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2016 Schuneman研讨会

Tuesday, March 15 所有的演讲都在贝克中心剧院二楼举行。

Allison Wichie
Allison Wichie @AWichieWHIO Cox Media Group
Nadine Ajaka
Nadine Ajaka @nadineajaka The Atlantic
Tim Minton
Tim Minton @zazoomtim Zazoom Media
Robert Padavik Gannett
Robert Padavik Gannett
Nigel Holmes
Nigel Holmes @nigelblue Explanation Graphics
Tim Matsui
Tim Matsui @timmatsui freelancer
9 a.m. Allison Wichie (考克斯集团多媒体记者), Nadine Ajaka (《newbb电子平台》视频副制片人),以及 Tim Minton (Zazoom Media Group的联合创始人兼首席执行官)//用视频讲述故事的不同方式 
10:30 a.m. Robert Padavik (Gannett是新兴叙事形式的首席制作人)//虚拟现实叙事:机遇与挑战 
1:30 p.m. Nigel Holmes (信息图形的传奇,解释图形的创始人)//幽默在信息图形中是允许的吗? 
3:05 p.m. Tim Matsui (导演/摄影记者)//摄影新闻:变革的代理人 

3月15日星期二晚上:雅典娜电影院(20 S Court St, Athens, OH)

Time 表示信息
7:00 p.m. 松井添(导演/摄影记者)//《newbb电子平台》免费放映


Amos Chapple
Amos Chapple freelancer
Mickey Osterreicher
Mickey Osterreicher @nppalawyer NPPA
Time 表示信息
2:00 p.m. Amos Chapple(自由摄影记者)//短暂的无人机摄影黄金时代
3:05 p.m. Mickey osterreicher(自由摄影记者)//看. 在天空中-它是一只鸟,它是一架飞机,它是一个 . . . Drone!”
4:10 p.m. 与所有发言人进行小组讨论


Allison Wichie * who - tv和考克斯媒体集团驻斯普林菲尔德的俄亥俄州多媒体记者, Ohio; 2012 graduate of Ohio University’s E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院; started with WHIO’s breaking news team and worked in their digital department; born and raised in Troy, Ohio

Nadine Ajaka :: Curator and associate producer for video at The Atlantic; Fulbright scholar and 2012 graduate of Ohio University with degrees in broadcast journalism and global studies; spent two years in Jordan and Iraq; was photographer/videographer for the Iraq mission of the International Organization for Migration

Tim Minton :: Co-founder and CEO of Zazoom Media Group; oversaw the build out of the company’s Web video distribution network; was a news correspondent with more than 20 years of on-air experience; 18-time Emmy winner, 同时出现在纽约的NBC-4和ABC-7上

Nigel Holmes :: Born in England; moved to New York in 1978 to be Graphics Director of Time; founded Explanation Graphics in 1994; clients include American Express and The Smithsonian Institution; work has appeared in National Geographic and The New York Times; author of eight books on information design

Mickey Osterreicher :: Lawyer and award-winning photojournalist with over 40 years’ experience in print and broadcast; work has appeared in The New York Times, Time, Newsweek; actively involved as legal counsel in issues such as cameras in the courtroom, the federal shield law, media access, 公共摄影和无人机

Robert Padavik 甘尼特虚拟现实的首席制作人, 360 Degree video and other emerging forms of storytelling; began career with CNN and later worked with NBC News; implemented multimedia strategies for nonprofit campaigns in Africa; graduate of the E.W. 斯克里普斯新闻学院

Tim Matsui :: Emmy-nominated visual journalist; most recent project, the award-winning documentary “The Long Night”; clients have included Newsweek, Stern, Der Spiegel, GEO, Wired and many other U.S. and international publications; partners with nonprofits and corporations to inform and engage, 利用媒体推动社会变革

Amos Chapple :: New Zealand native; early drone adapter and freelance photographer who has traveled through 67 countries; produced landmark drone photography project “Air,,其中包括来自欧洲各地的照片, India and Russia; first international project was shooting UNESCO World Heritage sites