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英语 Graduate Courses & Resources

Graduate Handbook

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Calls for Papers

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Reference 链接

  • 理论.org.uk—identity, queer 理论, Butler, Foucault, Adorno & Gramsci, Giddens, 等.
  • 现代 & Contemporary Poetry—A comprehensive, alphabetically-arranged, hyperlinked glossary of poets,诗, poetic movements, poetic terms, 等.
  • 现代 American Poetry—alphabetically-arranged links to poets; poet pages included excerpts of criticism on individual works, biographical info, info on movement(s) or period(s) poet is most commonly associated with
  • Bartleby.com: Great Books Online—Free full text of great books online ... everything from Shakespeare to Stein ... and reference books, too
  • Electronic Poetry Center—info, criticism, and 诗 by and about contemporary poets
  • Perseus Digital 图书馆—A collection of online texts, strong in Greek and Latin texts (in the original and in translation). With additional reference material and occasional online exhibits.

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