
英语奖学金 & 金融援助

本科生奖学金 & 奖


获得助教奖学金的研究生可以获得专业发展机会,教授第一年写作和修辞学等课程, 文学概论, 诗歌的批评方法, 小说的批评方法, 戏剧的批判方法, 高级写作, 和技术写作.



英语系为学生提供建议 newbb电子平台财政援助办公室 关于几个奖学金获得者的办公室, 数额取决于捐赠的收益.



霍利斯·萨默斯奖学金适用于任何级别的英语专业学生. 申请人应提交以下材料:求职信, including a campus address and telephone number; a current DARS report; a one-page statement explaining how the applicant's circumstances fit the specifications of this particular scholarship; a writing sample (of no more than five pages) representing his or her strongest work in an 英语 class. 选择是基于学术成绩.


玛丽亚·格罗弗·切林顿奖学金适用于居住在俄亥俄州的任何级别的英语专业学生. 申请人应提交以下材料:求职信, including a campus address and telephone number; a current DARS report; a one-page statement explaining how the applicant's circumstances fit the specifications of this particular scholarship; a writing sample (of no more than five pages) representing his or her strongest work in an 英语 class. 选择是基于学术成绩.

柏妮丝克. 艾西格英语奖学金

伯尼斯G. Essig奖学金适用于newbb电子任何级别的英语专业学生, 优先考虑来自俄亥俄州的女学生. 申请人应提交以下材料:求职信, including a campus address and telephone number; a current DARS report; a one-page statement explaining how her or his circumstances fit the specifications of this particular scholarship; a writing sample (of no more than five pages) representing his or her strongest work in an 英语 class. 申请人必须在学生经济援助办公室提交FAFSA,以确定经济需求. 选择是基于学术成绩和经济需要.


弗吉尼亚·奈特纪念奖学金适用于任何级别的英语专业学生, 优先考虑雅典县居民. 申请人应提交以下材料:求职信, including a campus address and telephone number; a current DARS report; a one-page statement explaining how the applicant's circumstances fit the specifications of this particular scholarship; a writing sample (of no more than five pages) representing his or her strongest work in an 英语 class. 选择是基于学术成绩.


乔伊斯·达勒姆英语奖学金是为进入大学最后一年的英语专业学生提供的, 总分至少3分.5平均绩点. 优先考虑来自代顿的学生, 然后是蒙哥马利县, 然后是俄亥俄州的居民. 1)计划从事教育事业或2)对妇女文学或非裔美国文学表现出浓厚兴趣的学生将被优先考虑. 申请人应提交以下材料:求职信, including a campus address and telephone number; a current DARS report; a one-page statement explaining how the applicant?s circumstances fit the specifications of this particular scholarship; and a writing sample (of no more than five pages) representing his or her strongest work in an 英语 class. 选择是基于学术成绩.


凯利·玛丽·汤博纪念奖学金是为来自俄亥俄州的任何级别的英语专业学生提供的, 优先考虑那些专注于创意写作的人. 申请人应提交以下材料:求职信, including a campus address and telephone number; a current DARS report; a one-page statement explaining how the applicant's circumstances fit the specifications of this particular scholarship; a creative writing sample (of no more than five pages) representing his or her strongest work in an 英语 class.


奖学金的可用性和具体金额每年都有所不同. 直接提出所有问题并提交所有申请至 Dr. 约瑟夫·麦克劳克林,奖学金委员会主席.