

学生可以获得课程学分(3910)参加旨在服务俄亥俄州东南部居民的活动. 适合喜欢帮助别人的学生, 附近的社区服务和卫生设施为需要帮助的各种个人提供有监督的经验, 包括儿童, 老年人, 精神病患者. These opportunities provide students with work experience, as well as helping them to develop new insights and competencies.

目的: Independent fieldwork as volunteer or employee in work directly related to psychology.

先决条件: Permission is required from the Assistant Chair for 本科 Studies.

信贷: Each credit hour is 3 hours of service each week, or 42 total hours. There is a maximum of 4 credit hours of 3910 work.


心理学系 Off-Campus Projects


注册心理学3910的学生可以在校外进行的活动或项目中获得最多四个学期的学分. 所有许可安排, 课程学分, and 其他 requirements must be approved before commencing the project.

而活动或项目的具体性质则由教师和学生自行决定, 学生所完成的工作质量应达到心理学本科专业课程学分的要求, and that the project work will be a true learning experience in psychology, 不仅仅是一个不熟练的人, routine clerical or manual task that happens to be done in a quasi-psychological setting.

Examples of projects that might be approved are the following: Counselor in a camp for mentally disabled children; research assistant in an insurance company personnel division; psychiatric aide in a mental hospital.

Projects that would be inappropriate might be these: Receptionist or file clerk for a mental hospital; counselor in YMCA camp; clean-up and errand person for veterinarian; dormitory floor counselor.

Forty-two hours of work must be completed for each hour of 3910 credit that is received. 允许的最大学分是4小时. A grade of CR will be given upon completion of the project. These hours count toward a psychology major, 毕业的时候, 但不符合区域A-D的要求. These credits do count as hours above 2000 for Arts & 科学.


表格可从 咨询中心 在波特厅206 (psychadvising@俄亥俄州.edu). 它们也可以从 Dr. 苏珊Tice-Alicke, Assistant Chair for 本科 Studies, (Porter Hall 261, tices@俄亥俄州.edu) or from the main 心理学 office located in Porter Hall 200.


表格A是该项目的招股说明书, wherein the basic agreements are specified as to the nature and duration of the project, 特殊要求(报告), data, 考试, 等.), the Field Supervisor, credits to be earned, 教师 Member who is sponsoring the project, 等. 表格A必须在项目开始前由本科生事务助理主席签署.


In 形式B the Field Supervisor (person who supervises the work, or to whom the student reports on the job), verifies the nature and duration of the project, and judges the quality of the student’s work. He or she should indicate what duties were actually performed and how well they were done. 在他或她的判断中, did the student learn much that was psychologically relevant as a result of the work? In his or her opinion, was such work or activity worthy of earning college academic credit?


项目完成后,学生必须提交表格A和一份2-3页的打印报告,详细说明该机构的性质以及学生在那里的角色. 描述学生从项目中获得的东西以及它如何适合学生的课程或职业计划的陈述也应该是最终报告的一部分. The student should also remind the supervisor to submit 形式B before he or she leaves the agency. 这份报告, 表格A和表格B必须在获得学分的学期期末考试周结束前由本科生事务助理主席收到.


3910, 实地考察 in 心理学 is an independent learning experience, where students volunteer or are employed in work directly related to psychology. This course is not a requirement of the degree, and is graded by credit/non-credit only. Students are expected to complete 42 hours of work for each hour of credit.  课程安排必须在实地考察开始前得到本科研究助理主席的批准. 联系本科研究助理主席或其他教员完成必要的表格. This review provides an overview on the experience of fieldwork in psychology, and options for getting involved within the newbb电子平台 community.

对我有什么好处? 鸟叔3910的好处

心理学的实践学习经验——无论是通过志愿者经历还是就业机会——都可以在帮助学生确定心理学的职业道路方面发挥重要作用. 作为Dornan, Borshuizen, King和Scherpbeir(2007)建议, undergraduates who participate in hands-on learning experiences acquire two important qualities: 1) practical competence and skills; and 2) a state of mind characterized by confidence, 动机, 以及一种职业认同感. Both of these characteristics strengthen students’ credentials for future employment, and help students to identify the type of career they are most interested in.

适合考虑在临床或咨询心理学或其他实践相关领域(如社会工作)研究生学习的学生, 或心理健康咨询)实地工作经验可以帮助你了解哪种类型的客户或与心理健康相关的问题你喜欢(或不喜欢)工作!). 记住,知道你不喜欢做什么和知道你喜欢做什么同样重要! 对一些学生来说, 实地工作甚至可能排除成为心理学实践者的想法,因为个人意识到他们喜欢专业心理学中的其他任务, 比如研究或教学.

While fieldwork can give students exposure to various clinical populations, 以及对心理学家和其他心理健康从业者的任务和角色的幕后一瞥, 对于那些不打算从事心理服务工作的学生来说,实地工作经验也很有用. 事实上, 许多本科生错误地认为,只有那些有朝一日想要“实践”心理治疗或成为心理健康咨询师的人才需要心理学方面的志愿工作! 然而, even if you don’t plan on going into a career as a professional counselor or psychologist, 实地工作可以在提炼职业兴趣和建立一系列职位的就业证书方面发挥关键作用.

事实上,50%的心理学博士学位不是临床心理学或咨询心理学! And the vast majority of psychology majors do not pursue graduate training. 记住这一点, 实地工作可以帮助学生在一系列领域中建立技能,这些技能可以帮助学生在其他领域(如实验心理学)发展研究生学习的证书, 法律, 教育, or criminal justice—as well as employment following completion of an undergraduate degree.

As a result of engaging in fieldwork in psychology, 主管可能会认识你, 你的工作习惯, 你的个性也很好. They may be willing to write letters of recommendation for future employment opportunities. These supervisors may also be able to refer you to 其他 employers and opportunities.


What is most important, however, is finding a volunteer or employment position that either:

  1. 让你接触到这个领域的新方面;
  2. helps you to rule out potential careers;
  3. develops new skills; or
  4. 加强现有技能. 


Whereas some fieldwork experiences have been consistently pursued by previous psychology majors, it is also possible for students to participate in a “new” fieldwork experience. 所有现场工作经验, even if they have been pursued by students in the past, must be approved by the Assistant Chair for 本科 Studies before the fieldwork begins. 联系本科学习助理主席或其他填写必要表格的教员. 要开始,请考虑以下几点:

  1. 利用网络和其他学生的反馈来研究潜在的实地工作经验是什么样的. Many of the organizations have local web pages. Check to see if it looks like an experience that you’d find interesting, 或者这个职位能帮助你了解心理学的潜在职业道路是什么样的. Try to find a position that seems like a good fit for your current goals in career development.
  2. 给组织打电话, introducing yourself as a psychology major who is interested in pursuing volunteer opportunities.
  3. Inquire if they have openings to volunteer at their facility, and if it would be possible to gather more information.
  4. Some organizations will set up a group meeting, 一些组织将设立单独的会议,提供有关其项目的更多信息. 在这些信息发布会期间, assess the fit of the opportunity for your current goals in career

Although fieldwork experiences for course credit are arranged on a semester-by-semester basis, they may also open new avenues for employment within 其他 campus and community organizations. 通过反思实地工作经验如何让你对自己的个人和职业兴趣有了更多的了解, you can be strategic in thinking about what 其他 opportunities will help to further narrow your interests, answer questions you have about the field, or further develop an established interest.

参考文献:Dornan, T.博水岑,H.金,N., & Scherpbier,. (2007). 基于经验的学习:医学生职场学习过程与结果的关联模型. 医学教育,41,84-91.