
心理学职业道路:临床 & 咨询心理学


  • 临床心理学家(理科).A., M.S., Ph.D., & 小组.D.)
  • 咨询心理学家(M).A., M.S., & Ph.D.)
  • 临床研究助理(B.S.)


With the exception of obtaining a position as a clinical research assistant, a graduate degree is necessary to be a clinical or counseling psychologist. There are many options for graduate degrees in clinical and counseling psychology, 从硕士(硕士)到硕士(硕士).A. 或米.S.)到博士学位(Ph ..D. 或小组.D.). 所需的学位类型取决于学生的职业目标.

The purpose of the clinical and counseling psychology track is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of psychology while preparing students for graduate school in clinical or counseling psychology.


To learn more about clinical and counseling psychology, here is what you can do:

  1. 访问 第十二部(临床心理学会) 美国心理学会的.
  2. 访问 第十七部(心理谘询学会) 美国心理学协会.
  3. Read “Getting In: A Step-By-Step Plan for Gaining 入学 to 研究生 School in 心理学” published by the American 小组chological Association.
  4. Schedule a meeting with a clinical and/ or counseling psychologist to learn more about the profession.
  5. 访问心理学系的咨询和资源中心, where there are many resources available to students interested in clinical and counseling psychology.


临床 psychologists assess and treat mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders. 这些障碍可以是短期问题, 比如儿童行为不端, 慢性疾病, 比如精神分裂症. Some clinical psychologists specialize in the treatment of a specific problem, 比如饮食失调, 创伤后应激障碍, 或抑郁. 进一步, 许多临床心理学家 will focus on treating specific populations, 比如孩子, 少数民族, 夫妻, 或者老年人. 然而, 许多临床心理学家, 尤其是那些更注重实践的人, focus more broadly in terms of the problems they treat and populations with whom they work.

There are a variety of career paths one may choose within clinical psychology. Although most people think that clinical psychologists only conduct therapy, 许多临床心理学家 conduct research or function as consultants, 监事, 或管理员. 临床心理学家在各种环境下工作, including academic institutions and healthcare settings such as clinics, 医院, 社区精神卫生中心, 在私人执业中.


咨询心理学与临床心理学相似. 研究生s of doctoral-level clinical and counseling psychology programs are generally eligible for the same professional positions. 在一般情况下, the difference is that counseling psychology focuses more on life span issues such as career development and adjustment, 以及较少严重的心理障碍, 比如抑郁症.


With the exception of a position as a clinical research assistant, a graduate degree is necessary to obtain a job in clinical or counseling psychology. There are many options for graduate degrees in clinical and counseling psychology, 从硕士(硕士)到硕士(硕士).A. 或米.S.)到博士学位(Ph ..D. 或小组.D.). 你需要的学位类型取决于你的职业目标.

The purpose of the clinical and counseling psychology pathway is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of psychology while preparing students for graduate school in clinical or counseling psychology.


If you are interested in pursuing a career in clinical or counseling psychology, be sure to work with an advisor to develop an academic plan that is tailored to your interests. Your plan should lead to the completion of coursework that is useful for admission to a graduate program in clinical or counseling psychology.


In addition to the suggestions for the clinical and counseling psychology pathway, 它们列在下面, 确保完成所有其他大学和学院的要求, 包括外语要求. We recommend beginning the foreign language requirement in your first year. NOTE: You may begin with a class higher than 1110 depending on foreign language placement test results. 不要求外语是有可能的. 因此, it is recommended that you take the placement test for any foreign language you completed in high school.


以下课程是 强烈推荐 for students planning on pursuing a graduate degree in clinical and counseling psychology:

  • PSY 2720人格心理学(3)
  • PSY 3110高级统计(4)*
  • PSY 3120测试 & 测量(3)
  • PSY 3410行为遗传学 & 个体差异(3)
  • PSY 3420 & 老化(3)
  • PSY 3430儿童疾病(3)
  • PSY 3710介绍临床 & 咨询(3)
  • PSY 4010历史 & 心理学系统(3)

*It is strongly recommended that those interested in applying to graduate school in clinical and/or counseling psychology complete advanced statistics given that many programs are no longer requiring the GRE.


Below are additional courses outside of the 心理学系 that may be relevant to those interested in clinical and counseling psychology. Students who intend to go to graduate school in clinical or counseling psychology are encouraged to complete courses in 生物科学.

  • SW 1000社会工作入门 & 社会福利(3)
  • SW 3233老年人咨询(3)
  • SW 3273心理健康 & 社会工作(三)
  • SW 3701人类行为动力学(3)
  • SOC 2200系列介绍(3)
  • SOC 3650精神疾病社会学(3)
  • CFS 2700亲密与家庭关系(3)
  • CFS 3601人类性别(3)
  • COMS 2060人际关系中的沟通(4)


Students who intend to go to graduate school in clinical or counseling psychology are encouraged to complete courses in 生物科学.


Students interested in graduate school in clinical or counseling psychology are strongly encouraged to complete the Honor’s Program in 心理学 if requirements are met. More information about the 心理学荣誉课程 is available on the website or by discussing it with your academic adviser.


It is 强烈推荐 that students interested in clinical or counseling psychology participate in research in a psychology lab and engage in fieldwork in settings related to the student’s particular area of interest. Many doctoral programs expect applicants to submit letters from 监事 who have worked with applicants to disseminate research through presentations at conferences or publication of academic papers.

  • 3910 (1-4, 4 max) - Credit for volunteer work in a mental health or health-care setting.
  • 3940 (1-4, 12 max) - Credit for participating in research under the supervision of a faculty member.

建议未成年人 & 证书

There are several different minors and certificates that are related to the field of clinical and counseling psychology. Discuss with your adviser which minor is most conducive to your career goals and plans for graduate school.

