
教师教育 Doctoral 申请过程


Frans Doppen 



Priority Funding and 入学s Deadline: 2月15日

教师教育部将优先考虑在2月15日之前提交的申请. 在优先截止日期之后完成的申请将根据具体情况进行考虑. 如果您的申请将在优先截止日期之后提交,请联系研究生项目协调员讨论您的申请. 所有国际申请者都应该联系研究生项目协调员(无论申请提交日期如何),以确保他们提交了正确的申请文件. 我们强烈建议国际申请人在优先截止日期前提交(即使不寻求部门资助),以确保有足够的时间处理和审查申请材料,并与研究生院分享信息,研究生院准备学生获得签证所需的I-20. If you are interested in Spring admission, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator.



All application materials are submitted to the 研究生学院 via the 在线系统. 在在线申请中, you may suggest faculty members who you would like to serve as your advisor, 但这不是必需的. 如果录取, 研究生项目协调员将与您一起选择与您的兴趣一致的适当顾问. After the 研究生学院 has reviewed your materials, they are made available to the department for review. 研究生院和院系对你申请的综合审查可能需要6-8周.

所有申请者 必须包括以下材料:

  1. 目前的个人履历/简历.
    At least two pages and not to exceed four pages.
  2. Scanned official undergraduate and graduate transcripts.
    申请人应提交所有就读院校的非正式成绩单,作为在线申请的一部分. 如果你曾就读于newbb电子平台, the 研究生学院 will add those transcripts to the system for you. 请注意,需要获得地区认可机构的硕士学位或同等学历.
  3. 三封推荐信. The applicant should not upload recommendation letters to the 在线系统. Your letter writers should upload their letters directly to the 在线系统. 完成网上申请, you will identify your letter writers and provide their email addresses. 你的写信人将收到研究生院的电子邮件,要求他们在线填写表格. 选择对你的学术工作很了解的推荐人,并能证明你有能力从事研究生水平的学习, perform well in courses requiring high levels of reading and writing, work as a classroom teacher or teacher leader, and be successful in a graduate program. 至少一封信函应涉及申请人的教学,至少一封应涉及从事研究生水平学习的能力. Do not solicit “character references” from friends, family, or people you know socially. 推荐信应该来自大学教授、雇主或专业同事
  4. 目标声明. 目标陈述应该解释为什么你对在newbb电子平台攻读博士学位感兴趣,以及它将如何为你未来的职业目标服务. In doing so you will likely reference educational experiences, 专业工作经历, 以及领导经验. 你也可以确定一个教育问题或关注,促使你追求博士学位. 因为Ph值.D. 是一个研究学位, you might identify a potential topic (or topics) as research interests, but you are not expected to have a fully developed research agenda. Based on your research/specialization interest, 在你的目标陈述中,你必须确定三到四名你想作为你的博士导师的教员. The statement is not to exceed two double-spaced typewritten pages. 如果您对目标陈述有疑问,请联系研究生项目协调员.
  5. 学术写作样本. 提交一篇学术写作,展示你的技术写作技巧和你提出逻辑主张的能力,并用证据和参考文献支持他们. Your writing sample could be a published paper, 论文:为某门课程提交的论文, 硕士项目论文, or you may wish to construct a new paper. The Graduate Program Coordinator can offer assistance in choosing an appropriate sample and, if you do not have an appropriate sample available, can provide a writing prompt to which you may respond.
  6. 如果你被录取,请按优先顺序列出你想与之合作的三位教员.

Additional Application Requirements for International Applicants

In addition to the items listed above that are required for all applicants, 国际申请人或第一语言不是英语的申请人需要提供以下额外材料. 这些额外的项目是必需的,即使国际申请人以前参加过美国大学.S. 机构 or has (or will have) a master’s degree from an accredited U.S. 机构. 所有的材料, 包括简历/简历, 目标声明, and academic writing sample must be submitted in English. 推荐信可以用英语提交,如果附有经过认证的翻译,也可以用母语提交. 因为国际学生在被录取后需要额外的时间来获得旅行和财务文件, 我们鼓励国际申请者在他们计划开始课程的学期前至少6个月提交所有申请材料. 研究生项目协调员欢迎有机会帮助国际申请人确保他们的申请完整并正确提交. 如对申请材料有任何疑问,请联系研究生项目协调员.

  1. 英语水平证明.
    非英语母语者必须提交以下两种标准化考试之一的官方成绩:英语作为外语考试(托福)或国际英语语言测试系统(雅思). This is required even if the applicant has previously attended a U.S. 机构 or has (or will have) a master’s degree from an accredited U.S. 机构. 其他机构的英语语言课程的结业证明将不被接受. 官方托福或雅思成绩必须直接从考试机构报告到newbb电子平台. (托福考试使用机构代码1593). Information on test centers may be obtained by calling 609.771.7500,或浏览 托福的网站. Photocopies and/or faxes of English proficiency scores are not accepted. newbb电子平台不能再签发I-20给学生,并提供在抵达后进行测试的条款. 请注意 研究生学院 English proficiency requirements. The department of 教师教育 will accept scores more than five years old. 在任何情况下,教师教育部门都不会放弃下列英语水平要求:
    • Unconditional 入学 WITH Eligibility for Funding
      • 新托福 - 80 Composite, all other Section Scores of 17
      • 雅思考试 - 6.5 .复合,所有波段.5
    • Unconditional 入学 WITHOUT Funding Eligibility
      • 新托福 - 70 Composite, Writing 17, all other Section Scores of 15
      • 雅思考试 - 6.0复合,所有波段6.0
  2. 关于俄亥俄州K-12教师执照的说明.
    希望获得俄亥俄州教育部公立学校教师执照的国际学生将需要满足与所有其他学生相同的要求:进入专业教育, successful completion of a graduate program, 课程, 专业实习, successful completion of the Ohio Assessment for Educators.
  3. After 入学, submit the following items to the 研究生学院:
    • 公证成绩单 所有高等院校出具的学士学位证书和硕士学位证书(或预期的硕士学位证书).
    • 经济责任证明. 完成 资助表格. This form must be received by the 研究生学院 before the I-20 visa. 额外的信息.


220个研究 & 技术中心
雅典,OH 45701 USA


All applications will be reviewed holistically, however, prospective Ph.D. students are generally expected to have:

  • Master’s degree from a regionally accredited 机构 or equivalent
  • Master’s grade point average of at least 3.4 (4.0分制)
  • Experience relevant to the individual’s doctoral program or specialization area. This might include PK-12 or post-secondary teaching experience, 高级内容准备, in-service professional development or professional development leadership experience, 课程/标准开发, 和设计, 等.
