandising
Patton Hall 123