47.001: Safety, Procurement, Operation, Maintenance, and Disposition of University Vehicles






Joe Adams | Associate Vice President, Risk Management and Safety


Pam Benoit | Executive Vice President and Provost


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. 购买车辆

    大学将根据确定的需求选择特定的车辆和设备及其采购和所有权方法. To ensure safe vehicle operations and minimize the risk to Ohio university and to its employees, 如果对车辆的安全和合法操作有疑问,学校可以在任何时候拒绝任何车辆进入.

  2. 车辆责任

    分配车辆的部门有责任与本政策中确定的大学部门协调,以适当获取车辆, 使用, 护理, 安全运行, 和处理.

    1. 运输和停车服务部门负责通过采购服务采购车辆, 确保所有权和许可, performing pre-purchase inspections and annual safety inspections, receiving vehicle mishap reports, 和处理 of all vehicles.

    2. Environmental health and safety is responsible for oversight of all vehicle safety programs, the mishap and crash review board, and the fifteen-passenger van training program.

    3. newbb电子平台警察局(OUPD)负责记录在其管辖范围内发生的车辆事故和违规行为.

    4. 风险管理办公室负责确保适当的保险范围和处理索赔.

  3. 适当及合法使用

    策划组组长, to which the vehicle is assigned, 或者他或她的指定人, has the responsibility for ensuring that the vehicle is 使用 for official university business. 策划组组长, 或被任命者, 必须建立一个系统来验证所有司机都拥有有效的美国驾照,并且他们的驾驶记录反映了他们在驾驶时的安全行为. 批准 drivers and passengers in university vehicles are limited to employees, 学生, or guests of the university who are on official business. 对于使用学校车辆的人违反交通或停车规定的行为,学校不承担经济责任,对上述违规行为的所有处罚责任由车辆经营者承担. 指定的部门负责建立一个系统,以便在任何特定时间了解和记录指定车辆的司机.

  4. 车辆事故和撞车事故

    车辆的司机有责任妥善保养他们所拥有的车辆. An automobile insurance packet, containing an insurance card and a copy of the "newbb电子平台 Vehicle Crash Report Form" (OUVCRF) shall be in each vehicle.

    In the event of a mishap or crash the driver will check to see if there are injuries, leave the vehicle in place unless doing so presents a risk of further damage or injury, and notify the appropriate law enforcement authority and emergency medical personnel. 驾驶员应在离开事故现场前填写好《newbb电子平台》,并在返回校园后立即交回交通停车服务库. 如果未能立即归还OUVCRF,则可能导致部门或组织承担所有相关费用. 公共交通开发部负责记录在其管辖范围内发生的车辆事故和违规行为.

  5. Driver training, selection, and evaluation

    用人单位应当对所有拟驾驶学校车辆人员的驾驶记录进行核查, 回溯到大学车辆开始运行前的五年以及之后的每年. The employing department is responsible for all aspects of these checks. If a driving record reflects repeated unsafe behavior, the employing department should not allow the driver in question to operate university vehicles. The employing department will make this determination. The crash review board is charged to reduce the incidence of vehicle collisions and ab使用. All departments shall participate in this activity according to established procedures. 所有大学的面包车在运行前都要有一份“面包车司机检查表”的复印件. 15人货车的所有操作员在操作15人货车之前必须接受环境卫生和安全部门进行的货车培训. 7月1日生效, 2012, fifteen-passenger vans are prohibited from being owned, 租赁, 租来的, or in any manner 使用 by the university. Drivers of university vehicles shall review the "Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspection Form" before operating the vehicle. 该大学为商业驾驶执照(CDL)持有人提供初步培训,测试由俄亥俄州提供. For other specialized-使用 vehicles, the university provides any specific training needed.

  6. Vehicle repairs, inspections, and service

    Servicing of vehicles is provided by transportation and parking services. Annual safety inspections shall be performed on all vehicles. 交通和停车服务车库将进行检查,并被授权向有关部门收取费用. If a vehicle is found to be unsafe and the repairs are not authorized, 运输服务经理应持有车辆,并通知部门负责人,在车辆获得安全认证之前,不得操作车辆. In the event of vehicle damage, 该部门必须将车辆交给运输和停车服务部门,以便维修或更换.

    All vehicles are also scheduled for routine 维护 once a year. 交通和停车服务部门将通知每个部门,当特定的车辆需要维修. The cost related to servicing of vehicles will be charged to the owning department. 运输和停车服务部门可以停止使用任何需要维修或安全检查的车辆,直到该部门能够支付这项工作的费用. 经交通和停车服务部门批准,地区校区可以使用当地的维修和检查服务.

  7. 车辆购置

    收购任何新产品, 使用, 捐赠, 或租用汽车, regardless of the method obtained or source of funding or intended 使用, 需要授权部门的副校长或院长(与教务长一起)以及交通和停车服务主任的批准. 在所有既定的审批到位和采购订单发出之前,部门不得承诺购买车辆. “车辆购置表格" must be 使用 for all vehicle acquisition activities.

  8. Receipt, acceptance, and registration of vehicles

    交通和停车服务是所有大学车辆交易的联系点. They maintain all legal documents pertaining to all vehicles. 采购服务部授权车辆的所有权,并与出租人协调登记和发放许可证以及运输和停车服务. 所有由大学拥有或租赁的车辆必须显示由运输和停车服务分配的州车牌. 请求部门负责与采购相关的所有“拥有成本”, 维护, 还有车辆保险. 所有车辆将被输入交通和停车服务数据库,以确保及时进行所需的安全检查和计划的预防性维护. Any transfer of vehicles must utilize the "State Vehicle Reassignment Form."

  9. Return or disposal of vehicles

    运输和停车服务以及搬家和剩余部门将为车辆的处置或转让提供便利,并取消登记和保险, 适当的. 租赁期满或捐赠期满返还的车辆,必须通过运输和停车服务办理. “车辆处置表格" shall be 使用 for all vehicle disposal activities.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Director of Procurement Services

  2. 副控制器

  3. Director of Property Management and Moving Services

  4. 税务合规经理

  5. newbb电子平台 Chief of Police

  6. Associate Vice President for Facilities

  7. 总人力资源主任