

连接数学与现实世界 是NSF资助的吗, three-year project focused on collaborating with teachers to make elementary mathematics meaningful 和 applicable inside 和 outside of the classroom by connecting math to real-world topics, including current events 和 societal issues that are relevant to students’ lives.






Dr. 考特尼凯斯特勒

“I’m really excited to be part of this team 和 to learn from the children, 家庭, 以及我们地区和太平洋西北地区的教师.”

Dr. 考特尼凯斯特勒 is the Director of the 俄亥俄州数学和科学公平中心 (OCEMS) 和 an Associate Professor in the Department of 教师教育 in the 巴顿教育学院 at newbb电子平台. 考特尼的奖学金以多样性为中心, 股本, 正义, 以及幼儿教育中的批判性教学法, 小学教育, 教师教育, 以及数学教育. 考特尼是一个骄傲, former public school teacher 和 has served as a classroom teacher 和 mathematics coach in 在文化上, 语言, 以及经济多样化的中小学. 有关更多信息,请参阅 OCEMS网站.


Dr. 阿曼达杉本学 is an Assistant Professor in the elementary Graduate 教师教育 Program where she primarily teaches elementary mathematics methods. She completed her PhD in teaching 和 教师教育 at the University of Arizona. She is also a proud elementary teacher with experience working with 语言, 在文化上, 和 economically diverse students both in the United States 和 abroad. 她的研究重点是改善教育体验, 访问, 以及不同语言学生在学校的表现, 特别是在数学方面.


Dr. 马修Felton-Koestler is a Professor 和 Interim Chair in the Department of 教师教育 in the 巴顿教育学院 at newbb电子平台. 马特的研究重点是公平问题, 多样性, 以及数学教师教育中的社会公正. 他还研究数学建模, especially of students' out-of-school interests 和 of social 正义 issues, 数学教育中的复杂教学.


Dr. 伊娃Thanheiser is a Professor of 数学教育 at Portl和 State University. Eva’s scholarship centers on teaching 和 learning mathematics in context 和 as a tool to make sense of the world at the elementary 和 middle school level. 伊娃还主持了两个播客 数学教学数学教师教育播客. Eva grew up in Germany 和 immigrated to the United States in her mid twenties. 有关更多信息,请参见 她的网站.

“I cannot wait to collaborate with everyone to develop 和 implement tasks that connect the mathematics classroom to the real world.”


劳拉•沃尔夫 is a Graduate Assistant/Project Manager for 教师教育 in the 巴顿教育学院 at newbb电子平台. Laura is a high school teacher (clinical intern) 和 graduate student in the Master’s of 特殊教育 in Mild to Moderate Needs Intervention Specialist program. Laura is a proud parent, 俄亥俄州 alumni, substitute teacher, 和 Junior High Basketball coach.



霍华德·巴特尔 是Ph值.D. newbb电子平台数学教育专业的学生. 他有8年的高中数学教学经验. Howard is interested in exploring mathematics teacher knowledge in contexts. 


莫莉·罗宾逊 is a Masters 和 PhD 波特兰州立大学数学教育专业的学生. She was born 和 raised in Alaska, but now calls the Pacific Northwest home. She has 15 years of experience as an academic 和 mathematics coach. Molly’s research interests include 股本 和 股本-centered mathematics teaching practices.

Simon Byeonguk Han

Simon Byeonguk Han 是Ph值.D. 波特兰州立大学数学教育专业的学生. 他在韩国有10年的数学教学经验. His research interests include how to connect a rigorous underst和ing of mathematics to the real world, 数学知识对教学的影响, 教师的数学身份, 和 teachers' mathematical flexibility for a more equitable mathematics learning environment.



Dr. 汤娅巴特尔 is an Associate Professor of mathematics education in the Department of 教师教育 at Michigan State University. 她的研究重点是权力问题, 文化, 以及种族在数学教学中的作用, 特别关注社会公正的数学教学法.


Dr. 西奥多曹国伟 is an associate professor of 数学教育 in the Department of Teaching 和 学习 at The Ohio State University. His expertise involves helping all students 和 teachers fully see themselves as mathematical humans through technology-based storytelling. Dr. Chao is currently Principal Investigator of a NSF CAREER research project exploring the ways children in urban emergent communities use Digital Mathematics Storytelling to share rich mathematical knowledge from their communities 和 家庭.


Dr. 拿俄米Jessup is an assistant professor of mathematics education at Georgia State University, Atlanta GA. Naomi has more than 15 years of experience in mathematics education at the K-12 和 university level serving as an elementary school teacher, K-8数学教学教练, 以及形成性评估教练(学校和地区级别), 方法课程指导老师. One aspect of Naomi’s research studies teacher learning 和 development, with an emphasis on using critical theories to interrogate mathematics curriculum 和 pedagogical practices in elementary spaces. Another aspect of her research seeks to highlight the experiences of Black 家庭 in mathematics education.


Dr. 艾琳·特纳 他是教学系的教授吗, 学习, 以及亚利桑那大学的社会文化研究. Her scholarship focuses on 股本 和 social 正义 in mathematics teaching 和 learning. She specifically focuses on pedagogy that draws upon students’ multiple mathematical funds of knowledge to support students’ mathematical underst和ings 和 agency.


Dr. 多萝西Y. 白色 is a Professor of mathematics education in the Department of Mathematics, 科学, 以及佐治亚大学的社会研究教育. 她的研究重点是数学教育中的公平问题, 和 particularly how to support teachers of 在文化上 diverse student populations.


Dr. 玛丽亚·德尔罗萨里奥·扎瓦拉 is an Associate Professor of Elementary 教育 at San Francisco State University. Within 教师教育, her focal areas are mathematics 和 bilingual education. 她的奖学金集中在数学公平问题上, especially related to the education of Latino/a students as well as other historically marginalized student populations.