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Sustainability Core: Administrative Support

Core: Administrative Support


Administrative Support category, SCAP

2017年行政支持信息图表概述了2011年可持续发展基准和2026财年新目标的进展情况. AASHE STARS Gold is a rating from the 高等教育可持续发展促进协会(AASHE)可持续发展跟踪评估和评级系统(STARS).  Gold is the second highest rating; as of 2019 only 4 institutions have the highest rating, Platinum. Click the tabs below to learn more!


  • 基准6:研究所年度可持续发展概况跟踪和评估过程. Target met; tracking & assessment process exists.​

  • 基准10:将可持续发展目标和宗旨纳入资本活动. Target not met; no capital campaign has started since plan was created.​

Administrative Support Graphics


上面的图表显示了newbb电子平台与其他STARS项目的比较. 如上所示,newbb电子平台远高于全国平均水平.

Ohio University Emissions Breakdown

上图显示了可持续发展办公室工作人员的碳排放量分类. 有趣的事实:newbb电子平台的学生、教师和工作人员的平均排放量为4.每年每全职当量(FTE)排放35公吨二氧化碳.

2017 Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Goal #1

目标1:实现对创新和稳健的可持续性规划的认可, coordination and governance by increasing Ohio University's STARS rating from Silver to Gold; thereby, 提高其国家可持续性排名.

Potential Strategies​

  • 利用可持续发展中心将俄亥俄州可持续发展转变为模式参与生态系统

  • 申请国家可持续发展排名和奖项

  • Plan and implement compelling sustainability events; encourage green events in campus/community ​

  • Increase marketing of sustainability events; initiatives and achievements to OHIO campuses; communities and alumni​

  • Track and third-party verify carbon, nitrogen, 通过国际公认的报告协议排放空气污染物

  • 维护所有其他内部和外部可持续发展承诺的报告

Benefits of Goal #1

  • Increased positive reputation
  • Reduced emissions
  • Increased social engagement

Costs of Goal #1

  • Staff time
  • Operation and management costs

2017 Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Goal #2


Potential Strategies​

  • Review best practices for resiliency & 其他机构的可持续性整合

  • 为首席设施官提出建议

Benefits of Goal #2

  • Reduced operating expense
  • Reduced risk
  • Reduced emissions
  • Increased positive reputation

Costs of Goal #2

  • Staff time
  • Operation and management costs

2017 Sustainability & Climate Action Plan Goal #3

目标2:通过将支出增加到10美元,为普通基金以外的可持续发展倡议建立筹资机制,000 per year.

Potential Strategies​

  • Collaborate with Advancement to develop a philanthropic case for sustainability; continue to promote sustainability in annual giving materials ​​

  • Apply for grant funding​

  • Create sustainability revolving loan fund​

Benefits of Goal #3

  • Creates a source of capital funds
  • Reduced emissions
  • Increased reputation and enrollment

Costs of Goal #3

  • Staff time
  • Operation and management costs

Current Data



Sustainability Hubs


Sustainability Reporting

可持续发展办公室根据内部和外部承诺发布各种报告, 包括通过“第二自然”进行年度温室气体清单, a tri-annual AASHE STARS report, 以及向newbb电子平台可持续发展委员会和newbb电子平台董事会提交的年度内部报告.

Sustainability Events

可持续发展办公室每年都会举办许多活动, 包括在九月第三周举办的污染防治周等标志性活动, and Earth Month in April.  可持续发展网站也是 Green Events Guide.

Sustainability Marketing

可持续发展办公室每两周出版一份通讯(sign up link) and uses the Calendar of University Events 和社交媒体(Facebook、Instagram)来推广可持续发展活动. 

Sustainability Funding

可持续发展办公室有一个大学基金会账户,为可持续发展倡议和学生项目提供资金.  Donations for this account are accepted at all times.

可持续发展工作人员定期提交奖助金或参与奖助金提交, 经常为从事可持续发展研究、推进可持续发展和气候行动计划目标的教员提供支持信.

OHIO Experts

Elaine Goetzgoetze@mediagate-egy.netadministration of Office of Sustainability
Sam Crowlcrowls1@mediagate-egy.net可持续发展活动和营销管理
Ryan Fogtfogtr@mediagate-egy.netClimate & Sustainability Ambassadors adminstration
Kyle Butlerbutlerk@mediagate-egy.netCampus as Classroom administration
Jesus Paganpaganj@mediagate-egy.net可持续发展资金和劳动力发展管理
Kim Thompsonthompsk3@mediagate-egy.net绿色基础设施和绿色屋顶管理