
Bureau of Workers' 补偿


If an employee is injured at work, an Employee Incident Report [PDF] 必须 be 电脑及相关知识leted within 24 hours of the incident. If the injured worker is unable to 电脑及相关知识lete the form, his/her immediate supervisor must do so to the best of his/her knowledge.

员工 may seek treatment at OhioHealth WorkHealth or the local Emergency Department. 然而, the injured worker has the right to select the physician or medical facility he/she desires as long as they are BWC certified, if more than one visit is required.

In order to file a claim, a First Report of Injury (FROI) must be 电脑及相关知识leted and filed with newbb电子平台's Third Party Administrator (TPA) Charles Taylor, 原矩阵. Let the medical facility know that newbb电子平台's TPA is Charles Taylor, 原矩阵, so they can file the FROI. 9月29日生效, 2017, an injured worker has one year from the date of injury to file a Workers' 补偿 claim, but only has 24 hours to submit the Employee Incident Report [PDF]. Claims with a date of injury prior to September 29, 2017, an injured worker has two years from the date of injury to file a Workers' 补偿 claim.

Please remember that the First Report of Injury form that is 电脑及相关知识leted at the physician's office or hospital is 不 the same form as the Employee Incident Report [PDF]. This form needs to be 电脑及相关知识leted immediately and emailed to insurance@俄亥俄州.edu to prevent any delays in your workers 电脑及相关知识ensation claim.

Once a claim has been submitted to the University's TPA, the injured worker will begin to receive paperwork via postal mail regarding the claim. The paperwork will provide important information such as claim number, 主考官, 一般信息, 等. A claim will be designated as "medical only" or "lost time."

A 仅限医疗索赔 is if the injured worker missed 0-7 days (calendar days, not business days) of work. A 失时索赔 is when 8 or more consecutive days of work are missed.

If an injured worker missed 8-13 consecutive days of work, he/she may be eligible to receive lost wages for days 8-13 only. If the injured worker missed 14 consecutive days of work, he/she may be eligible to receive wages from the first day forward of missed work. 失去的工资将 only be paid (if it is an allowed claim) if the following types of time are used during the injured workers absence:

  1. 假期,
  2. 电脑及相关知识. 时间,
  3. 个人时间和/或
  4. 无薪休假.

失去的工资将 be paid to an injured worker if 生病的时间 was used during the leave. The injured worker may use any type of time while on leave (if applicable).

Again, the lost wages will 得到报酬 生病的时间 has been used; however, the injured worker may use sick time if he/she desires.

A claim will either be allowed or disallowed. If an employee disagrees with a decision, that employee may file an appeal with BWC. If it is a 仅限医疗索赔 and it is allowed, the medical bills will be reviewed and paid by Charles Taylor, 原矩阵. If a claim is disallowed, the injured worker has 14 days from the day he/she received the order to submit an appeal in writing to BWC. Failure to submit an appeal within the time frame will result in permanent disallowance of the claim. The injured worker will receive written notification of the date, 时间, and place the appeal will be heard.

If the injured worker and their medical doctor feel that 员工 cannot return to work, 员工 必须 obtain a doctor's note to include the following:

  1. date(s) to be off work,
  2. diagnosis (why taking off work),
  3. restrictions (if any) and
  4. estimated return to work.

员工 必须 provide the appropriate medical documentation from their physician that they are capable of returning to work.