
英语 Teaching & 研究生 Assistantships

Teaching Assistantships

获得助教奖学金的研究生可以获得专业发展机会,教授第一年写作和修辞学等课程, Introduction to Literature, Critical Approaches to Poetry, Critical Approaches to Fiction, Critical Approaches to Drama, Advanced Composition, and Technical Writing.

博士候选人也可以从教学文学学徒计划中获得宝贵的经验, 旨在通过与教师一起参与规划,为研究生提供其专业阶段的经验, 设计, and teaching of an advanced undergraduate literature course. Ph.D. 学生也有资格申请教授3000级文学课程的助教职位.

所有的米.A. 教学助理参加写作教学法的研究生培训研讨会, and all teaching associates teach their own courses. 他们还可以在该系的两个计算机教室授课,并作为该系计算机实验室的员工顾问或作为各种项目的助理,获得其他宝贵的经验.

Doctoral and second-year master's students with teaching assistantships teach three courses per academic year (two courses in one semester; one course in the other). 硕士生第一年只教两门课程(每学期一门课程).

研究生 Assistantships

When departmental need permits, 获得助教奖学金的研究生可以额外教授一门超负荷课程(每年不超过一门),并获得额外报酬.

获得助教奖学金的研究生可以在以下职位之一工作, 哪些课程降低了学生对一门或多门课程的教学期望. 每个职位的申请在第二年的春季学期进行. 学生由教师顾问根据他们的能力和资格进行选择.

Assistant Director of Composition

合格的个人包括任何专业的研究生助教和兼职教员. 助理主任每周将工作15个小时,代替授课. (The pay will be equal to teaching a course.有兴趣申请的人应准备一份(不超过)两页的个人简历和一份(不超过)两页的申请信,其中应说明(1)他们对该职位的兴趣, (2) their qualifications for the position, (3)该职位对其职业规划的重要性.

助理署长将协助署长履行以下许多职责, as well as with specific research and teaching tasks:

  • 指导研究生的教学职责和部门政策
  • Designing and implementing TA orientation
  • Serving as a member of the composition committee
  • Scheduling TAs and Instructional 教师 for classes they teach
  • Participating in evaluation of the writing program
  • Other responsibilities as needed, including clerical tasks

研究生 students who are interested should contact Dr. 保罗Shovlin, Director of Composition.

研究生 Assistant for Special 项目 in Creative Writing

创意写作特别项目研究生助理协助协调员策划和开展该项目的年度春季文学节, 其他阅读材料, 讲座, and residencies by distinguished visiting writers; planning and implementing the program's advertising and promotional campaigns, including an eight-page newspaper for the Spring Literary Festival; the 设计, 生产, and distribution of posters; and writing press releases; along with other duties.

研究生 students who are interested in this position should contact 大卫Wanczyk, the Coordinator of Special 项目 in Creative Writing.

球/本科 Creative Writing Liaison 研究生 Assistant

is the Ohio University undergraduate literary magazine. 研究生助理根据需要与本科生编辑和工作人员合作制作和筹款. 另外, 这个人与创意写作主任和本科生研究主任一起工作,旨在在我们的本科生创意写作群体中创建社区, planning special events, advertising and recruiting for CW courses, and relaying information via e-mail and other media channels. 对该职位感兴趣的研究生请联系创意写作主任.

Quarter After Eight Editor-in-Chief

The Editor-in-Chief of Quarter After Eight 该职位为研究生提供了难得的机会来管理全国分布的文学出版物. Responsibilities include directing the aesthetic vision of Quarter After Eight, including making final 编辑器ial decisions; soliciting submissions, and managing the content, 布局, and printing of the journal; acquiring funding through the Ohio Arts Council, the Student Activities Commission, sales; and managing the 编辑器ial, 生产, and reading staff. 高级编辑是从积极参与期刊活动的学生中选出的.

New Ohio Review Assistant Editor

The Assistant Editor assists in the daily operation and administration of New Ohio Review. 在理想的情况下, 这个职位的候选人必须拥有真正的热情,以确保该杂志仍然是全国最好的杂志之一. 他或她也将被鼓励从其他文学杂志上发现的作家那里征集作品. 助理编辑的职责包括但不限于处理收到和发出的信件, including the daily submissions to the magazine; logging and distributing manuscripts to New Ohio Review staff readers and 编辑器s; proofreading; and supervising undergraduate work-study student assistants.

研究生 students who are interested should contact New Ohio Review 编辑器 大卫Wanczyk.


学术进步中心写作辅导项目的写作研究员为来自各个学科的学生提供一对一的写作帮助,这些学生具有广泛的写作能力. The tutoring assistance takes many forms, including helping students get started on writing assignments, providing feedback, 方向, and support during the drafting and revising process, and offering supplemental help in developing proofreading strategies.

另外, 写作研究员定期向教师及其学生提供有关服务的写作辅导报告, both within the classroom and in the Academic Advancement Center. 研究员还必须参加定期的员工会议和培训课程,并可能被要求监督本科生写作导师.

  • 申请人必须是研究生,具有优秀的写作、阅读和思维能力.
  • 申请人必须能够展示写作过程的知识,并能够将这些知识传达给他人. Strong organizational, 人际关系, and oral communication skills are required, as is the ability to constructively assess student writing at all stages.
  • Applicants need to be able to keep thorough and detailed records. Second-year or beyond graduate students preferred.

研究生 students who are interested should contact 大卫Haugen.