


The School of Communication Studies (COMS), one of five schools in the 斯克里普斯学院 of Communication, was renamed in 2002 from the School of Interpersonal Communication (InCo). 这个项目, 以某种方式, has been part of the fabric of newbb电子平台 since 1808 when the first courses on logic (dialectic) 和 persuasion (rhetoric) were taught in English.  The School of Interpersonal Communication was created in 1964 as one of three programs in the newly created College of Communication. Since then our scholarly instruction 和 研究 in organizational 和 interpersonal communication, health 和 relational communication, public advocacy 和 cultural studies in a globally 和 technologically advanced society continues to explore the challenges inherent to human communication. 

For a review of our contemporary program, please explore both the 本科, 硕士学位博士 pages to gain a better underst和ing of our curriculum, as well as the 教员/员工 Directory to review the scholarly interests of our faculty.


Honoring visionaries 和 trailblazers is a longtime COMS tradition, 和 a cherished part of our ever-evolving history. We are proud to recognize scholars, 保罗H. Boase 和 伊丽莎白G. Andersch, through two unique awards.

保罗H. Boase delivering class lecture

保罗H. Boase was regarded as a visionary in the field of communication. The founding director of what was then called the School of Interpersonal Communication, Boase led a faculty charged with developing a distinct niche for the study of human communication within newbb电子平台’s new College of Communication. Ahead of his time in many ways, Boase—whose specialty, like many communication scholars of the time, was public address—helped create a school in which scholars could explore facets 和 forms of communication beyond public speaking. As a result of his founding leadership of the School from 1964-1981, COMS today is internationally known for engaging questions of communication that span a variety of contexts. Dr. Boase died December 13, 2000. The Boase Prize for scholarship was created to, in the words of his wife Connie, “keep his name alive” in the field.  Befitting his legacy, the award is given annually to scholars who have demonstrated outst和ing scholarship in any area of communication.

新! The faculty of the School of Communication Studies at newbb电子平台 welcome nominations for the next Paul Boase Prize competition. 
Materials must be received by April 1st, 2024, for consideration. View or download the full call 在这里.


Past winners of the Boase Prize:

  • 2016 Dr. 罗纳德·C. 阿奈特 

  • 2015 Dr. 凯伦自由/开源软件 

  • 2014 Dr. 卡伦特蕾西 

  • 2013 Dr. 肯特郡一个. 小野 

  • 2012 Dr. Patrice Buzzanell 

  • 2011 Dr. 布伦达·艾伦 

  • 2010 Dr. 芭芭拉Sharf 

  • 2009 Dr. 大卫Seibold 

  • 2008 Dr. 邦妮J. 陶氏 

  • 2007 Dr. 卡罗尔布莱尔 

  • 2006年博士. Robert Hariman 和 John Lucaites 

  • 2005 Dr. Gerry Philipsen 

  • 2004 Dr. 马丁Medhurst 

  • 2003 Dr. 詹姆斯·安德鲁斯 

伊丽莎白G. Andersch - Headshot

伊丽莎白G. Andersch joined the faculty at newbb电子平台 in 1943 和 was the first woman to be accorded tenure 和 promotion to Full Professor within the school. Dr. Andersch was recognized for her efforts to promote women 和 other historically excluded voices at newbb电子平台 和 beyond through teaching 和 mentorship. As described by Paul Boase, the School Director who established the 伊丽莎白G. Andersch Award in 1973, the award honors “the tradition of excellence in teaching, 研究, 和 service she embodied as a member of our faculty.” 

Past winners of the Andersch Award:

  • 2014    Dr. Arvind Singhal

  • 2012    Dr. Ann Bainbridge Frymier

  • 2011    Dr. 拉里·弗雷

  • 2010    Dr. 罗纳德·C. 阿奈特

  • 2007    Dr. 桑德拉Petronio

  • 2006    Dr. 艺术博赫纳

  • 2005    Dr. 弗雷德里克•米. Jablin

  • 2004    Dr. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell

  • 2003    Dr. Gustav Friedrich

  • 2002    Dr. 拉里Grossberg

  • 2001    Dr. 埃里克·艾森伯格

  • 2000    Dr. 罗伯特·斯科特

  • 1999    Dr. 苏迪怀

  • 1998    Dr. 莱斯利·巴克斯特

  • 1997    Mr. 马特·劳尔

  • 1996    Dr. 茱莉亚木

  • 1995    Dr. 史蒂夫鸭

  • 1994    Dr. 杰西迪莉娅 

  • 1993    Dr. Erwin Bettinghaus 

  • 1992    Ms. Nancy Cartwright 

  • 1991    Dr. 琳达·普特南 

  • 1990    Dr. 埃弗雷特罗杰斯 

  • 1989    Dr. 沃尔特·费雪 

  • 1988    Dr. W. Barnett皮尔斯 

  • 1987    Dr. 雷E. 瓦格纳 

  • 1986    Dr. L. 埃德娜罗杰斯 

  • 1985    Dr. 没有过错 

  • 1984    Dr. 塞缪尔•贝克 

  • 1983    Dr. 罗伯特·G. 甘德森 

  • 1982    Dr. Gerald R. 米勒 

  • 1981    Dr. 罗兰•里德 

  • 1980    Dr. 保罗H. Boase 

  • 1979    Dr. W. 查尔斯·雷丁 

  • 1978    Dr. 杰弗里·奥尔 

  • 1977    Dr. 维吉尼亚Hahne 

  • 1976    Dr. 玩滚球的阿里 

  • 1975    Dr. Barb Leib-Brilhart 

  • 1974    Dr. Mary Ellen Ludlum 

  • 1973    Dr. 露丝一. 威尔科克斯 

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