
核 & 粒子

This “event display” is a snapshot of a very high energy nuclear collision that produces large numbers of outgoing subatomic particles, represented by the straight line “tracks” emanating from the center. (Courtesy of the PHENIX Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider)
This “event display” is a snapshot of a very high energy nuclear collision that produces large numbers of outgoing subatomic particles, represented by the straight line “tracks” emanating from the center. (Courtesy of the PHENIX Experiment at Brookhaven National Laboratory’s Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider)

Using the Edwards Accelerator and National Labs

At the scale of nuclei, 大约10,000 times smaller than atoms, we encounter the strong force that holds together protons and neutrons in the nucleus and also holds together quarks inside the proton and neutron. 的 strong force is 大约100 times bigger than the electric forces that bind electrons to atoms, and so it requires powerful accelerators to study it.

Edwards Accelerator Lab, located on campus at newbb电子平台, and national accelerator laboratories are used by faculty and students to study the properties of both the strong and the weak nuclear forces. Whether trying to discover new types of particles or learning what goes on inside supernova explosions, the goal of this research is to learn about the fundamental forces that bind nuclei and particles.


Associated 教师 and 工作人员
