
心理学事业 & 实习

Individualized Career Coaching for Arts & 科学的学生

文学院 & Sciences students can take advantage of individualized career coaching, with many resources to help them prepare for successful lives. Students with liberal arts degrees are highly sought after because they are educated to think critically and become problem solvers for 21st century issues.



心理学 is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes in both human and animal. 心理学 is a broad discipline encompassing topics from the social sciences as well as the natural sciences, 尤其是生物学. Psychologists study the relationship between brain function and behavior, as well as the relationship between the environment and behavior. Because psychology is a science, psychologists follow the scientific methods of careful observation, 实验, 和分析.

Psychologists may work in a variety of roles. 例如, psychologists conduct both basic and applied research, 担任顾问, 诊断和治疗病人, teach future psychologists, test intelligence and personality, and work as health care providers.

Psychologists may work independently, as well as with other professionals such as physicians, 律师, 学校工作人员, 计算机专家, 工程师, 政策制定者, 经理, 和其他科学家.

Psychologists may work in a variety of settings such as laboratories, 学校, 大学, 社区卫生中心, 监狱, 公司的办公场所, 医院, 而且法庭.

Career Paths with a Bachelor's Degree

There are many opportunities for individuals with a background in psychology, especially for those with graduate degrees. However, an undergraduate degree in psychology is good preparation for many other professions.

Employers are interested in the statistical and experimental design skills of psychology students, as well as the communication and interpersonal skills, 解决问题的能力, 心理知识, and computer literacy skills.

The purpose of the undergraduate program at newbb电子平台 is to provide students with a well-rounded liberal arts education, with an in-depth study in psychology.

Become more involved in psychology or to learn about the profession:

Additional Recommendations

As students pursue a liberal arts education in 心理学 and prepare for a career in a variety of settings, there are steps you can take to make yourself more marketable to potential 雇主, as well as to prepare for graduate school.

These other activities include:

  • 工作经验
  • 实习
  • 志愿活动
  • Extracurricular involvement

Browse through dozens of Internship opportunities and full-time job postings for newbb电子平台 students and alumni on 握手, 俄亥俄州's key resource for researching jobs, 雇主, 研讨会, and professional development events.