


  • 零售销售员(B).A.)
  • 销售经理(B).A.)
  • 销售代表(B).A.)
  • 校友关系(B).A.)


  • 工商管理(MBA)


To become more involved in sales or learn about the profession, here is what students can do:

  1. 参观组织,如 Manufacturers’ Representatives Education 研究 Foundation 了解更多关于这个领域的职业.
  2. 在相关的商业环境中获得工作.
  3. Schedule a meeting with a professional sales representative to discuss the profession.


Effectiveness in selling requires a number of important characteristics, including the ability to interact and communicate with people effectively. These skills are often associated with being successful in the field of psychology. Although poorly paid retail sales positions often come to mind when one thinks of sales, there are sales management positions and professional sales positions that are often lucrative. These positions are primarily as wholesale or manufacturing representatives. One may even become certified as a sales professional through various organizations, such as the Manufacturers' Representatives Education 研究 Foundation. 获得证书, normally one must complete a certain amount of training and pass an examination.

促销活动 often occurs in the form of assignment transfer to a larger account or territory where commissions are expected to be greater. Those with good sales records and leadership may advance to positions such as supervisor, 经理, 或是销售副总裁. Others who demonstrate research skills may find opportunities in purchasing, 广告, 或者市场调研.

Sales representatives can either work directly for a manufacturer or wholesaler or they may work with an independent sales agency. Experienced sales representatives working directly for a manufacturer or wholesaler may advance as sales trainers and instruct new employees on selling techniques and company policies and procedures. Some leave the manufacturer or wholesaler to start their own independent sales company.

The purpose of this track is to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of psychology while also providing students who want a central focus on the application of psychological principles to sales with the appropriate coursework.


Students who are interested in pursuing a career in sales should be sure to work with an adviser to develop an academic plan that is tailored to their interests. The plan should lead to the completion of coursework that is useful for employment in an entry-level job in sales or for admission to a graduate program in psychology or business.


In addition to the suggestions for the sales track, be sure to complete all other university and college requirements, 包括外语要求.

The center staff recommend beginning the foreign language requirement in the first year. NOTE: Students may begin with a class higher than 1110 depending on foreign language placement test results. It is possible to place out of the foreign language requirement. 因此, it is 推荐 that students take the placement test for any foreign language completed in high school.


以下课程是 高度 推荐 for students planning on pursuing a graduate degree in the sales field:

  • PSY 3510动机(3)
  • PSY 3610 Industrial/Organizational 心理学 (3)
  • PSY 3620 Advanced Organizational 心理学 (3)
  • PSY 3630人事心理学(3)


Students should consider completing additional relevant coursework, including courses in oral communication (School of Communication), 书面交流(英语系), 社会行为学(社会学系), organizational behavior (Management Department), 经济学(经济系), and labor law (Political Science Department). Students should consult with an adviser to develop a curricular plan tailored to their own needs and interests.

注意: Be sure to check prerequisites for all coursework.


It is 高度 推荐 that students interested in Rehabilitation Counseling participate in research in a psychology lab and engage in fieldwork in settings related to the student?我特别感兴趣的领域.


A business minor is not required for students who wish to enter human resources, but an understanding of business is desirable, especially for those students who expect to be employed in a business setting following completion of their degree. 总共15个学时和2个学分.辅修商科的学生平均绩点必须为0. 注意: Non-business majors are limited to 29 hours of coursework in the College of Business.


Students from any college may earn a sales certificate from The Ralph and Luci Schey Sales Centre in the College of Business. At the present time, students may earn six different certificates:

  • The 销售证书 with a Professional Focus
  • 以零售为重点的销售证书
  • 有媒体关注的销售证书
  • The 销售证书 with a Financial Services Focus
  • The 销售证书 with a Sport Management Focus
  • 技术重点销售证书

入学 into the sales certificate program is competitive.

注意: Non-business majors are limited to 29 hours of coursework in the College of Business.