graphic of overlaid gears forming image of human brain
Prepare for careers in human services, business 和更多的

在线B.S. 心理学学士学位

了解如何 online Bachelor of Science 在心理学中 program can fit into your life. 我们提供全面的领域探索和独特的学习经验. 受益于一流的讲师和课程,将装备你的未来努力. Whether you seek career advancement, 探索新领域, fulfill a lifelong ambition of earning a university degree, or gain insights into human behavior, 该计划是为帮助您实现您的目标而量身定制的. 此外,你可以利用你现有的学分,将它们转移到这个学位课程. 

利用以前获得的学分的学分转换机会. Start your psychology journey today!

Benefits of earning your degree is newbb电子平台:

  • Flexible online format
  • Affordable tuition, with financial aid options
  • 广泛的教育和职业规划咨询资源
  • 课程 include child 和 adolescent psychology, introduction to clinical 和 counseling, psychological disorders of childhood, 体育运动心理学, 和更多的.



主要代码: BS4107

教师联系: Dr. 迈克尔•格兰特



你将有机会接触到最优质的导师和课程,为你人生的下一步做好准备. Whether that is promotion in a current career, exploration of a new career field, achievement of a life-long goal to earn a university degree, 或者只是更好地了解人们和他们的行为, this program is designed to help you achieve your goals.

如果你有兴趣在心理学相关领域找到一份工作, 有了这个学士学位,你将准备在以下领域寻求职业:

  • 人文服务(咨询、危机工作、绩效提升)
  • 业务人员, 销售, advertising/marketing, 公共关系, 消费者研究, 客户服务)
  • 卫生服务(公共卫生、卫生预防方案、预防研究)

While completing the 在线B.S. 在心理学中, you will explore the field of psychology, gain valuable experience with a diverse online student body, 和 develop professional relationships 与教师. You will be encouraged to explore service activities (such as volunteering at relevant social service agencies) 并能探索参与心理学研究的机会.


心理学系致力于提供优秀的心理学本科课程. More specifically, the department has the following aims:

  • 为学生提供由合格教师讲授的引人入胜的课程,确保学生在心理学的主要实质性领域打下坚实的基础
  • 通过利用在被广泛认为是大学杰出的研究部门之一的部门提供的机会,强调优秀的定量和研究技能的发展
  • 鼓励学生参与服务活动,既能加深学生对心理学的了解,又能满足本地社区和更广泛地区的需要
  • 提供建议,(1)确保学生及时完成学位,(2)确保他们完成学习计划,为他们选择的职业做好充分准备, 无论是在心理学领域,还是在众多心理学训练有益的领域之一

该专业以灵活的在线形式授课,不需要面对面的会议. Students interested in this option should apply using the BS4107 psychology major code.

关于 the 课程

课程, 除了课程阅读,可能包括监考或未监考的考试, 论文反应, term papers 和/or online class discussions. 绝大多数在线课程都是异步的(不是实时的), allowing one to work on assignments on their own schedule.

职业生涯 & 研究生院

拥有心理学学位的毕业生为各种各样的职业做好了准备,因为他们的学术课程强调沟通、批判性和分析性思维. 职业机会范围从人力服务部门的工作, 比如咨询, 危机的工作, 和 performance enhancement; work in research, from social 和 market research to experimental psychology; 和 even work in the business sector, with positions in 销售, 公共关系, 以及客户服务. Potential 雇主 of psychology graduates include, but are not limited to, the following: hospitals 和 health care providers; institutions of higher education; rehabilitation facilities; local, 状态, 和 national government agencies; social services 和 non-profit agencies; public 和 private K-12 schools; research organizations; service providers; etc. 心理学学位也将为学生的研究生学习做准备.

浏览数十个实习机会和全职工作发布为newbb电子平台的学生和校友 握手, 俄亥俄州's key resource for researching jobs, 雇主, 研讨会, 和 professional development events.


University-wide Graduation Requirements


文学院的文科和理科分布要求 & 科学

To complete this degree, students must complete all of the College-Level Requirements for the College of Arts & 科学. The college does have a foreign language requirement of one full year of a single foreign language. Spanish 和 Sign Language are regularly offered online. 和你的导师谈谈你感兴趣的其他语言. 学生也可以从其他认证机构转语言学分. 对于持有副学士学位或其他转学分的学生, 许多大学水平的要求可能已经达到了.

心理学 Core Requirements


  • PSY 1010 - General 心理学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PSY 2110 -统计行为科学学分:4.0
  • PSY 2120 - 研究 Methods 在心理学中 Credit Hours: 4.0
  • PSY 2210 - Physiological 心理学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PSY 2310 - Cognitive 心理学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PSY 2410 - Child 和 Adolescent 心理学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PSY 2510 - Social 心理学 Credit Hours: 3.0
  • PSY 2710 - Psychopathology Credit Hours: 3.0
  • 完成三门额外的3000级或更高的心理学课程(不包括PSY 3910), 3920, 3940, 3970T, 3980T, 4930, 4970H, 4970T, 4980H, 4980T, 和4990 h).

你每学期的具体课程选择将部分取决于你在注册在线心理学B之前已经完成的课程.S. Program, as well as your own goals 和 interests.

What Can You Do with a Bachelor's Degree 在心理学中?

打开一个世界的职业机会与心理学学士学位. Prepare yourself for a diverse range of possibilities, including rewarding careers in human services 和 business. 有了这个学位, you could excel in roles at mental health agencies, 协助客户完成日常任务,甚至促进小组治疗. 另外, 学生可能会在当地或州家庭服务部门找到令人满意的职业, 修正服务, or rehabilitative services.

The field of business offers numerous potential career paths, such as human services encompassing counseling, 危机干预, 和 performance enhancement. 您还可以探索各种业务领域的机会, 包括人员, 销售, advertising/marketing, 公共关系, 消费者研究, 以及客户服务. 另外, 保健服务部门欢迎具有心理学背景的个人, where you can contribute to public health initiatives, health prevention programs, 和 prevention research.

通过获得基本技能,比如进行基础研究, underst和ing the complexities of human behavior, 认为, 和情感, as well as comprehending human motivation 和 goal-seeking, you will gain a competitive edge in these fields. 拥抱有价值的机会,等待着你与心理学学位,踏上一个充实的职业生涯之旅.
