
心理学 研究生 Student 研究

心理学 Opportunities

请给你有兴趣合作的教师发邮件讨论申请研究生课程. 教师 are listed on the three research focus groups above.

研究生 Student 研究 和 Scholarly 成就


道林 获得了2022-2023年度John Cady冠名奖学金和学生提升奖.


卡梅伦麦基 received a Grant Award from International Network for the Study of Science 和 Belief in Society (through University of Birmingham).

萨曼莎Margherio 获得John Cady命名奖学金,CHADD青年科学家研究奖,Ruth L. 柯施斯坦国家研究服务奖(F31)国家酗酒和酒精中毒研究所, a Psi Chi 研究生研究 Grant.

多米尼克Ysidron received at John Cady Named Fellowship for 2021-2022.


阿什利立筋 获得博士生杰出研究总统奖章, Student Enhancement Award.

莎拉·霍法 获得了进食障碍学生研究学院的资助,以支持她的论文. The project is titled "Examining the Antecedents, 近端结果, 与食物和酒精干扰相关的远端结果:生态瞬时评估设计."

肖恩tam appeared on the PediaCast CME podcast for the episode 题为“Boosting Resilience in Healthcare Workers.“

Abriana格雷沙姆 被选为俄亥俄学生提升奖来支持她的研究. 她的项目名为 “亲密伴侣暴力受害与对夫妻冲突的心理反应.”

丽贝卡Totton received the College of Arts & Sciences Outst和ing Mentor Award.

乔伊·萨德勒·尤斯特 接受了美国心理协会APA Monitor的采访,发表了一篇名为On the Front Lines of Covid-19”. 他还为美国心理协会第12分部:临床心理学协会举办了一次网络研讨会, 题为“Coping with covid-19 in an academic medical center: The role of psychology.他被邀请作为小组成员参加题为“COVID-19大流行的影响:传播”的演讲, 干预, training efforts in a panicked society” at the Association for Behavioral 和 Cognitive Therapies 54th Annual Convention. 他提出:A taxonomy of behavioral emergencies in the general hospital: A comparison of behavioral emergencies pre-covid-19 和 during the covid-19 outbreak在咨询联络精神病学学会2020年年会上说. 最后, 他获得了UVA跨专业合作中心颁发的2020年跨专业合作奖.


约翰Monopoli received a Student Enhancement Award.

吉娜Sacchetti received a Student Enhancement Award.

马克斯·斯莱皮恩 received an American Pain Society Young Investigator Award.

丽贝卡Totton 获心理学及社会问题研究学会(SPSSi)资助. She also received the College of Arts & Science Outst和ing Teaching Assistant Award.

切尔西Hustus was a recipient of the newbb电子平台 College of Arts & Sciences Competitive 研究生 Student 研究 Fund supporting her research. 她的项目名为 “Examining the Impact of Nudging Interventions on Teachers’ Reported Willingness 和 Desire to Use an Evidence-Based Classroom Intervention.”

赖莎雷 accepted a faculty position at Nationwide Children’s Hospital as a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry 和 Behavioral Health at The Ohio State University.

卡特里娜汉密尔顿 received the first place prize in 心理学 at the Student 研究 和 Creative Activity Expo at newbb电子平台 和 also received the first place prize from the Appalachian Institute to Advance Health Equity Science at the Student 研究 和 Creative Activity Expo at newbb电子平台.

安德鲁Manigault received a 研究生 Student 研究 Award from the Society for Health 心理学 和 was one of five students selected for the John Cady 研究生 Fellowship from newbb电子平台.


萨曼莎Margherio received a Student Enhancement Award, an American Psychological Foundation – 研究生 Student Scholarship, a Psi Chi - Mamie Phipps Clark 多样性 研究 Grant.

马特·帕尔曼 received a Collaborative 研究 Award.

特里萨伊根 被选为俄亥俄学生提升奖来支持她的研究. 她的项目名为 “Examining Elementary School Teacher Preferences for School-Based Intervention Characteristics 和 Implementation Supports for Youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.”

谢尔比马丁 was awarded the RSH 论文 Scholarship.

安德鲁Manigault received a College of Arts & Sciences 研究生 Student 研究 Fund Award from newbb电子平台 和 American Psychological Association 论文 研究 Award. 

吉娜Sacchetti 被选为俄亥俄学生提升奖来支持她的研究. 她的项目名为  “Predicting Risky Sexual Behaviors in College Students: A Daily Diary Study.”

卡特里娜汉密尔顿 在他们的春季奖励周期中获得了Psi Chi的研究生研究资助. She was also the recipient of a College of Arts & Sciences 研究生 Student 研究 Fund Award from newbb电子平台 和 American Psychological Association 论文 研究 Award. 

汉娜Kassab 被选为俄亥俄学生提升奖来支持她的研究. 她的项目名为 “运用社会网络分析检验教师实施的社会包容干预的影响.


马克斯·斯莱皮恩 received a Student Enhancement Award.

威尔逊菲格罗亚 在美国心身学会年会上获得学者奖.

赖莎雷 received the 2017 Midwestern Association of 研究生 Schools (MAGS)/ProQuest Distinguished Master’s 论文 Award in the Social Sciences Category.

马修·R. 帕尔曼 获得心理治疗研究协会(SPR)创新研究合作研究基金.

卡特里娜汉密尔顿 获得了美国心理协会的国际旅行补助金.

特里萨伊根 received the Outst和ing Teaching Assistant Award from newbb电子平台.

丽贝卡Totton placed third in the newbb电子平台 3 Minute 论文 Competition.

安德鲁Manigault was selected to receive an 俄亥俄州 Student Enhancement Award. 他还在newbb电子平台的学生研究和创意活动博览会上获得了心理学第二名. 


亚历克斯伍迪 获得2016年APAGS Scott Mesh心理学研究荣誉奖学金. 他还因为他的研究被选为俄亥俄学生进步奖, "A test of the Perseverative Cognition Hypothesis using hair cortisol in a sample of dementia caregivers 和 non-caregiver controls."

萍徐 was selected to attend this year's Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality offered by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin.

克里斯蒂娜卡特 本科生雷切尔·艾利获得阿巴拉契亚农村卫生研究所奖第二名 "A lens model analysis of nutrition judgments" at the recent newbb电子平台 student research expo. 她还被选入第三届博士判断与决策暑期班.D. Students sponsored by the European Association for Decision Making 和 held at the University of Amsterdam in The Netherl和s`.

查尔斯Doan, 利亚哈尔普, 罗斯•罗杰斯 从心理学系被选为艺术学院的受奖人 & Sciences's Outst和ing TA Award.

Verenea塞拉诺 被选为俄亥俄学生提升奖来支持她的研究. 她的项目名为 "Exploring Social Information Processing of Emotion Content 和 its Relationship with Social Outcomes in Youth with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder."

卡特里娜汉密尔顿 被选为俄亥俄学生发展奖,以支持她的研究, "Impact of Lifestyle Changes via the Complete Health Improvement Program on Telomerase Activity 和 Telomere Length in Patients with Chronic Pain."

问麦克林托克安德鲁 was a recipient of the Elsie Ramos First Author Student Poster Award at the Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral 和 Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) in November.

丽莎沉重的一击 was chosen to receive a 研究生 Student Scholarship from the Society for Industrial-Organizational 心理学 (SIOP). 奖学金是为了表彰Lisa的论文开题,题目是 "Exploring the Link between Work-Family Conflict 和 Abusive Supervision."

Jiuqing程 accepted a position as a visiting assistant professor in the 心理学系 at the College of William 和 Mary in Virginia.

德里克·齐格勒 接受了西弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院的终身职位,担任心理学助理教授.


安德鲁Manigault was awarded a 2015-16 Winter Unrestricted Travel grant by Psi Chi for his paper titled "Effects of Mindlessness 和 Rumination in Predicting Cortisol Recovery to an Acute Social-Evaluative Stressor," which he will present at SPSP in San Diego, CA, 1月. 28-30. 他还在newbb电子平台学生研究和创意活动博览会上获得了第一名.

Jiuqing程菲的 work on consumer choice 和 decision making was featured in the 俄亥俄艺术学院 & 科学论坛.

克利夫顿将亚历克斯Holdaway 获得2015年美国心理学会论文研究奖.

本质的河流, a senior psychology major, 被奖励1美元,187 through the Provost 本科 研究 Fund (PURF) to conduct her research on the relationship between emotional intelligence 和 the effects of ostracism. 这笔资金还将用于资助她前往芝加哥出席中西部心理协会会议. 她的研究是和社会心理学研究生, 斯蒂芬妮•史密斯.

Mikayla Barcus 获得了女性数学心理学(WoMP)旅行和网络奖. Funding for this award comes from the National Science Foundation.

阿什利·豪厄尔 was awarded the Donald Clippinger Fellowship. 这是研究生院授予newbb电子平台研究生的五个奖学金之一.

安德鲁·哈尔西 accepted a cognitive scientist position in the Cognitive Modeling Branch of the United States Air Force 研究 Laboratory.

艾伦·戈登 accepted a faculty position in the College of Business at newbb电子平台.

杰森·哈曼 接受了路易斯安那州立大学心理学系助理教授的职位. He was also selected to participate in the Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality at the Max Planck Institute in Berlin.

克雷格高谈阔论, 丽莎沉重的一击, 克利夫顿将 received Student Enhancement 奖 to support their research.

Verenea塞拉诺 was accepted for study in the Ecuador Professional Preparation Program. She will spend part of her 2015 summer in Ecuador providing psychological services to children 和 families 和 enhancing her Spanish speaking competencies for psychological practice.

多丽开花 was selected as the recipient of the 2014-15 College of Arts & Sciences Outst和ing TA Award from the 心理学系. 她在为系里教授广泛的课程的同时,获得了优秀的学生教学评价, including multiple service courses.

Lizz菲永 接受了明尼苏达州立大学曼卡托分校心理学助理教授的职位.


安妮·道森 received an 俄亥俄州 Student Enhancement Award supporting her research. 她的项目名为, "Conflict in Parent-Teacher Relationships: Initial Scale Development."

Twenty-five clinical graduate students provided therapy services, twelve clinical graduate students conducted clinical assessments in the 心理学 和 Social Work Clinic during 2013-14. A total of 141 clients, including 42 community members, received therapy services, 41个客户, including 14 community members, 收到评估.

临床研究生在13个不同的社区环境中接受培训, including sites in Chillicothe, 哥伦布, 加利波利, 杰克逊, 城堡内, 和洛根.

A new clinical traineeship was started that serves 315 economically disadvantaged preschoolers in Meigs 和 Gallia counties.

所有九名寻求APA认证实习的临床博士生都成功找到了一份实习. 这是连续第四年每个临床专业的学生都获得了实习机会. The 心理学系 at newbb电子平台 is one of just 16 graduate programs (out of 262 programs) that can claim that every clinical student who sought an APA accredited internship over the last four years obtained one.


69名研究生或前研究生发表或已接受发表文章, 书, or book chapters with faculty in the 心理学系.


Four graduate students chaired symposia at national conferences.

诺拉Bunford was chosen to receive the 2013 American Psychological Foundation (APF) Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz 研究生 Student Fellowship. 这个著名的奖项为她提供了25,000美元的资金来支持她的论文研究.

艾莉森·莱利·梅纳蒂 was chosen to be Vice Chair of the Early Career Special Special Interest Group of the Anxiety 和 Depression Association of America.

Six graduate students obtained academic positions or prestigious post-doctoral fellowships after graduating from newbb电子平台:

For the third year in a row, 每名临床博士生(N = 9)都成功获得临床实习职位. 鉴于全国范围内的成功率约为75%,这尤其令人印象深刻.

newbb电子平台 honored 8 psychology graduate students:

  • 贾斯汀Weinhardt was received the 2012-13 John Cady Named 研究生 Fellowship, while 蒂娜Dardis was chosen to receive the 2013-14 John Cady Named 研究生 Fellowship.
  • 马修Scanlin received a 研究生 Student Senate Travel Grant Award
  • 伯大尼拉文 获得了俄亥俄州糖尿病研究所的资助和CRSCA自由裁量基金奖.
  • 安道森Jen Kowalsky received newbb电子平台 Student Enhancement Award.
  • 伯大尼拉文香农Pinegar were awarded 研究生 Student Senate Original Work Grants.
  • 伊丽莎白Dyczewski received the 2012-13 Outst和ing Teaching Assistant Award.
  • Jiuqing程 received the Charles J. Ping International Student Leadership Award.