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Clinical Psychology Ph.D.

Major Areas of Study Available to Students

Contact the Director of Clinical Training

Julie Suhr
250 Porter Hall
Department of Psychology
Ohio University
Athens, OH 45701

Program Overview

临床心理学博士培养项目对学生进行临床技能和研究方面的集中训练. The program has been accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1970. newbb电子平台不提供临床心理学硕士学位作为最终学位, but only as a step toward the Ph.D. degree.

The program requirements for all students include coursework, clinical practica, independent research, and an internship. 学生完成广泛的课程和实践培训经验,符合美国心理协会对成人临床心理学专业的认证要求. While all students complete intensive, broad-based clinical and research training consistent with this specialty, 学生还可以选择完成临床儿童心理学主要研究领域的课程和临床和研究培训. 在这个选修的主要研究领域的培训描述可以在上面的链接中找到. In addition, 该系为临床和实验研究生提供完成定量方法选修课程的机会.

鼓励独立研究和与教师合作研究项目. A master's thesis and doctoral dissertation are required; each of these projects is to be substantive and based upon empirical data. The vast majority of our students present their research at professional conferences, and many publish articles in professional journals. A faculty with diverse research interests and clinical expertise, an interface with the experimental psychology program, 而且许多研究合作者的存在增加了研究培训的机会. 临床科室的教师在以下领域进行研究:临床儿童, clinical health, clinical neuropsychology, interpersonal processes, eating disorders, ADHD, emotion regulation, school mental health, substance abuse, and trauma and violence.

临床培训在newbb电子平台心理学和社会工作诊所以及大学附近的各种临床实习地点进行. See Current Clinical Traineeship Sites. In addition, 毕业前需要在apa批准的机构进行为期一年的临床实习. The internship usually is served during the terminal year of the program. See Recent Internship Placements.

The program's administrative policies and procedures are documented in the Clinical Graduate Student Manual for graduate students. For additional information on student selection and admissions, student administrative and financial assistance, 最低可接受的成绩水平和大学完成学位的最后期限, and student due process and grievance policies, see the Ohio University Graduate Catalog.

Although the program can be completed in five years, 特别是对于那些选择完成一个或多个选修专业学习和/或寻求学术生涯的学生, the program may take longer to complete. See Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data.

newbb电子平台临床心理学博士课程是由美国心理学协会认证的. For information regarding the accreditation status, contact The Commission on Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street, N.E., Washington, DC 20002-4242 # (202) 336-5979.

Career & Research Opportunities

该课程的应届毕业生从事的职业包括不同程度的研究和实践. Employment settings include medical centers, colleges and universities, independent practice, state and county hospitals, medical schools, school districts, university counseling centers, correctional facilities, and business and industry. Graduates are prepared, with additional postdoctoral experience, for the psychology licensing requirements of all states in the United States.

Consumer Information Disclosure

The practice of psychology is regulated at the state level. State licensing authorities, commonly referred to as “State Boards,确定其所在州对执照的具体教育和培训要求. The U.S. 教育部要求所有为学生准备可能获得执照的课程必须披露他们的课程是否足以满足所有州的执照要求. Of note, 许多州要求博士后培训/临床时数以及在博士学位之后完成的考试,因此超出了博士教育和培训的要求. As such, a Ph.D. degree from our program is not sufficient, in and of itself, to meet licensure requirements in most states. However, 我们下面的披露将表明我们的计划是否符合所有州的教育执照要求.   

If you are planning to pursue professional licensure or certification, 强烈建议您在开始学术课程之前联系您正在寻求许可或认证的州的适当许可实体,以获取有关许可或认证要求的信息和指导. 鉴于各州对许可证或认证的要求各不相同,并且可能随着时间的推移而变化,因此强烈建议您在接近寻求许可证或认证时查看许可证或认证要求. 我们鼓励您查看州和省心理委员会协会(ASPPB)在线工具, PsyBook (, which summarizes requirements for most states and territories. 我们还鼓励您直接与您有兴趣寻求许可证或认证的州确认州许可要求. 

Based on information provided by ASPPB, 我们已经确定我们目前符合所有州和D的教育要求.C. except California (we do not offer a course in alcoholism/chemical dependency detection and intervention; in addition, 学生应该仔细检查通过我们的实践/实习或实习获得执照前的经验,以满足加利福尼亚州和新泽西州要求的其他特殊主题的最少接触时间(我们不提供足够的人格理论学分)。. 对于我们项目的教育产品不符合特定州对执照或认证的要求的州, students may be required to obtain alternate, different, or more courses, or more experiential or clinical hours required. These findings are accurate, to the best of our knowledge, as of Aug. 1, 2021.

Program Mission

newbb电子平台的项目旨在培养既能提供临床服务又能进行科学研究的研究生, as well as integrating science with clinical practice. 我们力求培养学生成为称职的卫生服务心理学专业人员, within the specialty area of clinical psychology.

Program Learning Objectives

Discipline-Specific Knowledge Base: Educate students about the content issues
that presently define the knowledge base in health service psychology, within the specific specialty area of clinical psychology.

Research and Quantitative Methods in Psychology: 训练学生运用科学的方法论来研究人类行为.

Profession-Wide Competencies: 促进与临床实践相关的基础和功能能力的发展.

Diversity in Clinical Psychology and Practice: 教育学生个体和文化多样性的作用,因为它关系到临床心理学的科学和实践.

Integration of Science and Practice: Promote the integration of science and practice in professional activity, 在实习和准备执照期间,哪些将继续发展.