12.055: Deadlines for Adding and Dropping Classes






黛博拉•米. 本顿|大学注册处


Elizabeth Sayrs| Interim Executive Vice President and Provost


M. 杜安·内利斯|总裁



  1. 概述


    学生可以在学期或学期开始前根据自己的意愿改变课程表(增加或减少课程). Once the semester or session begins, there are specific limitations on this activity:

    1. 术语

      This policy uses the same terminology as policy 12.050.

    2. 添加类

      在一般情况下, 学生可以在学期或学期第一周的星期五之前将课程添加到他们的正式时间表中. Some 部门s or individual instructors may require permission or even close registration altogether. The last day to add for a session is Friday of the first week. The last day to add for a semester is Friday of the second week; however, permission is required to add after the Friday of the first week of a semester. 学生在本学期第二周的星期五(每学期第一周的星期五)之后注册学分或旁听的课程用于计算学生所欠的学杂费.

      The instructor may refuse permission for a student to add a class, and may exclude a student who is already registered for a class, 如果上课时间少于80分钟的学生缺席了前两次上课,或者上课时间超过80分钟的学生缺席了第一次上课, and does 不 不ify and obtain approval from the instructor to remain registered for the class. The student is responsible for dropping the class if approval is 不 obtained for remaining in the class.

    3. Dropping or withdrawing from one or more but 不 所有 classes

      在学期第二周的周五(每学期第一周的周五)之前,学生可以在没有得到许可或受到学术或经济处罚的情况下从课程表中退课。. 这些课程从学生的学习记录中删除,不再包括在学费和杂费的计算中.

      学生可以在未经允许的情况下,从学期第二周的星期六(每学期第一周的星期六)到学期第十周的星期五(每学期第五周的最后一个教学日),退一门或多门课程,但不是所有课程. 然而, the classes remain on the students' academic records with grades of WP (withdrawn passing), WF(撤回失败), or WN (withdrawn never attended) and they continue to be used in the calculation of tuition and fees. WP, WF, and WN grades do 不 affect the student's grade point average.


    4. Withdrawing from the university after the semester or session begins

      退学的学生 所有 classes for which they are registered, 在所有的校园, (但不包括通过印刷教育提供的非学期课程)从大学到学期第二周的周五(每学期第一周的周五), 如果已全额支付学费,是否有权获得80%的学费退款,或者如果尚未支付学费,是否有权获得80%的减免. The courses are removed from the students' academic records, but there is a 不ation on the academic record that the student withdrew from the semester or session.

      学生可以退学 所有 classes for which they are registered, 在所有的校园, 但不包括通过印刷教育提供的非学期课程),从学期的第二周的星期六(一节课的第一周的星期六)到最后一天的前一天. In this case students receive no refund and the classes remain on the students' academic records with WP, WF, 或WN等级.

      If the student is a financial aid recipient and is subject to a federal formula for refunds, the student's financial aid credits may be voided, restitution of refunds may be required, and the student may owe any outstanding balance on the account that previously was covered by financial aid. If the student has been awarded a graduate appointment, 学生的学费、奖学金和助学金如有取消,请与研究生院联系.

      看到政策 12.050 for additional information about these processes.

  2. 添加类

    Classes may be added through the Friday of the second week of a semester, through Friday of the first week of a session, 或者通过相应的, prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes.

    Students may register online through Friday of the first week of a semester or session (或相应的, prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes).

    教师许可, 部门, or school must be obtained to register in the following cases:

    1. permission is required for 所有 students;

    2. 学生在学期第一周的周五之后注册(至学期第二周的周五);

    3. 课满了;

    4. student has reached maximum credit 所有owed in a variable credit course;

    5. student has reached the maximum retake limit for that course;

    6. student has already taken the course in the same semester (e.g., both summer sessions of the same summer semester, or a five-week course more than once in one semester);

    7. student does 不 meet the requisites;

    8. 重大搁置需要撤销;

    9. student would have a time conflict with a不her class.

    The online registration systems will indicate when any of these conditions are present. 觉得自己有理由注册的学生可以向导师、部门或学校提出申诉.

    如果注册需要许可, the student must obtain the permission from the instructor, 部门, or school and follow the directions as provided when permission is obtained. The student is responsible for finalizing their registration.

    希望在一个学期内注册超过20个学分的本科生必须获得许可(使用 permission to exceed maximum hours form) from their college or regional campus student services office.

    希望在一个学期内注册超过18个学分的研究生必须获得许可(使用 permission to exceed maximum hours form) from their academic 部门 or school and the graduate college.

    所有需要许可的注册必须在导师规定的截止日期之前完成, 部门, or school or on or before the Friday of the second week of the semester, Friday of the first week of a session, 或相应的, prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes, 以最早的为准.

  3. 旷课或退课

    从学期的第一天到学期第十周的周五(每学期第五周的最后一个教学日或相应的),课程可以在网上取消, prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes). 如果在本学期第二周的周五或之前退课(每学期第一周的周五或相应的周五), 该课程将从学生的学习记录中删除,如果退课影响到学杂费,学生有资格获得学费减免.

    本学期第二周的星期五(一节课的第一周的星期五或相应的星期五)后退课, prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes) will receive WP, WF, 或WN等级, and will 不 result in any tuition or fee refund.

    看到政策 12.050 for additional information about these processes.

  4. Appeals for late withdrawal from classes

    退课:在一个学期的第十周的星期五之后退课(一节课的第五周或相应的最后一个教学日), prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes) is 通常允许. 在学生无法控制的情况下,学生无法完成课程的极端情况下, 学生可以在本学期第十周的周五(每学期第五周的最后一个教学日或相应时间)之后向其所在学院或地区校园学生服务办公室提出书面申诉,请求允许其退课, prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes). 看到政策 12.050 有关详细信息,.

  5. Appeals for retroactive schedule correction

    学费上诉审查小组考虑学生的上诉,以便在学期开始前或学期第二周的星期五或之前对其时间表进行追溯性调整(每学期第一周的星期五或相应的星期五), prorated dates for flexibly scheduled classes). 看到政策 12.050 for more information about this process.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Director of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships

  2. 财务主管

  3. Associate Provost for Institutional Research and Effectiveness

  4. Associate Provost for 教师 and Academic Planning

  5. All Academic and Regional Campus Deans

  6. 教师参议院