杰里·L. 米勒,Ph值.D.

杰里·L. 米勒,Ph值.D.
教授, 香港大学本科生事务副主任 政治传播主任证书

Specialization: Political Advertising; Communication and Gender; 政治沟通, 论证和辩论

专业经验:教授(2015-至今), 副教授(2002 - 2015), 临时董事(2011 - 2013), 传播研究学院, newbb电子平台; Associate Professor and Cassese Director of Forensics, 传播研究学院, newbb电子平台 (2002-2005); Assistant Professor and Director of Forensics, 人际传播学院, newbb电子平台 (1996-2002); Director of forensics and graduate teaching assistant, 传播系, The University of Oklahoma; director of forensics and lecturer, 传播系, 匹兹堡州立大学; adjunct instructor, 传播系, Missouri 南部 State College; graduate teaching assistant, 传播系, 匹兹堡州立大学.

出版物:发表于《newbb电子》的文章, 政治沟通, 当代论证和辩论, 白宫研究, 古典修辞学与修辞学家, 美国大众传媒史:百科全书, 沟通研究, and Kansas Speech Journal; Chapters Published in Anticipating Madam President, Electronic Election: Perspectives on the 1996 Campaign Communication; Instructional video Using Visual Aids; numerous presentations at professional conventions and conferences.

荣誉年度最佳大学教练, Speech Communication Association of Ohio (2001); Distinguished Alumni Award, Delta Sigma - Tau Kappa Alpha (2001); Secretary, Delta Sigma - Tau Kappa Alpha, (1998-2000); Educator of the Year, Ohio Forensics Association (2000); Committee member At-Large (1998-2001), National Forensics Association; Vice President, Ohio Forensics Association (1998-2000); International Communication Association Excellence in Teaching Award (1995); The University of Oklahoma, 传播系, Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award (1995); Outstanding Forensics Educator Award-District III of the American Forensics Association (1995); The University of Oklahoma Conference Fee Grant (1993-95) and Research Grant (1994); Outstanding Young Men in America (1988); Phi Kappa Phi (inducted in 1988).
