
心理学 Career Path: Industrial-Organizational 心理学


  • Corporate Vice-President, Director, Manager, Staff Member of Organizational Development (M.S., Ph.D.)
  • President, Vice-President, Director, Consultant in private research or consulting companies (M.S., Ph.D.)
  • Professor of 心理学, Management, Organizational Behavior, or Industrial Relations (M.S., Ph.D.)


  • 产业组织心理学[M].S., Ph.D.)


To become more involved in industrial-organizational psychology or learn about the profession, 以下是学生可以做的:

  1. 访问APA第14分部 Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学,以了解更多有关该领域职业的信息
  2. 在相关的商业环境中获得工作.
  3. Complete coursework in industrial-organizational psychology.
  4. Schedule a meeting with an industrial-organizational psychologist to discuss the profession.


The purpose of the Industrial-Organizational (I-O) psychology career pathway is to provide students with a comprehensive background in psychology while insuring that students who want to become I-O psychologists complete the coursework necessary for graduate programs in I-O psychology.

I-O psychology is a branch of psychology concerned with the development and application of scientific principles in the workplace. According to the Society for Industrial and Organizational 心理学, I-O psychologists contribute to organizational success by improving the performance and well-being of the organization’s employees. 更具体地说, an I-O psychologist researches and identifies how individual and organizational behaviors and attitudes can be improved through hiring practices, 培训项目, 反馈系统.

An I-O psychologist may engage in a number of different activities including developing systems for hiring, motivating, training, 了解工作中的人. 另外, 他们可能参与开发测试, 推广系统, 和调查, 或者从事调查分析, 工作分析, 组织设计. The products and programs created by I-O psychologists can have a significant impact on the members of an organization and on the performance of the organization.

Many job opportunities exist for individuals with master’s degrees as well as doctorate degrees in I-O psychology. I-O psychologists are often teachers, researchers, consultants, or managers. 成为一名I-O心理学家, a student should attend a master’s or doctoral degree program in industrial-organizational psychology upon completion of his or her bachelor’s degree.


Students who are interested in pursuing a career in industrial-organizational psychology should be sure to work with an adviser to develop an academic plan that is tailored to their interests. The plan should lead to the completion of coursework that is useful for admission to a graduate program in industrial-organizational psychology.


In addition to the suggestions for the child development career pathway, be sure to complete all other university and college requirements, 包括外语要求.

The center staff recommend beginning the foreign language requirement in the first year. NOTE: Students may begin with a class higher than 1110 depending on foreign language placement test results. It is possible to place out of the foreign language requirement. Therefore, it is recommended that students take the placement test for any foreign language completed in high school.


以下课程是 强烈推荐 for students planning on pursuing a graduate degree in degree in industrial-organization psychology:

  • PSY 2720人格心理学(3)
  • PSY 3110高级统计(4)
  • PSY 3120测试 & 测量(3)
  • 鸟叔3330人类的判断 & 决策(3)
  • PSY 3420 & Aging (3)
  • PSY 3440性别心理学(3)
  • PSY 3510动机(3)
  • PSY 3610工业 & 组织心理学(3)
  • PSY 3620 Advanced 组织心理学(3)
  • PSY 3630人事心理学(3)
  • 职业健康心理学(3)


Below are additional courses outside of the 心理学系 that may be relevant to those interested in industrial-organizational psychology.

  • COMS 1030 Fundamentals in Public Speaking (3)
  • SOC 1000社会学入门(3)
  • SOC 3350经济社会学(3)
  • SOC 4190组流程(3)
  • SOC 4300组织社会学(3)
  • SOC 4330工作社会学(3)
  • ECON 1000经济学概览(3)
  • 微观经济学原理(3)
  • 行为经济学(3)
  • 产业组织(3

Note: Be sure to check prerequisites for all coursework.


A business minor is not required for students who wish to enter human resources, but an understanding of business is desirable, especially for those students who expect to be employed in a business setting following completion of their degree. 总共15个学时和2个学分.辅修商科的学生平均绩点必须为0. Note: Non-business majors are limited to 29 hours of coursework in the College of Business.

With the newbb电子平台 人力资源 Certificate from the College of Business, you will learn how to work effectively on project teams, 成功完成复杂任务, and meet strategic and operational objectives.


Whether or not students complete the business minor, they should consider coursework in management and human resource management, 包括下列任何课程:

  • 管理入门(3)
  • MGT 2590战略领导力(3)
  • MGT 2640跨文化有效性(3)
  • 人力资源管理(3)
  • 组织行为学(3)
  • MGT 3500 Theories of Organizational Effectiveness (3)
  • 管理员工关系(3)
  • 管理中的性别问题(3)
  • 管理决策(3)

Note: Be sure to check prerequisites for all coursework.


It is 强烈推荐 that students interested in child and developmental psychology participate in research in a psychology lab and engage in fieldwork in settings related to the student’s particular area of interest.