

  • 有写作经验的人更有市场
  • 在研究生申请方面增加了专业知识

教师联系: Dr. Talinn菲利普斯

证书的代码: CTWRIT





The 写证书 provides students of all majors (except 英语) the opportunity to enhance their writing abilities and have this expertise appear as a credential on their transcripts. There is a national demand for employees who have strong skills in writing. 例如, a survey of employers conducted for the Association of American Colleges and Universities revealed that 89 percent of those surveyed identified the ability to communicate effectively as a key intellectual skill for successful employees. This certificate provides a vehicle for enhancing the intellectual and personal development of students by allowing them to strengthen their writing skills and, 同时, explore new topics and issues related to their personal interests.

学生必须获得B (3).0) or better in each of the courses that count toward the 写证书.

英语 majors cannot participate in the 写证书 program.


The writing certificate will demonstrate that a student in any major has added experience in writing, 从而增加了一个学生?S整体适销性. 除了, the certificate will benefit students who plan to apply to graduate programs, as it will signify additional experience with writing in their own fields, 以及整个课程.


Students can add the 写证书 by completing the College of Arts & 科学”申请更新学术课程.“请联系证照主任, Dr. Talinn菲利普斯,有问题或与证书有关的建议.







写作证书*至少需要18个小时. 学生必须获得B (3).0) or better in each of the courses that count toward the writing certificate.


注:初级作文豁免, 比如基于豁免考试的考试, 转移信用, 荣誉教程豁免, 或AP英语成绩, do not count toward the credits required for the 写证书 core courses.


  • ENG 2800 - Expository Writing and the 研究 Paper Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 2820 - Writing 关于 Literature as Social Action Credit Hours: 3
  • 英语3820 -写作类型学分:3
  • 英语3850 -文化与社会写作学时:3
  • eng3860 -新媒体作曲学时:3

Complete one of the following Junior 英语 Composition courses to meet the General Education Tier 1 requirement:

  • ART 3000J -视觉艺术批评
  • ENG 3060J -女性与写作学时:3
  • ENG 3050J - Advanced Multilingual Writing and Rhetoric Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3070J - Writing and 研究 in 英语 Studies Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3080J -写作与修辞II学时:3
  • ENG 3090J -科学写作学时:3
  • ENG 3100J - Writing 关于 Environmental Sustainability Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3030J - Writing, Reading, and Rhetoric in the Professions Credit Hours: 3
  • 电影3440J -实践的电影批评学时:3
  • HIST 3111J -历史研究与写作学时:3
  • HLTH 3400J - Grant Writing for Public Health Sciences Credit Hours: 3
  • IART 3600J -艺术写作学时:3
  • JOUR 4410J -杂志特色写作学分:3
  • MGT 3100J - The Social, Legal, and Ethical Responsibilities of Business Credit Hours: 3
  • ML 3210J -两种语言写作学分:3
  • ML 3270J -翻译写作学时:3
  • PBIO 4180J - Writing for the Science 研究er Credit Hours: 3
  • POLS 3050J - Writing on Political Science Topics Credit Hours: 3
  • REC 3700J -写作娱乐研究学时:3


你也可以完成大学学业?s junior-level composition requirement by passing two junior composition equivalency (JE) courses within your program of study, or by passing one JE course within your program of study and one JE course outside your program of study, 由你所在部门/学校批准. 您可以在学习计划之外使用两门乙脑课程, providing both courses are approved by your departments/school.


完成以下课程的6个学分. 请注意,必须有两个或两个以上的学术领域. Also note that other departments may add new J or JE courses to the curriculum each year. The 写证书 Director can approve electives substitutions of any university-designated J or JE courses that have not yet been listed below.

  • ART 3000J -视觉艺术批评
  • CE 4000 - Societal Concerns in Civil Engineering Credit Hours: 3
  • CE 4280 - Experimental Methods in Civil Engineering Credit Hours: 3
  • CHE 2010 -质量和能量平衡II学时:3
  • CHE 4110 -单位操作实验室I学时:3
  • CLAS 2340 -古典神话学时:3
  • CLAS 2530 - Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World Credit Hours: 3
  • CLAS 2550 - Pagan to Christian in Late Antiquity Credit Hours: 3
  • 希腊悲剧和喜剧学时:3
  • CLWR 2220 - Difficult Dialogues: Religion, Gender and Sexuality Credit Hours: 3
  • CLWR 3330 -介绍伊斯兰教学时:3
  • CLWR 3340 -印度教学时:3
  • CLWR 3360 -宗教理论学时:3
  • CLWR 4330 -政治伊斯兰学时:3
  • CLWR 4340 - Sufism-Mysticism and Asceticism in Islam Credit Hours: 3
  • CLWR 4410 -当代宗教思想
  • COMS 3400 - Introduction to Health Communication Credit Horus: 3
  • COMS 3500 - Introduction to Organizational Communication Credit Hours: 3
  • COMS 3600 - Introduction to Communication in Public Advocacy Credit Hours: 3
  • COMS 3603 - Contemporary Culture and Rhetoric Credit Hours: 3
  • COMS 3620 - Rhetorical Analysis and Criticism Credit Hours: 3
  • COMS 4630 -修辞和电子媒体学时:3
  • EDEC 3120 - Observing young Children for Reading Strategies and Skills Credit Hours: 3
  • EDEC 4200 - Philosophy and Theories of Child Development and Education Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3050J -高级多语言写作
  • ENG 3060J -女性与写作学时:3
  • ENG 3070J - Writing and 研究 in 英语 Studies Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3080J -写作与修辞II学时:3
  • ENG 3090J -科学写作学时:3
  • ENG 3100J - Writing 关于 Environmental Sustainability Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3840J - Writing, Reading, and Rhetoric in the Professions Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3610 -创意写作:小说学时:3
  • 英语3620 -创意写作:诗歌学分:3
  • ENG 3630 -创意写作:非小说学时:3
  • 英语实习学时:1.0-9.0
  • 电影3430 -编剧学时:3
  • 电影3440J -实践的电影批评学时:3
  • 地理3250 -政治地理学时:3
  • GEOG 3260 -城市地理学时:3
  • 地理3270 -社会地理学时:3
  • 地理3310 -非洲地理学时:3
  • GEOG 4450 - Gender, Environment, and Development Credit Hours: 3
  • GEOL 3500 -地层-沉积学学时:3
  • GEOL 4510 -成岩作用学时:3
  • GEOL 4520 -沉积环境学时:3
  • 地球动力学:地球?s内部学时:3
  • GEOL 4940 -高级论文学时:1.0-5.0
  • HIST 3111J -历史研究与写作学时:3
  • HIST 3143 - American Social and Cultural 历史, 1820-1890 Credit Hours: 3
  • HIST 3202 -美国妇女健康和医学.S. 学时:3小时
  • HIST 3232 -巴西历史学时:3
  • HIST 3270 -美洲的奴隶制学时:3
  • HLTH 3400J - Grant Writing for Public Health Sciences Credit Hours: 3
  • IART 3600J -艺术写作学时:3
  • ISE 2100 -数据管理和显示学分:3
  • ISE 3340 -工作设计学时:3
  • JOUR 3310 -报告公共问题学时:3
  • 课程3630 -回顾与批评学时:3
  • JOUR 3700 - Advertising and Public Relations Writing Credit Hours: 3
  • JOUR 4410J -杂志特色写作学分:3
  • JOUR 4700 -体育写作学分:3
  • LAT 3110 -拉丁散文和诗歌I学分:3
  • LAT 3120 -拉丁散文和诗歌II学分:3
  • LAT 4900 - Special Topics in Latin Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • MDIA 2200 - Script Analysis and Production Planning Credit Hours: 3
  • MDIA 2201 -短形式媒体编剧学时:3
  • MDIA 3201 -编剧:改编学分:3
  • ME 3510 -计算机辅助设计学时:3
  • me4880 -实验设计实验室学时:3
  • MGT 3100J - The Social, Legal, and Ethical Responsibilities of Business Credit Hours: 3
  • ML 3210J -两种语言写作学分:3
  • ML 3270J -翻译写作学时:3
  • PBIO 4180J - Writing for the Science 研究er Credit Hours: 3
  • PBIO 4941 - 本科研究/Written Presentation Credit Hours: 1.0-4.0
  • PBIO 4945H -论文学时:2.0-4.0
  • POLS 3050J - Writing on Political Science Topics Credit Hours: 3
  • REC 3700J -写作娱乐研究学时:3
  • THAR 1730 - Fundamentals of Play Analysis and Playwriting Credit Hours: 3
  • THAR 2510 -戏剧写作导论学时:3
  • THAR 3510 -剧本修改技术学时:3
  • THAR 3511 -剧本风格和声音学分:3
  • THAR 4510 -高级剧本写作学时:3
  • THAR 4520 -戏剧写作高级项目学时:3
  • WGSS 4800 - Capstone in Women's and Gender Studies Credit Hours: 3
  • WGSS 4810J -写作性别学时:3

*The 写证书 curriculum was revised for the 2018-19 University Catalog. Students who entered the certificate under previous catalogs can find their requirements by consulting their DARS or the appropriate University Catalog on the Registrar's website.