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English—Creative Writing Major B.A.

詹姆斯·克里斯曼(James Chrisman) 15岁,大学英语专业荣誉辅导班学生,2014-15年度《newbb电子平台》编辑.
詹姆斯·克里斯曼(James Chrisman) 15岁,大学英语专业荣誉辅导班学生,2014-15年度《newbb电子平台》编辑.
  • Apprenticeship and internship opportunities
  • Workshops with renowned authors
  • Preparation for M.A. or M.F.A. programs in Creative Writing or Law School
  • Preparation for careers in publishing, digital publishing, business, marketing, newspaper and magazines, government, and more
  • Sphere, a literary journal run by and for undergraduates

Faculty contact: Dr. Carey Snyder

Admission Information

Degree Requirements

Major code: BA5232

创意写作课程为学生提供一系列的入门课程, intermediate, and advanced workshops in poetry, fiction, and nonfiction. 创意写作专业的本科生将选择参加三个写作工作坊, in addition to a Form & Theory course. Creative Writing majors, 与一群杰出的核心专业作家密切合作, 能丰富他们的文学背景提供了一个严格的学徒对他们的手艺.

此外,该项目还定期邀请作家到校园进行驻留、研讨会和阅读. 每年,五位著名作家被邀请参加为期三天的春季文学节. 这些访问为学生的工作坊体验提供了独特的补充.

Many undergraduates publish their writing in Sphere (本科生文学杂志),而其他人则获得了宝贵的编辑经验. 大学生作家定期组织正式和非正式的阅读自己的作品.

本科创意写作专业的学生继续在M.F.A. and/or Ph.D. programs in Creative Writing. Many have gone on to publish their work.

Program Overview

In the English – Creative Writing major, students engage with genres of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry from the inside out, 通过生成和修改自己的工作,以及密切探索如何发表的工作使用工艺技术.

All creative writing students participate in workshops led by nationally recognized writers which focus on understanding and constructing different literary forms; to achieve these goals, 工作坊强调对知名作家的文本的研究,以及学生对自己创作过程的实验. 该专业也足够灵活,可以满足你自己的兴趣和目标:学生可以在文学课程中完成最多12个必修小时, rhetoric, or literary theory, 或者将这些与学徒或实习经历结合起来.

确保雇主和研究生院对任何英语专业毕业生所期望的技能和知识的坚实基础, 英语-创意写作专业包括英语核心分析, research, and literary history. 

Careers and Graduate School

经过强调批判性思维和分析性阅读以及多种写作体裁的课程, 英语-创意写作专业的学生和其他英语专业的学生一样,在毕业时享有各种各样的机会.

我们的许多毕业生继续攻读研究生课程,不仅仅是M.A. or M.F.A. 创意写作课程,还有信息科学、教育或法律课程. Others work in publishing, web content development, grant-writing and community organizing, advertising, or other creative industries. 投资于发展自己的创造力,以及这个学位所要求的全面教育, 英语创意写作的学生可以面对21世纪意想不到的挑战st-century job market with confidence.

那些拥有创意写作学位的潜在雇主包括, but are certainly not limited to, newspaper and magazine organizations, the entertainment industry, government agencies, institutions of higher education, public and private K-12 schools, publishing companies, marketing agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, etc.

浏览数十个实习机会和全职工作发布为newbb电子平台的学生和校友 Handshake, OHIO's key resource for researching jobs, employers, workshops, and professional development events.

Admission Information

Freshman/First-Year Admission: 除大学入学要求外,注册英语专业没有其他要求.

Change of Program Policy: 对于目前就读于newbb电子平台的学生来说,转到英语专业需要2分.0 GPA. 选择转到英语创意写作专业的学生应联系英语系本科学习主任寻求帮助. Students who wish to add an English major in addition to another major program should seek assistance from the director of undergraduate studies; students with a second major outside the College of Arts and Sciences will be responsible for meeting the degree requirements of both the English – Creative Writing major and the College of Arts and Sciences.

External Transfer Admission: 适用于目前就读于newbb电子平台以外院校的学生, 转到英语专业除了大学入学要求外没有其他要求. 学生应联系英语系本科学习主任寻求帮助.

Degree Requirements

  • Major code BA5232

University-wide Graduation Requirements


Liberal Arts and Sciences Distribution Requirement

View the 艺术学院的大学水平要求 & Sciences.

English Hours Requirement

For a B.A. degree with a major in English - Creative Writing , 学生必须完成总共42个学期的英语课程学分.

Intercultural Foundations

Complete the following course:

  • ENG 1100 - Crossing Cultures with Text Credit Hours: 3

Literary Reading

Complete one of the following courses:

  • 2010 -散文、小说和非小说导论 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 2020 - Introduction to Poetry and Drama Credit Hours: 3

British or American Literature I

Complete one of the following courses:

  • ENG 2510 - British Literature I Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 2530 - American Literature I Credit Hours: 3

British or American Literature II

Complete one of the following courses:

  • ENG 2520 - British Literature II Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 2540 - American Literature II Credit Hours: 3

Intercultural Breadth

Complete one course from the following:

  • ENG 3240 - Jewish American Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3250 - Women’s Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3260 - Queer Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3270 - Queer Rhetorics and Writing Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3370 - Black Literature to 1930 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3380 - Ethnic American Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • 黑人文学从1930年到现在 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3450 - Intercultural Adaptations Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3550 - Global Literature Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3850 - Writing About Culture and Society Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4660 - International Authors Credit Hours: 3

Writing and Research

Complete the following course:

  • ENG 3070J -英语写作与研究 Credit Hours: 3

Senior Seminar

Complete one of the following courses:

  • ENG 4600 - Topics in English Studies Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4640 - British Authors Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4650 - American Authors Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4660 - International Authors Credit Hours: 3

Creative Writing Workshops


  • ENG 3610 - Creative Writing: Fiction Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3620 - Creative Writing: Poetry Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3630 - Creative Writing: Nonfiction Credit Hours: 3


  • ENG 3950 - Creative Writing Workshop: Nonfiction Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 3960 - Creative Writing Workshop: Short Story Credit Hours: 3
  • 中级创意写作工作坊:诗歌 Credit Hours: 3


  • ENG 4860 - Advanced Workshop in Fiction Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4870 - Advanced Workshop in Poetry Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4880 - Advanced Workshop in Nonfiction Credit Hours: 3

Creative Writing Form and Theory

Complete one of the following courses:

  • ENG 4810 -文学类型的形式和理论:小说 Credit Hours: 3
  • 英语4820 -形式和文学流派理论:诗歌 Credit Hours: 3
  • ENG 4830 -形式和文学流派理论:非小说 Credit Hours: 3

Major Electives

完成三个额外的英语课程至少九个小时,不包括eng2800, ENG 3***J, ENG 4510, ENG 4520, ENG 4911, and ENG 4912. Six hours may be at the 2000-level or higher; three hours must be at the 3000-level or higher.